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Why I choose this career…

This career, physical therapy, has always caught my eye.  There are so many interesting things you learn in the department.  I really like how I can relate to this field of work!  I’ve been playing basketball for many years, and have gone through many injuries to understand what is going on.  Physical therapy has been way for me to heal from my injuries.  I think it is the best way you can heal, it’s better than going to a chiropractor, In my opinion.  When I have gone so many times it really began to catch my eye as a form of work I would like to do when I’m older.  So from that point on I have been looking into the field of Physical Therapy and it has given me lots of options of what I want to do and what school I want to go to.  So as for my future I want to become a physical therapist and work and that field of work.