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Current Projects


Right now the project that is getting most of my attention is my senior project. I have no clue what I am doing for my project. I'm sure I can think of something.

Just about a month ago I learned how to make gel candles. It was actually a very exciting project. I made several candles for friends and family. I never thought that I could learn how to make candles. Learn how to make gel candles.

I also know how to make soap. I'm not really sure where I came up with the idea of making soap, but I learned how. When I first started making soap I made soap every chance I got. I wasn't sure what to do with all of the soaps that I made. I had to stop making them until they were all used. Check out the soap makers guild web site.

Dream catchers are one of my projects that I wish I had time for. They are so beautiful when they are complete. It's hard to imagine that something so beautiful could come from a bunch of leather and sinew. I first learned how to make dream catchers at my mom's church when I was about nine or ten. I still know how to make them and actually, have become more efficient in making them. Learn how to make dream catchers.