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~*..::WeLcOmE tO AnGeLiQuE's SiTe!::..*~

Well..umm...Welcome to my site, this is just a basic website to show you who I am, how I am, what I like and what I dont like! I just started this page, so dont expect it to be perfect yet, I'm trying to improve it every day as much as I can! Well anyways, I'm doing fine so far this summer, I've been spending time with a few friends and my Boyfriend Josue!! I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER,BABY!!!!!! We're almost going to make 2 years!! WHOOO HOOOO!! I can't wait until I see everyone in High School again! I'ts going to be awesome, meeting new people, getting new stuff, new classes and people! Well I gotta go, stay here for a little bit, and enjoy life while you can! Love Always, !~~Miriam~~!
