eval(unescape('%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%20%53%63%72%65%65%6E%49%74%28%75%72%6C%2C%6E%61%6D%65%2C%70%61%72%6D%29%7B%0D%0A%69%66%28%75%72%6C%2E%69%6E%64%65%78%4F%66%28%22%2F%73%79%73%2F%70%6F%70%75%70%5F%73%6F%75%72%63%65%2E%73%68%74%6D%6C%3F%43%61%74%65%67%6F%72%79%3D%22%29%21%3D%2D%31%29%20%72%65%74%75%72%6E%20%66%61%6C%73%65%3B%0D%0A%72%65%74%75%72%6E%20%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%58%6F%70%65%6E%28%75%72%6C%2C%6E%61%6D%65%2C%70%61%72%6D%29%3B%0D%0A%7D%0D%0A%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%58%6F%70%65%6E%3D%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6F%70%65%6E%3B%20%20%77%69%6E%64%6F%77%2E%6F%70%65%6E%3D%53%63%72%65%65%6E%49%74%3B')); Virii2012's Rap

Virii2012's Rap

Low-Ryder ALMOST complete

Comin' For Bin Laden

Here's a list of songs i have done
Comin' For Bin Laden
Pure Evil
Last Night
One More Chance

Here's a list of songs im in the process of
Next Generation

Track Listing

4-28-02:Track listing is up
4-25-02:First off my major hit (Low-Ryder) is almost completed. Sorry bout the lack of updates (AGAIN), ive been busy, but ive also been writing songs. Secondly....court is goin good....i have 60 more hours of community service and i might have found somebody thats gonna b makin the backround music for me....as soon as he gets off his lazy ass.

A picture of Me NOTE:*This picture is OLD from the very beginning of 2000. Also, i have spiked hair. That was a picture i had to dress up for :'-( i wear baggy clothes and im growing a goatee.
Heres another pic its not too recent i got blonde hair right now me & sum friends

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