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//\\//\\Carter's Pics//\\//\\

Whats up peoples????Since I couldn't
get the pics to work on AG,I put em here!!!!!Pictures
of the good,pictures of the bad,pictures that
shouldn't of been taken......
Photos are taken from soap operas on CBS

Beach Photos

Me and Michelle

This is me and Michelle at the beach.
Aren't we a cute couple????
no,not really.
Our whole band went to the beach along
with a few friends.
That was the best trip....

Me and The guys

(left to right)Me,Aaron,Tony.
We were looking
for seashells.
Falls into the catergory
of "shouldn't been taken"

The Whole Gang

A nice group picture.
The blonde I have my arm
is muh little sister.
She moved down to Flordia a while ago.
Notice Tony has his arm around Michelle.
What went on between them?????

Another Group photo

Another nice group pic
Very intresting
Another shouldn't of been taken ones

Aaron and Tony

Aaron and Tony
as we were getting ready to leave,
They aren't exactly in swimming attire

Glamour Shots


A very intresting shot
She got it taken at this place at one time
:P A glamour shot.
They did her makeup and everything


My first puppy
She's about 1 1/2 years old now
a Border collie Australian Shepard mix


My newest puppy
a malamute
She's only about 10 weeks old.
I got her from the shelter from when she was realllllly little