Janurary 3rd, 2003 Whoo Hoo! It's 2003! That means I graduate in 1 year! I already know what college im going to. Kent State with my two bestest friends in the whole world! Me, Kt and Lisa are all goin there 2gether! How could we not? We've been friends since 3rd grade! Well, enough with my life. I changed the css on here, the other was too bright. gotta go.

December 17th, 2002 Look who updated! Wow! It's been like a month since I wrote here... it's not like I forgot about my site.. I just didn't have any motivation to update. My lil cafe was open today. Of course, im in "front of the house", meaning im a waitress! It's fun, but today we had a banquet, and i was so nervous! But.. I did pretty good, considering I never did anything like that before. Only 3 more days til Christmas Break! Whoo Hoo! Anyways, I gotta get goin, please sign my book!

November 6th, 2002
w0ot w0ot new layout! Like it? It christina aguilera, of course! i think she's so pretty, so i had to do a layout of her! oh, n ya know how you download psp7 trial for like 30 days? well it says after 60 days it'll stop running. Not true! lol. im on day 70 and it works fine, so ha to the creators of psp! lol. sorry so short but i gotta go!

October 19th, 2002
Notice anything different bout my site? Yeah, I changed the pic around! I edited it in psp7, but I only have a trial version, which sucks. So how has everyone's weekend been? Mine was ok. I went to a party friday night, lol omg it was too fun! Im not really gonna go into detail bout it, cuz i dunno whos reading this. lol. So im deffanitley in love with that song a moment like this. its soo true ya know? well, i added to the menu "10 reasons why im afraid to love you". go check it out, it can really reach you on a personal level (yes i kno, corny) well i gotta go, buh byes!

October 12th,2002
Im finally back!! Yesss! It's the same layout I had before, but im too lazy to make another one! Oh well, it's still awesome! OH, and I re-opened my expage back up, so go check it out! It has an awesome romeo & juliet layout! I can't believe it's October already! I like how the weather is getting chilly, so now I can wear all of my hoodies! :) School is awesome, too! Im in this Culinary Arts Program at Hoover High School. We get to run the Tri-Star Cafe! It's soo fun! I start out by being a baker, I bake all of the breads, like rolls, buns and hot-dog buns. This recipe we have for the bread is sooo amazing! It tastes soo good! Well, me and my boyfriend broke up a week ago today. Im glad we did though. I haven't been this happy for about a month now, so we did eachother a big favor, ya know? Well, I gotta go, make sure to sign my guestbook k?

the girl
Jessica. 16. blonde hair. blue eyes. thin. Junior at GlenOak. single but gots my eyes on someone. funny. crazy. hyper. adorable. cute. sweet. naughty but nice. smoker. loves swimming. shopping. chocolate. nsync. rap music. aol. making layouts. movies. skating. flirty. hates vegtables. spelling. school. math. posers. copiers. liars. country music.

thanx for blinkie

ur visitor #

<3 Dee
<3 Katie
<3 Katie #2
<3 Amy
<3 Alyshia
<3 Ally
<3 Vanessa
<3 Julie
<3 Haleigh

layout this is version 5 of /je55ica! It's of my favorite movie, Save The Last Dance. I think it's one of my best layouts ever. I found this graphic while searching google.com


im an angelic 

don't hate me 

because i'm pretty


boy crazy


12/11 Late Start Day
12/16 Food Prep Day in Culinary
12/17 Tri~Star Cafe open
12/19- take home test on The Bean Trees due!
12/24- Christmas Eve

Ashanti Over
Ashanti Happy
Nappy Roots Po Folks
Nelly & Kelly Dilemma
Avant Making good love
B2K Gots ta be
B2K Uh Huh
Jessica Simpson Irresistable