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These are some of the exchange students who are here in The Colony, USA, with me this year. We are an awesome group!!!

This was at Mercedes birthday party. We had fun on that party. Pictured here are Lauren (USA), Robert(Germany), Luca(Italy), Mercedes(Albania), Joanna(Poland), Draft(Thailand), Kate(Ukraine) and me(Germany):-).

We were iceskating and Mercedes had never iceskated before. It was a lot of fun watching her. She made funny sounds too, while she fell. :-) Pictured are her and Joanna, who tries to help her.

Pictured here are Luca, Joanna, Mercedes and Barbara(Germany) who arrived as a new exchange student for half a year this january (Luca left in january which gave her the place in the high school). We were watching Rodeo, it was an AYUSA meeting and it was fun.

Me and Nurraddin( clue how to spell that) with our Cowboyhats at the rodeo place....pretty cool heh???

This picture was taken on Lucas' "Goodbye party", us, the exchange students, organized a party for him. We were at Joannas house and we had fun, eventhough it was sad that Luca had to leave.

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