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A Tribute To Americas Heroes

This Page is dedicated to what was once the home of FUN!!!

Unfortunately, since America was attacked by mad Mullahs from Afghahnahansytian, it is no longer a FUN!!! place to be.

This page will remind us why America was FUN!!! and pay tribute to all the people and whinging fucking firemen who lost their hats or something. I wasn't really watching to be honest.

Stick around on this page for a minute because a touching audio tribute to all those dead, upset, or dusty because of the towers dropping, is being downloaded as we speak.

Tradegy Drives America Nuts

These fuckwits are so miffed about the shenanigans with the muslims that theyve tried to trick the Asians into thinking there is a 3rd tower and that they weren't really that bothered about the other 2 any ways.

Celebrity Blasted for Insensitive Dance

Ubiquitos fuckwit Victor Lewis Smith was blasted for flying to America as soon as he heard of the attacks, and started performing this insensitive dance. He claimed it was coincidence and was being filmed for his new series, 'VLS is a cunt.'

Hail The Flag, Jones!

Fuck it, we may all laugh about 11th september (and not 9/11 as those US twots call it) but it was quite harsh.

No one is going to New York anymore, but to be honest, the mullahs would be mad to try the same thing in the same city. Or maybe thats their plan to try and trick us into going. Anyway, I don't care. I once went to the restaurant at the top of the World Trade Centre with my nan, and because I had a jumper on, they made me put on one of their poxy jackets, so fuck em. Although, before you ask, I have been excluded from police enquiries.

So fuck off.

Anyway, NY has been trying to promote itself around the world. Here is a real ad I found for NY. It was withdrawn at the last minute.

Click here to download a genuine ad promoting New York post Sept 11th

The picture is of a flag or something.