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Last Updated: 1/28/2004
Creator: Han! (handasolo)
Theme: Tila Nguyen
Song: Thugbodian- Last Cry

Yeah that's me above!

.:[My Profile]:.

Name: Johnie Songkhamdet
Sex: Boi fo sho
Age: 17
DOB: December 30
Rep: Iowa 641 Area
Nationality: LaO n` Thai
Stats: Single and Looking


AIM: LaoRomeo641



"Spend Forever"

I give you my heart Mind,
body and soul,
Igive you my love
For you make me whole.
I give you this promise
The promise to try,
I give you each breath
And the tears I cry.
I give you my past
My future and now,
I give you my thoughts
My hope and this vow.
To give you my voice,
And the music I sing,
I give you forever,
I give you this ring.
I give you my world,
All the pain and strife,
I give you my hand
Learn to share my life.
I give you this kiss
And these words I say,
"I`ll cherish you always
As of this day."
I give you my faith
That these words are true,
For today, I swear,
To spend my life with you.

more pics coming soon...

In Loving Memories of...
Nicholas Ryan Ounlokham. Mitchell Eddie Baccam. Shawn Lou Baccam

R. I. P.September 23, 2oo3

To Those I love and those who love me
When I am gone, release me, let me go
I have soo many things to see and do
You mustn`t tied yourself to me with tears
Be thankful for out many beautiful years
I gave you my love, you can only guess
How much you gave me in happiness
I thank you for the love you each have shown
But now itz time I travel alone.
So grieve awhile for me, if grieve you must
Then let your grief be comfortedby trust
Its only for a time that we must part
So bless the memories within your heart
I wont be far away,for life goeson
So ifyou needme, call andi willcome
Tho you cant see or touch me, Ill be near
If youlisten with your heart, youllhear
All my love around you soft and clear
And then, whenyou must come this way alone
Ill greet you with a smile, and say,
"Welcome Home."
With Love from Shawn. Mitchell. Nicholas