JoNatHaN KhAe HoAnG RoGeR JaSoN KeLLy ToNy LiNdA NaRiN AnTiOnE VaNaLy ToNy ChRiS TiNa LeO MyKo AlLaN NaThAn NiNg JaCkY JoSh MaI BaD If I FoGOt U HiT MeEh Up N I WiLl Put it up


You drive an Integra Type R. You are savy, stylish, and down
to earth. Although sometimes on a budget, you are ahead of
most cars in performance and handling, and you are the
envy of most Civic drivers.

Find out which car you drive!

click HERE to see what kinda druggie you are!

Take the Place InBetween personality test here! by

Which rugrat are you?Click to take the quiz!
click here to find out which asian action superstar you are!

You are Jackie Chan! you like to take risks. you livefor the moment. you are a thrill-seeker. At heart, you`rea really nice person.
you funny, charasmatic and full of energy. although sometimes your goofness gets you into trouble, your
drunken boxing skills are fabulous! just bring a pot of rice wine with you.
Which High School Label Do You Fit?

Okay, so these don`t really exist in high schools, but I needed content for the quiz. Shut up.

Take the test at [clinically insane]
Which "Dead" Artist Are You?

Take the quiz at [clinically insane]

Take the Final Fantasy X personality test here! by

I am

a young powerful karate warrior. i used to inherit
martial style from my grandfather and mother, but later
i learned ancient karate style. i have evil power
within myself, but i also have a gentle heart
from my deceased mother.

take Which Tekken Character Are You test!

Take the M&M`s Test @ Rasberry Rain ReFrEsH GuEsTbOoK

WeLcOmEToOh MaI gHeTtO a$$ PaGe! SaVeMe As A FrIeNdN DuNt FoRgEt ToOh LiCk Da g-SpOt! i`LL dO dA SaMe! AiGhT dEn PeYcE!! UnDEr CoNsTuCtIoN NaMe: PhAtAyA BkA: Shorty, potatoe AgE: 15 DOB: MaRcH 10, 1987 SeX: Fo ShO AnY WeRe AnY TyMe(MaLe) LoKaTiOn: DeUcE oOh SeXsAy StATZ: SiNgLE SkOo: GhEtTo A$$ ClEvElAnD NaT:LaO PrYdE HeIgHt: 5`1" I B A ShOrTy LyKeZ: AnY ThInG BaBy bLuE,ReD,GrAy N BlAcK HaTeZ:PpLz DaT DuNt LyKe DoES CoLoRz ContAcTz AiM: LaYzIeLaObOyY,kRaYzIeLaObOyY E Y R DeRe WhYtE PpLZ On AA. mayn y is every wun so mean? shyt y cant i juss say hi tooh sum wun wit out dem bitchin at meeh? everything is changin so much so fast i cant get use tooh it. Y do gurlz think da scury movie dat anit scury scury

AiGhT DeN NiKkA PeYcE OuT ThAnX FO CoMiN` ToOh MaI. DuNt FoGeT ToOh LiCk MaI G-SpOt!
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