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after school

\ul\fs52\par \ulnone\fs32 What's up my name is Husayn Whigham. I'm going to tell you what I do after school.After school a lot of things be happening. I along with other friends go to a program at my school. At this program we get to do a numerous amount of things such as play ping pong or play some board games and even play playstation 2. There's also another activity that I like the most and it's playing basketball. We don't get to play until 3:30. The afterschool program is a great place to go and hang out. I mainly go on m,t and w days of the week. The whole program is fun but all the action happens in the gym. Everybody comes to the gym to play or watch the games. In the gym we play 2 fullcourt games of baketball. We pick 2 captains or 4 captains depending on how many people comes. I'm always captain because I like to win my games so I need a good team. I'm get very competitive when I see a person on the other team scoring points on my teamate. \par }