[- Track Number -] Two
Track Title -] " Army Men.. "
About to face the Lyrical Miracle -] Battle Royal Contestants..
Full Record As John Cena -] W 0 - L 0 - D 0 
AWA Achievements -]
None as Yet

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We fade up inside an army office... we spin around the room, noticing pictures of cadets with dark holes in their faces... the fans are silent as we open up wider and see John Cena sitting down at a desk in which has a sign on it saying 'General' He puts his feet up.. relaxing... we fade out and back in again to see Cena standing over a model war village, with little model army men.. some painted red, some blue..

People think I'm crazy, comin' out in full force...
What they don't see, is I show no remorse. 
I'm gonna rage a war
It's like martial law..
Kung-Foo Fighting
The toughest shit you ever saw.
I'm gon' break the walls down
like you never seen before.
I’m a heavy hitter, when I step up I won't back off
I’m a king around here, you’re just another jack-off
So come Overload Jericho, were goin toe to toe..
I'll be my army... and you'll be my foe.
I want you to see that I' am just huge..
My armies such a force.. 
Your no real contender and you can use every resource. 
United States am I... the business it is mine..
Your nothin' but an assclown
Steppin' outta line.
See you at Overload Mr. Chris Jericho..
I will be your doctor.. you will be my flow..
A concoction of speci
al forces I will bring.. 
to  hit you where it hurts... and their you will sing... 

'John Cena is the best muah lord... 
The King of all BLING BLING'

Cena knocks over the red army men, standing up in a rage.. he looks down on the army soldiers and slowly sits back down..

I hear about this Raven... a guy who's dark inside..
Come with me a second, I'll take you for a ride. 
You don't know what I' am.. as I don't know you..
But by the time Overload comes, I will of broken you in two!
You may think your beyond the dead..
But still I will get you...
You don't understand, the shit that's in my head!
I've given up with toy soldiers.. it's time to go to war..
If you hadn't noticed, I'll F-U to the floor.
You speak all this dark gibberish, now I really see..
You talk a bunch of bullshit..
Cause your nothing but a pussy!
So now that's out the way..
Maybe you can see..
I won't play ball no more...
Winning is the key!
United States Championship is near my grasp
Am I speakin hella clear?..
is Raven ready for a close up...
Cause I'm gonna draw a tear.
See you at Overload, you will follow the rest.. 
Over the top rope, to the loser-vile mattress. 

The fans obviously don't like Cena, but his raps are kicking ass... he knocks down his own soldiers and stands up, getting ready to leave...

Fuck this shit, I've had enough..
Why don't one of you bitches, come and call my bluff? 
Like you Mark Henry.. you can never get enough...
I'm about to leave, maybe we'll get a little rough!
I see you think your sexy...
Must be something in your food
Cause to me your a fat bastard, who is barely a dude.
I wander if under all that fat, you can even see your toes..
Let alone your penis...
I feel sorry for your hoes!
Maybe bitches aint sure..
So you take it up the ass..
Fuck that for sexual chocolate..
I think I'll pass!!
Tell you what fat man, how 'bout a diet?
Cut down on all that chocolate
Or will that cause a riot?
See I don't know with you..
why not diet for a day...
Fuck this shit, I don't really care..
We all know your gay... 

 Cena leaves, walking out the back entrance and across the playing fields.. 



 [- Victims Of The Miracle... -] Chris Jericho? Shane Helms? Mark Henry? Terry Bolea? Raven? Chris Harris? The Undertaker? Matt Hardy? Rob Van Dam?

[- E-mail -] Simplyawesome2k@aol.com    [- AIM -] None.