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THE SALADS Biography!

Song Playing: Get Loose, by The Salads!
<bgsound src="GetLoose.mp3" loop="1">
THE SALADS Biography! The Salads have a history that reaches as far back as grade school. As with almost every band, it all began in the basement listening to Metallica’s "Master of Puppets", than Grant Taylor said to his spiky haired friend Dave Ziemba "Dave, we should start a band.” Another school friend, Chuck D signed on and The Salads were born. In 1997, Mista D (Darren Dumas) was tossed into the mix creating a truly solid band and enabling The Salads to envision the musical direction they wanted to go. That may sound serious and part of a master marketing plan but these boys just want to focus on good times. "We just want to make music that is fun, party music", says Dave. Grant adds "We hope this album in one that you could listen to while driving your monster truck.” As local champions of the Toronto music scene they've been welcomed on opening slots for Our Lady Peace, Blink 182, Sum 41, Scratching Post, Quiet Riot and Mudmen. Their sophomore EP, Who's That, was featured on the National Sleeman Label Free Music Campaign They completed two XL Indie Tours and effectively warmed up the crowd for nine dates in support of the fathers of ska/rock Fishbone. Not many contemporary bands could open for such a high energy outfit such as Fishbone but The Salads were a perfect match for them. Fold A to B (Kindling/Sonic Unyon) is The Salads third full-length album. Recorded at Emac Studios in London, Ontario, the Salads take co-producer credits with producer Dan Brodbeck. "He is great to work with," says Chuck D. "We wanted to make an album that was fun for the fans to listen to and that we would listen to as well. Dan was great for that, we were constantly laughing." Actually the album is a tribute to the bands' favorite pastime . . . extreme origami. There's even a special message in the album for all their fans and friends, you just have to follow the instructions. Fold A to B will hit the streets alongside the video for the first single Get Loose. Get Loose, directed by Chinamen, showcases the talents of silent and mysterious fifth member, Lybido, who can be found at every Salad gig, twisting and contorting himself throughout the entire set. The main course of Fold A to B is rock and roll with ska for an appetizer and reggae for dessert. Go on, have a second helping of The Salads, they rock and they’re good for you.

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