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This Iz My Page To All My Friendz That Have Been There!!!
This Page Iz Strictly For My Friendz!!!

Amanda: Me And You Have Been Through It All...From Dateing (12 Hours) To Almost Killing Each Other... We've Done Everythin 2Gether And Thats Wat Makes It Such A Better Experiance...We Share A Brain (Not A Big Brain But A Brian) So We AlwaysKnow Wat We Thinkin...Wait Thats Bad...But Still We Were Alwayz There 4 Each Other In Some Way Or Another... And Since We've Been Through It All You Need To Make A Truse Wit Britty Or Become Friendz Cuz I'm Not Pickin A Side... I Love You Both Not In The Same Way But I Still Love More Then Any FRiend I Ever Had Or Will Have...Pleaze Do It For Me...

Bev:You!!!... Your A Kool Friend...ANd Keep It That Way...Don't Do Anythin Stupid...In Other Words Don't Be Laz... :::Winks:::... Your To Kool To Be Screwed Over

Melissa:Me And You Were Really Close...We Were Like Brother And Sister...I Don't Know Wat Happened But Can We At Least Try To Be Like That Again...I Liked Goin To You 4 Everythin I Needed Help Wit... We've Been Through Alot 2Gether And I Liked Goin Through It Wit...I Know You May Not Like Guys Rite Now But I'll Be Here...

Nhung:Wat Iz There To Say About You And Me...We Had Fun 4 2 Years...Vilance Rules... We really Had Lotz Of Fun..But 4 evry Up Theres A Down...And Here It Goes...You Know How I Feel About You... I Dont Change My Mind So Easily So Your Stuck Wit It...Theres Only One Thing I Really Want Which Iz To Be Like Me And Mel Were...Like Brother And Sister...

Tony And Kat: We Had Alot Of Fun In Science...But Outside We Lost All Contact And I Dont Want That For Us...We Had To Many Memoriez To Not Be Kool...

Liz: You And Me Were Kool In The Beginin But I Don't Know Wat Happened...But Wat I Can Say Iz That You "Secretly Hate Me" So I Cant Do Anythin Bout It...If I Had To Choose Somthin For This Year I Would Ask 4 Our Friendship We Had...

Ro: you were there for me a lot... when i was sad you made me happy and you were always there for me to talk to...and i just want u to know that im never gonna 4get u for bein there 4 me...i dont remember gettin mad at u for anything but if i had it wasnt for long like a day max...i know u mite not consider me family but you kinda are>>>at least to me not rob<<< and one of my closest friends being that ive only known u for 4 years but thas longer than most of the people on here...weve got our memoriez an never 4get(even tho alot of these are more like yourz): spring 02 coming up to msu summer 17 and just a bday '02...the magazine you got in bored>> pervertedness...cuz im laz and i know im an brit 7 monthz>>longest one ive had in the 2 or 3 years weve known each other...and the 2 or 3 years we always argue about...u fighting alicia...being there for me when i needed someone to talk to...sharing our lockers w/ each other an just how clean we kept it...glenridge high...irina...the thing w/ u n christie in ur lunch...5th per lunch 02-03...harvest fest 01 and 02...the guys u like...damn theres a lot more for us but yea im not typin it out lolz...taking me away from michelle (thanx!!)...i just wanna say thanx and ill always be there like ive always a thanx 4 making my pages 4me

Laura: Me And You Didn't Get Along 4 Like Along Time... And Now That I Got To Know You...Your Really Great And I Don't Know Wat Happened And I Don't Care Because I Want It To Stay Wat We Are Now... Thanx 4 Exceptin Me Now...

Leanne: Me And You...Have Had Alot Of Fun 2Gether... Imma Miss You Alot...You Made My Life So Much Better 4 4 Years...As A Friend And Especially As A Cousin...We May Of Had Some Difficulty's At Times But We Still Here 2gether...Don't Worry Imma Come Visit You...Maybe Every Other Weekend...That Way You Can Spend Time Wit Your FAmily One Weekend And One Wit Me And Some Of Your Friendz...Don't Worry I'll TAke Care OF Your Friendz...Especially Britty....

Erika: Me And You Had Our Moments Here And There... We Had Fun 2Gether 4 2 Years... I DOnt Any Other Person That Iz Az Crazy as You...<====In The Best Way Possible... Pleaze Dont 4Get Us Wen U Leave...or when u were sposed to anyway

Jen: Not Much To Say...But We Had Our Few Good Times And I Would Like To Have Alot More...All This Shit That Happened Between You And Me Should Of Never Happened...I Like You...As A Friend...I WIsh We Would Of Got Along Better... Maybe In The Future We Will Get To Be Better People MAybe More...I Don't Know...I Can't Tell The Future So...But I Know That We Will Be At Least Good Friendz...

Matt:Your A Stupid Monkey...But Your Madd Kool So Itz Still Good..YOur DAtein A Best Friend Of Mine So Treat Her Well Or Die...

Chris:You've Been There 4 Me All The Time...Even Though You Live Down Stairs...You Didn't Have To Be There...You Made Me Realize Alot Of Things That I Could Of Never Realized...I Hade Lotz Of Fun Wit You...I Would Of Never Had So Much Fun Wit Out You..

Marc: You Are The Funniest Mother Fucker Ever...We Had Madd Fun 2Gether For Tha Last 3 OR 4 Years And Now That You Graduated And You Goin To The Marines We Ain't Gonna See Each Other... But I'll Still Be Suportin You ...I Hope You Have Fun And We Still Dogs...

Steve: Wat Iz There To Say...We Had Lotz Of Fun Especially In PA...Never Thought I Would See That Side Of You...But We Will Always Be Dogs Even Though You Gonna Be In Arizona...I'll Try To Come Visit..I'm Not Like Rob...Imma Keep It Real...I Don't Know Wen But Wen I can Ill Come See You...I Will Never 4Get You And Your Family...I Know They're Somewhere On This Page But Your The One That Keeps The Glue 2Gether so Thanx 4 All The Memoriez and Hope You Are Sucessful...

Britty: Me And You Were 2Gether For 7 Months And They were 7 Great Monthes Except 4 Here And There Lil Bull Shit... And Who Would Of Thought We Would Be 2Gether..I Love You...As Everything A g/f, A Friend, A Person, And As My Baby...We Had So Many Good Memoriez That Would Take 2 Long To Write But We Still Got Them In Our Hearts And In Our Heads...I Never Thought We Would Be Here Doin Everythin We Doin And We've Done... But I Love It All...Hopefully We Will BE Together 4Ever...Your My World And Thats How I Want It....if theres any day ill remember between us...its everyday i see you...if i were to pick one day to remeber u by forever, it would be 01-02-02...the day u became my baby for the 7 months to follow that


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