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Lifeliners Official Website

Mission Statement
Pics Page
Music Page
Upcoming Events
What's up B-boys and B-girls? 
Thanks for checking out the 
hip-hop group Lifeliners official
website. It is still under
construction so check back often
for new updates. We will have 
news about the group, merchandise, 
and a plethera of hip-hop dopeness. 
If you Bomb, Emcee, Spin, Brake, or
just appreciate an ill hip-hop song
drop us an email and we will respond. 
If you want to know what we're about 
check out the mission statement. 
Want to hear us? Check out the 
downloads on the music page. Want to 
see our ugly mugs? Hit the pics page. 
Wanna see us rock the mic? Check out
the upcoming events. Oh yeah, gotta 
comment? Sign our guestbook. 
Thanks again. God Bless, Word.

One Love, 

Join our Yahoo Group and post a message...

Paul Johnson"Quarintine"

Dale Baker "Wordplay"
