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Orlando Bloom/Billy Gilman
Sunday, 22 February 2004
Orlando bloom Moment
Only the best of the orlando related stuff!!!<-- THE SLIDESHOW CODE STARTS HERE -->

Posted by hiphop3/josephuh00 at 8:44 PM MST
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New Name!!!
.:'*|Orlando Bloom/ Billy Gilman|*':..

Ahhh... doesnt it sound beautiful? I can just see it, it in the lights! And to all of you folks who dont like either one of them can just deal with it once again ( feel free to post about it;p)and to all who just like one or the other, good for you... you're okay.. for now at least,jk. Anyways my long lost loves, Billy and Orlando are finally joined together in a free-for-all website blog, and are being reconized everyday as the two who are idolized by a mental girl in Trexas. See! I can't even spell Texas right! im completly losing grip. "qoute Avril Lavinge" un-qoute, and untill I get my stableness back, I will write something more suitable for the ACTUALL HUMAN EYES.( Look! I said writ when i'm typing!)

Posted by hiphop3/josephuh00 at 8:28 PM MST
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Sunday, 15 February 2004
Im going Coconuts for you on Late Vanlentines Day!

"Only love can tear you apart and put you back together"

Posted by hiphop3/josephuh00 at 1:47 PM MST
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~~ ..:; Quoties::... ~~
Stupid Quotes
Im sure there have been injuries in boxing like deaths, but none of them serious..- Alan Minter

Lets Line up, how bout alphabetically by height.
- Bill Peterson, Fl State football coach

I get to go to lots of overseas places like Canada.
- Britney Spears

Funny thoughts
Why do they have back pain medicine on the bottom shelf at the pharmacy?

How come you can kill a deer and put it on a wall, but it is illegal to keep them as pets?

Why does caretaker and care giver mean the same thing?

What does the " K " in K-mart actually mean?

If we feel blue, what other color does a smurf feel when its down?

Why is it you can walk down a hill even when it goes downhill

Why is it we say bye bye and not hi hi?

Signs/ Bumper stickers
My car is constipated, hasent passed a thing all day!
Your lucky number is 465126858799885425857989586047
look for it everywhere.
A nuclear war can ruin your whole day.

Your driving too close, i can see your bald spot..

Posted by hiphop3/josephuh00 at 12:58 PM MST
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Hip Hip Hooray!!
Whatever, listen, im new here and im just now getting my blog wrapped up, and its still not the greatest, but im working on it so bow with me please...... To all you who HATE Orlando b. and I mean TRUELY HATE HIM, then this is not a good place for you to be.. and to all the orlando bloom lovers, good choice, and Im with you on this one.

Posted by hiphop3/josephuh00 at 12:27 PM MST
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Saturday, 14 February 2004
Play this game

Posted by hiphop3/josephuh00 at 11:06 PM MST
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