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Orien Pax

Orien Pax is a hardcore emcee. He is the founder of R.A.P productions. Also known as Rex Fury, prides himself in his hardcore lyrics.

It all started years ago. A young Optimus Prime struggled to find himself. After years of experimentation with different forms of musical expression, he stumbled upon....hip hop. He had always loved hip hop, but never thought of creating his own, till one day on the playground, he met Deadly Aimes. "We liked the same Rap music," says Aimes, "and the rest is History." However its not quite as simple as that. Prime and Aimes combined forces to create R.A.P, Rappers Anonymous Productions. From there they released the labels first album, street symphony. It was a land mark in hip hop history. "100 albums sold First Day, that speaks for itself" says Aimes. But with those 100 albums came controversy, which no great rapper is without. Their success was not without consequence. "There is a track on the album called Battle Rap. We call out No Money Records, a rival label. The story is they asked me to produce some beats for them, and i said i would, but the next day, they were steady talkin shit. So, me and Psycho B.M cooked a a little Battle Collab to put them in their place. Well needless to say, they weren't very pleased. A few of the members actually attacked B.M while he was alone. A pussy move, thats all i gotta say. They were lucky I wasn't around." But that wasn't all. Optimus Prime faced more controversy himself. About a week after Street Symphony was released, Prime got a call from the creator of Transformers saying that if he did not change his name from Optimus Prime, he would be sued and utterly destroyed. Thinking safely, with his financial safety in mind, Prime changed his name, and is now known as Orien Pax. Orien Pax is actually the original name of Optimus Prime, before the Transformers got huge.
"100 albums sold First Day, that speaks for itself."