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Ania was born in Newark NJ. on February 19,1988 (she is a pices). On her fifth birthday she moved to Smyrna Ga with her mother, she now lives there with her mother, grandmother and her sister. Ania has been singing since she was little and now that work is going to pay off, Ania says that her inspirations have been "definately Mariah Carey i always catch myself singing her songs i just love her voice and the fact that she has been through so much and made it through the rain". Ania Says her dream is to become a famous singer and date lil fizz from B2K but she says she only feels like one of those are going to happen. we sat down and interviewed Ania and asked her these questions: 1. Who would you most like to meet? Nick Cannon becuase i think he is so cute. 2. What is your biggest pet peave? stingy people (lol) 3. Who would you most want to do a duet with? Jhene and B2K. 4.What is your favorite food: Creole,seafood, and pizza. 5. What is your saying? Don't hate me becuase i'm beautiful hate me becuase your man thinks i am (lol) 6. What do you think the world needs now: laughter and love because there is just so much hatred in this world. E-mail ania at picture coming soon.

Ania Favorite Singers

My Favorite Web Sites

B2K website
Jhene website
4 deep website
tg4 website
imx website
jhene fan site
