* Dawn & Jay Expression *
::Jay:: Journal
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Free Expression #1
Thoughts traveling light speed around the railroad track..
question is, i cant figure where this railroads at..
Tracks that would have kept on running to where? when the tears run off my chin.
happily pulling away in jading innosence
hearts intamate with pain as it pushes through blood viens
gives the keys to problems, and opens the door to insaine..
no one ever cares giving a chance to let them dare themselve to look give it a glance
even if through the key hole give it a chance.
Love Is Lost, Lost Is Love, So Im Stranded In a Jungle
Hunger For One Of Life's Number One Wonder..
never actually no when the time is right. never had an enstinct to be precise.
now i have to learn the lesson and pay the price.
but the price is to large, to much knowledge for the bank to cash..
Expressions are on a track, running the hundred yard dash..
singled out those eyes seems so pronounced. fearing me down.
waitng intimidating. stalking the corner ready to pounce
Theres many things around the corner, i myself could be there..
you'd never kno unless u take turns in life instead of resting here....
is it fabled life changes shades of white?
now so translucent i cant see my way i just see which way i may dont kno if i should if i might.
preying down on imagination waiting til the time is right
The Time Is Life , they say lifes a bitch well she's a beautiful one ..
cuz obviously we've all risen out as daughters and sons..
15 years still freshly perculiar to the blood that runs through my mind nothing seems so familiar.
stomped on this this earth.
then passed on still never much of worth
You Are Worth Millions, Millions Feelings I Cant Spend On Others..
But Smiles Smothers The Frowns That Are Locked Under Covers..
For one who seems to makes a grin seem such a proficiency,
cant compete with a worth of just listening...
ears can only hear so much eyes can only see so many visions..
but we listen and see everything that seems efficient
senses seems sharp at the start of a chase. but people grow blind further into the maze.
keep the pursue straining every yearning hope until the hope sub-due
hope is replenishable , but one's soul it is not..
but you cant think of what you had, think of what you got..
wouldnt think chances would be so solluble. found out wat i did was wrong now understnad i'm so gullable.
swimming in complications. up to the knees with situation bringing me down costing me my will power with
all the profanity like a disease killing the whole the population
gullable, never that just addicted to love ...
from experience.. i can tell thats a gift from above..
theres more to the story then the first chapter..
its not the initiative problem, its the math after..
squinting looking for that rational explanation. it's true no1 knows what's real throught a conversation.
what one actually has they can never radiate they have to untwine. twisted as this world not that easy to unwind.
if it was easy to unwind , secrets would always unfold ..
everyone is unique, at least thats what everyones told..
first thought this only a lust then found out it was a must.
there's no rivalry against what you can trust and what you cant
. no secrets no need to find.
just captured moments locked in the basement of every mind
there doors to oppurtunity , but usually in the end though,
Your best luck is just to climb through the window..
lives locked up in compartments. all i kno how to do is struggle through the bombardment.
using experience for navigation careful not to give hurt another aggitation
but lifes got so many stories to tell, so live it give it all you can..
and turn the page, take the step, to the next chapter and the books in your hand..
::Dawn:: Journal
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