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General Information

Next Match: Jay vs Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle vs Triple H
Next PPV: N/A
Current Title: N/A
Title History in ASW: N/A
Win/Lose/Draw Record: 1-1-0
Rp # for Event: 3

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AIM: Xx50centxShadyxX

Jay is seen in his locker room after what Cory Hendericks Had Just said To Him, Jay begins to laugh abit and he walks out of his locker room, Jay then walks down the hall, As the camera Cuts away to commercial Jay Gets ready to walk out on stage, After commercial the music hits and Jay slowly walks out on stage with a huge grin on his face, Jay then walks down the ramp While holding two huge middle fingers in the air the crowd screams for him and Jay then stops a signs a few autographs, Jay then slides into the ring as the crowd screams out for him, Jay then Pulls a Mic from his Versace Jacket and waits for the crowd to quiet, The Croowd finally quiets down and Jay stands in the ring trying to Gather all of his thought, After a moment he lifts his right hand high into the air and flips the Corwd off, The crowd screams louder than before and then Jay begins to speak


Okay, Im sure everyone had just seen what Happened Backstage, With that stupid bitch Cory Hendricks, He doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about, Ms. Banks was with me last night, And how do I know she didn't up and leave in the middle of the night? We didn't even go to sleep, and when she dozed off at like 8 this morning, She was hand cuffed if ya know what i mean! --The crowd screams and Cheers louder-- Cory when you burst into my locker room, Thats one thing but to talk shit to me, and say you have been with my woman, Thats where you fucked up! You think I just passed up an oppertunity with you, Bitch you aint shit! Your nothing to me and you will never EEEVER be the undisputed champion as long as I am around, You see I am going to win the Undisputed championship by Kicking the shit out of HUnter hearst Helmsley, Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle, I will be crowned Undisputed champion, And Cory you will never beat me, I promise you wont, Im better then you! I willa lways be better then you! You dont even compare to me little man. I Have an Idea, After Me and Kraze win the Tag team championships Thursday, and after I win the Undisputed championship belt tonight, I will give you a shot at my belt next week on raw, How does that sound? Pretty good huh?It wont sound soo good when my fist thuds off your eye..


Jay starts pacing around the ring, He lowers the mic from his lips and places two fingers on his chin as he thinks about tonight, smackdown and next week he gets alittle happier with all the gold him and his partner Kraze will be carrying around on their waistes and Shoulders..


Now moving on to tonight little bout for the Undisputed championship, I am totally the underdog in this match, As was I when I beat the shit out of big show, Size doesn't mean anything, and Hunter, you think your a big bad ass cause your so much bigger then alot of people, I think you will recalled when the 5 foot 7 1 hundred and 46 pound gillberg speared you and beat you on raw. Remember that? I think you should because it wasn't too long ago, And it will happen again when I Hit you with the hip hop drop and cover you for the 1....2....3.... There is no way in hell that I am going to lose my match here tonight, I have 3 of the biggest superstars in one ring and this is finally my chance to proove myself, That exactly what I will do, Brock lesnar HHH and Kurt Angle are all respectable men, But that does not mean that I respect them, I couldn't care less about them, they are worth less pieces of shit, and I will show the whole world just how worth less tonight when I descruct them all one by one by one! First I will hit your bitch asses witht he clothesline from hell and for fun I might even do it again, and for good measure I should hit your bitch asses with the Clothesline from Hell 3 times, and then I will hit you all with the hip hop drop, Guranteed i will walk out of this arena tonight with more gold on my waist and shoulders then Mr T! I really need more competitors, This is pathetic, First I lose a tag match because that old washed up bum Hulk Hogan, then I beat big show with breaking a sweat and now I have to take on three of the best competitors in the world? Maybe I am better then I thought! Eh, I doubt it.. But I guess I should be going now..


Jay drops the mic and holds two middle fingers hi into the air, the crowd screams for him as he rushes out of the arena and too the backstage area,

OOC Comment:
Sorry This is soooo short, I dont really have any material to roleplay off of, so when my opponents roleplay Ill do better, Thanks for readin!

Character Information:

Name: Jay
Height: 6'2
Weight: 223 pounds
From: Chicago Illinois
Entrance Music: Many Men - 50cent
Quote: -"Seriously Man, Do you really wanna Fuck With This!?"
Finisher: Hip Hop Drop
Trademarks: Clothesline from hell
Submission Move: Dragon Sleeper
Alignment: Face