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Eric Page, Jr.

Mrs. Steacker

English 12/Period 4

Frankenstein Paper

12th March 2004




            Victor Frankenstein’s abandonment towards his creation left his creation, the monster, emotionally distraught.   This abandonment that victor took place in, is a prime example of a real life situation that a many of teens deal with today.  Sometimes there are situations where a young mother conceives a child, and feels that leaving them in a dumpster or leaving them under someone else’s care is best for the child.  Just as Victor had once held a strong passion for bringing death back to life, a mother may have held this same passion for a child, or maybe it was a mistake.  It’s common to want something, and once you have it, you quickly realize you are unable to handle it.  Victor once devoted a large amount of his time and his education solely to “the quest of life.”  Once Victor finally succeeded his goal, the monster’s actions terrified him.  Yes, I do agree that victor’s bad parenting did affect the monster’s actions and interpitation towards life.  Knowing from experience, growing up without parents can have an impact on your judgments and attitude towards life and the life of individuals.


            Today, there are a number of situations where teens have babies and leave them in dumpsters.  Just as these parents abandon their child, leaving them to die or hoping that some one finds them and cares for them, Victor took these same actions, but was at first amazed by his creation.  Soon after his amazement, he became horrified and quickly fled the monster.  Victor left the monster alone to cope for his self, being responsible for his own shelter, clothing, and knowledge.  Sadly, most of the new born that are abandon would have never survived like the monster did, but the monster wasn’t left under the care of anyone.  The monster was amazed by life, the simple life.  After he fled the city, he watched a family and amazed himself by seeing a family do their day to chores, being together, and eventually he wanted to be apart of a family of some sort also.  The monster longed for exception, he knew he was different, he soon learned about the process in which he was created, and after he gained knowledge of his creation, he damned Victor for creating him.


            Just as in Loosing Isaiah, a movie about a Mother abandoning her child in a garbage, and she was also under the influence.  Victor Frankenstein drove himself into insanity after the creation of the monster, not because he fled the monster, but after a series of events, Victor believed he destroyed the natural order of life.  During the process of creating the monster, he isolated himself from his family, friends, and school.  Once he fled his creation, victor didn’t even show a sign of remorse, he simply continued his life as if he never had such a huge passion towards his interest of creating a new life from death.  The monster soon wanted to get revenge, the monster soon embraced a quest of his own, a quest to destroy his creator. 


            The monster was created with a mind of a criminal, so his state of mind was totally off.  He was never taught about the wrongs and rights, he learned based upon what he seen and what he experienced.  The way people treated him, and the experiences he had with people because he was different.  Victor was wrong for creating the monster and simply letting him continue, it would have been best if Victor had destroyed his creation after he became terrified, just as he did when the monster demanded Victor to create him a mate just as he created the monster.


            To abandon something is simply showing a sign of weakness.  When teens have babies and abandon them, it’s clearly showing they have no problem solving skills.  There’s so many more ways to resolve a problem of that Nature.  It’s understandable how victor felt about Death; he lost his mother and never wanted to experience that feeling about anyone again.  Sadly, the man should have simply faced life and came to realize that in order for there to be life, there had to be death.  Why didn’t victor destroy the monster once he became horrified by his creation?  Since victor had made such a large discovery, why wasn’t it shared? Why did victor keep his creation a secret?