Joe's Adventures- Spero's old school stories

Big Mr. Rosato

One day me and the boys were in joes kitchen enjoying joes delicious food when we head a rumbling coming down the stairs. we all feared it was mr rosato, because hes so big and muscular (he does roids). Sure enough it was mr rosato, but what made him not scary was the fact that he came downstairs in his big 80's glasses and no pants. For no aparant reason he began saying "Boys....Boys....Boys..while doing lunges..we all were terrified and ran out of the house.


Big Fat Liar
About a week ago, clifford was online when some girl imed him. she said she was from california and they talked for quite some time. We all found out that she was a major slut, joe was very interested by this. Joe, trying to fool everyone into thinking he was sleepin, kept peeking at the sn, and memorized it. This is where the funny part starts. Joe, being a mastermind, decides to go on his infamous sn MonkeyBut01 or some shit, and begins to talk to this girl. As some of you may not know, this is the sn joe goes on when he wants to be a lil perverted bastard and stalk people. He imed her and said he was from NYC, was 6'4, 220 pounds.....and had a 7 inch penis. hahahahahaha we all know that NONE of that is true, especially the last thing, thanks to some friends that are girls of joe. He then gave this girl from CALIFORNIA his home phone number, and wantes to have PHONE SEX wiht this girl he didnt even this kid serious? Now of course u know joe cant get away wiht something like this, and this is how it was exposed. This girl that clifford met had made than sn about a week earlier, and no one knew it, she hadent been in any chatrooms and wasnt in any directories. Joe lied again to this girl telling her that he found her sn in a search. now she knew that he was lieing and asked clifford if he knew who this mysterious character was. The next day, we were all at cliffords and joe came over. Before he even entered the rom we began quesrtioning him about this. OF course, he had nothing to say and just turned red. He stayed in the dark hallway alone for literally 20 mins before coming in. when asked why he did this he had no responce, and admitted to me that he was a pervert....what a bitch

Bathroom Lockout
As usual, joe was being gay, and running away from evreyone at my house just constantly throwing pillows at him. he was at the top of the stairs and saw me making a paper wasp. he instantly started to complain and ran away when i went to walk towards him. he went into the bathroom and locked him self in. me damato and crabbe were waiting outside the door wiht the wasp. i fashioned (haha) a key out of a coat hanger to get in. i pushed the key in and damato turned the doorknob..we got the door open about the quarter of thewy way, but gave up because of laughter. when we did it joe started screaming like he was being taken to prison or something. NOOOOOOOOO!!! NOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOO!! - The End

Sleep Over At Crabbe's
One night during the summer crabbe decided to have a huge sleep over. there were about 20 people there and everyone was having fun. one person seemed to be outside of the group, this person was joe. he spent pretty much the whole time building a P.O.S. lego car. when he was finished i destroyed it in under 5 seconds -The End

Its Creaming Time
We have done this to him about 5 or 6 times but one stands out above them all. this was when me and otis got him. since he ALWAYS falls asleep we decided to get him bad. otis made a pile of shaving cream about 5 inches high on top of joes head. we then pushed this pile down into joes face, where he quickly inhaled the shaving cream and spit it all over the place -The End

Salt For Joey
One day while playing spoons at joes, joe looses of course. the penalty is to eat a spoon of salt. Joe gets mad and tried to attack me, but i am too quick for him. so he goes into the kitchen and eats the salt. no more than 3 mins later, joe begins to vommit in the sink. then mr rosato comes in and joe tells him what happens. mr rosato's responce is "joe are you and asshole"? -The End

Joe's "Swim" in the Lake
One winter day me and joe went down to the lake for unknown reasons. while there we were breaking ice for amusement. joe was sitting at the edge breaking ice and lost his balance. it was like watching him in slow motion, because i saw him slowly fall into the lake and go through the ice. -The End

The Masterbater
Joe doesnt really have a lot of girls in his life, so this could be used to explain this next story. hopefully he doesnt read this, because he will flip a shit, but anyways... One night at Joes crabbe slept over. later in the night, when it was time to sleep crabbe dozed off, leaving joe and some HBO series. suddenly, crabbe was awaken by the sound of scratching on a sleeping bag. he slowly looked around and saw joe doin something. i wont say, but ill tell you that joes hands were under his sleeping bad and the sleeping bag was moving in a rapid up and down motion. all of the suden crabbe yelled "Joe what are you doing"! joe quickly stopped what he was doing and said nothing....c'omon joe, if u wanna do that infront of oteher people, maybe u should hang with koji. -The End P.S. no joe i will not remove this story no matter what, so quit ur bitchin

Basement Lockdown (another classic)
one day joe had a few friends over. we were hangin out upstairs doing absolutly nothing, just like we usually do. we had always wanted to lock joe in his own basement, and we had done it many times, but we always forgot to get the key. this time was different. crabbe told joe that somone im'ed him and he quickly ran down the stairs. this is when i took the key and locked the door. joe was trapped. i told crabbe to lock all the doors in the house so he couldn't get in. to make things even more funny, we kept tauntin joe by opening the door and letting him dash up the stairs, only to have a locked door slamed in his face. this went on for about and hour, until we got tired and decided to let joe sit for a while. during this time, joe shut off the power and water, which did absolutly nothing. the next thing we knew joe made a key out of some piece of metal, and got out. this ruined the night and everyone went home -The End

Ebony/Interracial Porn
as many of you know, joe has some disgusting ways of gettin off. many people did not know that one of his biggest ways was to look at naked black people, or black and white couples, doing sexual activities. the way this was discoverd was through a program called IMESH. someone check previous searches and saw things like..15 year old black blowjob, black hardcore, interracial sex, and other disgusting tings..ew joe -The End