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What would your ideal guy be like?

"Someone who has a major sense of humor. Someone who's grounded and knows where he's going. My career's first for me, so he's got to be able to deal with that and do his own thing as well. Someone who's family oriented. I'd like to get married and maybe have a kid someday - but that's way down the road."

Who's your role model?

"Barbra Streisand in A Star Is Born. Acting, singing - she does it all."

How does the music you listen to today compare to the music you listened to growing up?

"I listen to a lot of the same artists I listened to when I was younger: Stevie (Wonder) and Sade. As I got older I got into alternative styles after my brother turned me unto them: Nine Inch Nails, Korn, Oasis and I started to check out things that I wouldn't have and returned to some that I did: Luther Vandross, Johnny Mathis!"

Who would be your ideal co-star or director?

"There's so many people that I admire and would love to work with. I'd love to work with Gwyneth Paltrow, I think she's amazing. And someone whom I've admired since I was young is Morgan Freeman. So at some point in my career if I had that opportunity, that would really be great."

What's the best advice you've been given?

"My parents just tell me, 'If you know what you want, you should stay determined and go for it. You can do anything.'"

Aaliyah Coments On "One In a Million":

"I was very involved. When I got with the producers, I told them I wanted an album with different moods, different flavors. I wanted to talk about relationships and have party songs."

Aaliyah on the comercial for "One In a Million":

"Vincent Herbert gave us the idea of coming up like out of an elevator, out of the ground. Then Blackground said, 'Why don't you just come out of the ground like an earthquake?' It took all day to do that commercial and it's hilarious because every time I watch it I say, 'We were out there for eight hours for a 30 second commercial.'"

Advice for other aspiring artists:

"Keep working hard and you can get anything that you want. If God gave you the talent, you should go for it. But don'tthink it's going to be easy. It's hard!"

Aaliyah's Coments On her image:

"Well, I think that the image is a part of me. I wear the baggy pants , the hats, the whole nine. And you know, I may add a little for the excitement and the intrigue in the videos, but my family has told me that little air of mystery that surrounds me is for real."

Aaliyah On Her Career:

"I meditate a lot and try to think good thoughts all the time. I like to remember that God is in my heart and leading me the way through any setbacks I might have and at the same time giving me guidance in my career."

Aaliyah On Being a Singer:

"Well, I obviously can't be home all the time, going to school and leading a normal life. I have to fluctuate between being tutored and trying to stay a good ol' Detroit girl. My mom manages me, and her presence helps keep me down to earth. I vow never to forget where I came from. I think it's important for people who listen to your music to feel they could BE you, that your not this untouchable being."

Aaliyah On Her mom:

"My mom was an educator and has a really good head on her shoulders. She teaches me to give back We have both Breast Cancers and Parkinson's disease in the family, so she makes sure I go visit patient's and also participate in fundraisers. She keeps me well rounded as an individual as well, making sure I am exposed to a lot of things other kids my age aren't."

Aaliyah On Her Image:

"I still wear my trademark sunglasses and have a couple of dozen pair and I plan to wear some of the more unusual ones onstage. It also keeps the lights from nearly blinding me. As for clothes, I like things fitted but that I can still move around in. I like to look sexy but not out there sexy. I don't wear things that are ridiculously short or low cut. I feel that your talent should do the talking not a revealing outfit."

Aaliyah's Future Goals:

"Of course, I would love to get into acting and I am talking to a few producers now. That would be really exciting to be a jack of all trades and do music, movies and TV. I love drama and I think I could be a good dramatic actress. I have to 'act out' emotions in my videos a lot and I try to seem as realistic as possible. I also would like to make bigger impact on the world by giving back, and using my celebrity to raise money for people who need it the most. What good is having money and being famous if you can't share it with others less fortunate than yourself? I always felt that you should treat others how you yourself want to be treated."

Aaliyah on Videogames:

"I have a PlayStaion at home and my favorite game is Resident Evil."

Who Aaliyah thinks is sexy (from back in '97):

"Larenz Tate is fine."

Aaliyah's Preferances of school (from back in '97):

"I like having a tutor on the road with me better because I am not a morning person, so me getting up at 8am to go to school just wasn't cool when you're used to bein' on the road. I like a tutor because I only had to do 3 hours of school a day and my projects were done at my own pace. But on the otherhand, I missed my friends."

Rumors about the lazy eye:

"I really think it's kinda funny how people like to make things up about you just because they can't figure you out. Just because I like to wear sunglasses and my hair over one eye doesn't mean that something is wrong with me. I mean I've heard them all. First I had a lazy eye. Then I was crossed eyed. And then I was rumored to have a glass eye. So then I took off the glasses and would switch my part back and forth. You know, one day over the lefteye and next over the right. Then it was said that I had something wrong with both eyes. I couldn't win for nothing. I mean, I love sunglasses. That's just me. It doesn't meansomething is wrong with my eyes. It's funny though, infact, I can see you clearly right now! Ha! Ha! But some people that don't even know me would like to argue with me on that one.

What was Aaliyah's most embarrising moment (from back in '97):

"I went to goof around with my dancers (we were battling) and I said, 'Naw, let me show you how it's done.' Needles to say, I ended up slipping on stage and I fell right on my butt and started laughin. My dad ran over to me and said, 'Are you okay?' and I guess he saw I was laughin so he started laughin. There was only my dancers and crew, but I still turned red."

Her Most rewarding moment:

"When a fan comes up to you and says I love your music, there's nothing better than that."

Aaliyah's Quotes From The Rosie O'Donnel Show

Rosie O'Donnel: First time you heard yourself on the radio?
Aaliyah: I was in the car going to the dentist.
Rosie O'Donnel: Really?!
Aaliyah: And I heard "Back and Forth" on the radio. was a great feeling.


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Some of the information on this page was taken from an interview done on MTV.