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Welcome to the Keep It Real, Bling Bling! site

Keep It Real, Bling Bling!

Welcome to the craziest site on the net. Keep It Real, Bling Bling! site

Hi, welcome to our website. We hope to have our website completly finished by next month, at the moment we just need to touch parts of our vice city site up and get the gangsta part of the site up and running.

[GTA:VC]-[Gangsta's Paradise]-[Car Pics]-[Car Of The Month]

recent updates

02/01/03- [Sites Info Page Complete] [Most Of VC site Finished] [Gangsta Site Started] [Side *CAR* site finished]
29/12/02- [Glitches Page Finished] [VC Main Page Finished] [Cheats Page Started]
28/12/02- [C.O.T.M Added] [Main Page Created] [Affiliate System Set Up]

our affiliates

We currently have no affiliates, if you would like to have your site added here then check out this page for more information on linking.

Site's design created by K.I.R.B.B web designer, And therefore copyright to K.I.R.B.B web designer. All other content copyright to there respective owners.