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Hollywood Hogan RULES THE WORLD

Up-Coming Match » »

Verses Booker T., Brock lesnar, RVD, Batista, and Randy Orton 

CWF Career Record »»

Wins - 000 Losses - 000 Draws - 000 Role-Play # 2

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Hollywood Walk of Shame » »


" Whose the MAN? Hollywood's the MAN "

|| Start Hollywood Style ||

Heres my second RP I can tell I'm really starting to gte into the Holltwood character. Hey hes gonna be fighting Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania that fight is gonna be so sick I wonder who will win? Probably Vince afterall Hogan does wanna retire. Anyways read up I like this RP its perty cool but I liked my debut RP alot better its hard for me to RP with home work but I still manage to do it and I probably might run away from home sooner or later cuz my parents r gettin hella gay lol I dunno read the fuckin thing.

|| End Hollywood Style ||

Scene : Hollywood's Locker room

[ The vote has been unanimous. He's everyones pick to win the CWF Gimmic Championship.. The Immortal is back and he made it clear in his last promo that he would win and it looks like everyone thinks he will do just that. It looks like Hollywood has spiced up the CWF a little bit. He is bringing the new World order back to the CWF and the question is.. Who will be in this great stable besides Bischoff and The Disciple? And will The Disciple and eZe be a factor in this Gimmic Championship? Lets see what Hollywood has to say about his match at King of The Ring.

[ Fade up 'Hollywood Rules' ]

[ Scene opens up in Dallas Texas... The cammera opens up in a locker room. There are nWo posters up everywhere showing the colors of the white and black. You can hear a bunch if laughter going on as it seems a party is going on. You can hear laughter as the cammera zooms out to show a whole group of people in the nWo locker room. The cammera shows a group of girls and some guys sitting in chairs. Probably some of the nWo members but we cant see them. A whole crowd of people are on a couch and in the middle of them all is THEEE MAN!!! The Immortal Hollywood Hogan Hogan seems to be the life of the party as everyone has their eyes on Hogan. Hollywood is wearing his black wrestling tights with his black boots along with a black & white 'Hollywood' bandana, his trademark nWo sleevless shirt, a pair of shades and a black Hollywood weightlifting belt. Along side Hogan is 'eZe' Eric Bischoff who seems to be enjoying himself as well... ]

Eric Bischoff: OHHH Hogan. Man you really do kill me! HA its been five minutes and already I feel its just like old times! You remember those good ole WCW times man??

'HOLLYWOOD' Hogan: Oh yeah brother just like good ole Dubbya Cee Dubbya times. Back when Hollywood was the WCW Champion and the nWo was making life hell for the WCW! Ya know Bischoff CWF is Hollywoods time to shine. hes gonna shine like he did back in the WCW. hes gonna shine on everybody who gets in his way. I am gonna deliver beatings to everyone Hollywood Style brother!!!

The Disciple: Yeah. Hogan you truly are The God of Wrestling..

'HOLLYWOOD' Hogan: You got that right brother! Hollywood revolutionized wrestling and he is what put it on top. Hulkamania was runnin wild in the 80's and 90's and then The Hollywood era came and thats whats gonna revolutionize the CWF brother!! And I am gonna start with making all those kids in my match walk down The Hollywood Walk of Shame.. Do you all wanna know what The Hollywood walk of Shame is??

nWo Girl: Oh Hollywood you are so great and if you wanted me to I would bow down to you because in my eyes you are a mortal god...

Eric Bischoff: Sister he is IMMORTAL!!! He is an Immortal god. How could you call Hollywood this legend a mortal?? He is a Legend he is the original icon of wrestling. There wont be anybody in wrestling like Hogan ever. You can bet your ass that there is only one Hollywood baby.

nWo Girl 2: I dont know. That Batista is pretty big and cute too. He could have the upper hand on you Hollywood. Him and that huge guy Brock lesnar... Those are the only two that you should worry about Hollywood....

'HOLLYWOOD' Hogan: Ya know sumpin.. Brock lesnar and Batista are tough.. But let me tell you this sister... Can they put on Hollywood's boots? Do you think they could match up with the man with the 24 inch pythons? No they could'nt. Lets face it jack they could'nt measure up to Hollywood even if they were 20 feet tall. They may be tough but do you think they could pick up Andre The Giant?? Do you think they could match arms with the Ultimate Warrior and take out the One Warrior Nation?? I dont think so dude. Hollywood is in a league of his own and at King of The Ring I am gonna give them all a beating nWo style!!

[ Everyone starts to cheer and yell... ]

Eric Bischoff: Batista and Brock Lesnar are nothing.. Hollywood you just proved that point right now. Nobody can fill your shoes and do what you have done. You picked up Andre The Giant! Nobody could ever do that! And if you wanted to you could beat any of those little punks. HA Batista being The Revolution. Thats a knee slapper. we all know who revolutionized wrestling so how is Bastista The Revolution. And Brock lesnar the next biggest thing?? Hey he can be the next biggest thing NEXT to Hollywood. Because nobody will ever be bigger than Hollywood while hes still around.

[ All of a sudden a knock at the door comes and Eric yells come in. The door opens up and Vincent walks in. He smiles as he starts slapping everyones hand. Someone throws him a beer as he sits down. ]

Eric Bischoff: Hey Vincent its good to see ya back here. So you got anything new to tell us?

Vincent: Nah not really. I just got back from a meeting and stuff and I just heard that Brock lesnar is personally gonna take out Hollywood. Or so he claims that he can. I dont know about anybody else in the match but I know that Brock is gonna show up to King of The Ring. The rest of the people are just scared to face Hollywood. So Hollywood you gotta take him out.

I heard that Brock lesnar is pretty pissed off about everyone telling Hogan that they think he is going to win the Gimmic Championship and thats somsrhing he did'nt want to hear I guess. But oh well theres no point in lying to the guy either so if they say Hollywood is gonna win then Hollywood is going to win. Theres not a sole in this industry that can take Hollywood out and I think Brock knows that. Thats why he is so pissed off.

Eric Bischoff: And Paul heyman that guy calls himself a good manager? HA! Hollywood we all know who the best team in the history of wrestling is. You and me eZe and Hollywood its never gonna change and there wont be anybody better than us. We handled everything like pros.

Vincent: Yeah you guys sure did but Brock and Paul keep running their mouthes and I think Hogan should be the one to put a stop to it. Hogan you gotta beat Brock in this match.

'HOLLYWOOD' Hogan: Vincent that sure as hell is a good idea. Mr. Bischoff lets go out and cut a promo nWo style...

Eric Bischoff: HAAAALAAAALOOYA!!!!!

[ Bischoff gets up along with Hollywood as they both move past all the people in the locker room. They head out the door as the scene fades to a commercial. ]

Scene : Hollywood & Bischoff in The Ring

|| The scene opens up in the sold out arena as all the fans are going crazy.. Some of the fans have just got back from the stands buying some t-shirts and buying some drinks and what not. Buying whatever the hell they can spend their money on. You can see a few people in the crowd with Hollywood Bandanas on and signs of Hollywood RULES and nWo 4 Life...The scene shows a sold out crowd on hand for another apperence of 'Nitro's memorable moments... All of a sudden...You hear 'VOO DOO CHILD' hit the arena and the crowd immediatly rises up to it's feet, booing Hogan... white fog begins to arise from the jets underneath and a small man is seen making his way through...It's Eric Bischoff...He waves to the crowd, taps his heart and yells out, "I FEEL THE LOVE, I FEEL IT!! "..Bischoff then looks to the back and you can see a huge figure slowly making his way out..It's 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan strumming his WCW Title belt like it's a guitar...The crowd is booing Hogan like crazy, chanting "HOGAN SUCKS, HOGAN SUCKS, HOGAN SUCKS!!" as the two stand atop the rampway...Hogan has a smug smirk on his face, he looks at Bischoff, grabs his face and bellows out.." I LOVE THIS MAN! " before planting a big wet kiss on Bischoff's cheek... The two make their way down to the ring, as the crowd starts to throw debris at the two men...Finally, Bischoff walks up the steel steps, climbs through the 1st and 2nd ropes, quickly followed by Hogan...Hogan enters..Jogs around the ring with his WCW Title belt high up in the air, before planting it on Bischoff's shoulder...As Bischoff looks on, and the chants "HOGAN SUCKS, HOGAN SUCKS!" continue..The immortal, legendary Hogan takes a stand in the center of the ring and shows off his infamous 24 inch pythons... The fans are booing Hollywood like crazy but god knows they love doing it. Bischoff takes a mic out of his back pocket and begins to speak. ||

Eric Bischoff: Now I'd like to welcome you all to the house...... That "Hollywood" built.... -[[[The crowd is booing as "eZe" and Hollywood both have smiles on their faces. Bischoff pounds his chest with his free hand acting like he "feels the love." Then he continues.]]]- I just want you to know, that we LOVE each and EVERY one of you.... Oh Hogan, can't you feel the love!? It almost brings a tear to my eye. -[[[Hogan agree's.... But everyone knows that they are just B.S'ing. They continue to boo.]]]- Now lets get down to business...... First off.... I'd like to let you all in on my man.... Hollywood Hogan's current record here in the WWF..... zero and zero.... He is undefeated, but could you expect anything less? This is the world heavyweight title tournament for god sakes. Hollywood Hogan...... The living legend..... The icon..... The best wrestler to ever walk the planet. The soon to be WWF champion.... But tomorrow night.... He will be in a matchup with the -[[[In a retarted voice.]]]-"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar... Wooooo..... I hope we're okay... He sounds pretty tough.... Hogan.... You better be careful..... He might CRIPPLE you!!! -[[[Hogan and Bischoff just totally mock Lesnar, like they have no worries. Maybe the don't..... But you know.... I bet they have a reason.]]]- HAHAHAHAHA..... This guy can't be serious..... Hogan..... I'm gonna let you take it away before I make a complete fool of..... HIM!!! HAHAHAHA....

|| Bischoff takes the mic and puts it to Hollywoods face. ||


Brock lesnar thinks hes pretty slick. he thinks that he is this monster.. Well Brock you think your the next Big Thing Brother?? You think you can criiple The Hollywood with that F5 brother?? Well why dont you step into the ring with Hollywood Hogan and he'll wrap his 24 Inch pythons around you and squeeze the life out of you then we'll see who exactly is the biggest thing in the CWF brother!! Ya know Brock Lesnar you aint nothing oin Hollywoods view and eZe's. You think that you can walk out here and talk all that trash dude!? well your wrong along with that Revolution wanna be Batista! Ya know sumthin Bastisa you have alot of nerve talking all that trash you talk about Hollywood this Hollywood that calling people newbies and what not. Bastista you still are a newbie I have been in wrestling for 18 years and you dont know jack about wrestling brother.. On Sunday the man who created wrestling the man that built this place brother will show you how to really wrestle dude!

|| Bischoff takes the mic away from Hollywood and speaks into it. ||

Eric Bischoff: Oh Hogan I could'nt have said that better myself. Ya know I think that Baststa and Brock lesnar are jokes in this bsuiness. What house did Bastista and Brock build? What did they have anything to do with in wrestling?? NOTHING!!! They did'nt do jack in the wrestling industry. Hollywood you are the industry. You are your own franchise!! and at King of The Ring you will have added another title to your Championship history. You are gonna be the Undisputed Gimmic Champion! Oh Disciple how does that sound??

|| Bischoff puts the mic to Disciples face. ||

The Disciple: I love the sound of that Eric! Hollywood Hogan the Gimmic Champion! What could be sweeter??

|| Bischoff takes the mic away from Disciple and talks into it. ||

Eric Bischoff: Nothing!! There is absoloutly nothing sweeter than Hollywood being the Undisputed Gimmic Champion! Hollywood this sunday you are gonna rock the house you are gonna bat down everyone that gets in your way because what else could we expect from you? You are not a man brother!! You are a god. You are The Icon brother and I love you man!!! Now Randy Orton, Brock Lesnar, Batista, Booker T. Rob Van Dam.. lets take a look at whats in store for all of you!! Hollywoood let it rip!!

|| Hollywood smiles as all the fans start to cheer him on. All of a sudden he grabs his shirt and tears it off slowly as he starts to scream.. He rips his whole shirt off and throws it away as the fans start to cheer. He begins to flex his one arm as the crowd gives Hollywood a good reaction this time. Bischoff smiles.. ||

Eric Bischoff: Look at those pythons! Can you guys see those mamoth things?!? Hollywood those arms are registered weapons their killsers I dont think you should wrestle... -[[Bischoff laughs]]- HA!! Yeah right Booker T. Randy orton, Batista and whoever the hell else are out there you guys better get ready because Hollywood is gonna tear all of you apart!! Hollywood would you like to do a final comment??

|| Bischof puts the mic to Hogans face.. ||

'HOLLYWOOD' Hogan: As a matter of fact jack I would! Ya know Bastitsa and Brock lesnar. You both talk a big game but lets see if your games are as big as you guys are. Ya know I have been down the road of pain and the road of defeat and I have tasted victory alot more times than defeat and when the ocasion is right Hollywood always comes out on top and thats exactly what I'm gonna do at King of The Ring brothers! I am gonna walk down that asile styling and profiling like good ole Hollywood always does and when I get in that ring I am gonna open up a nWo/Hollywood Style beating on all of you little punks and all my nWo-ites are gonna witness history when Hollywood walks down the challenger and walks out the Gimmic Champion... And ya know sumthin brothers you can say Hollywood is just washed up and all that trash that comes out of your mouthes but when Hollywood is holding up that belt and he has the letters sprayed on to it.. n-W-o.. You guys are gonna know that Hollywood is back and he means business dudes and you wanna know why Hollywood The Immortal is gonna win the Gimmic Championship?? Because....


[ Hollywood's music hits as the fans all start to boo him. He does his arm taunt where he calls for the crowd to give him a good reaction. He doesnt get it. he acts like what did he do?? He shrugs it off as Bischoff holds the ropes open for him. Hollywood and Disciple climb out along with Eric as they all head up the ramp. People start throwing stuff at Hollywood as Bischoff starts pointing to him. "Next nWa heavyweight Champion!!!" They soon dissapear behind the curtain as the scene fades to a commercial ]
Jamie Green ©Hollywood Enterprises 2002