Last Update
December 10. 2003.

I'll put some real work on this page in the future and keep this page updated with more interesting additons. Beside a stuff about 2Pac, also you can find my slection
of fantastic wallpapers and some WinAMP skins that I'm currently using...

Visitors since July 17. 2003.

This page is best viewed in 800x600 resolution. If you don't use that resolution I really don't give a fuck!
All elements and graphics on this site are designed by Ica. All Right Reserved.

Contact the Webmaster

Wallpapers Updated!!!
In Wallpapers section you can find my choice of wallpapers that I had recently found on the www...
I worked hard to choose the best ones from very huge collection and optimize them for a web publishing...
WinAMP Skins Updated!!!
There's a huge collection of brand new WinAMP skins...

About 2Pac Lyrics

2Pac's Lyrics section now contains all Pac's releases...

Small # of Visitors?!
This site has not been listed on the biggest search engines yet! I expect that will be done in a few weeks. When that happens I have no idea how much visitors will this site attract and I'm not obsessed with that at all...
Contact Me
Feel free to send me e-mail with your oppinions about everything related with this site! My e-mail address is: