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Built: 10/11/01

We started this page to help people. You can get at us on our page if you wanna holla. Oh yeah and the haters are on full blast so watch ya back.

Make sure that you take the time to go through this page. If you ask us for the HTML for something that is on the page, We will just send you back to the page. We have taken the time to build this page, so please take the time to read it.

Well first of all, Wassup! Sit back, relax, and enjoy! Let’s take one thing at a time.

People ask us for help all the time and sometimes and we don’t have time to explain it all the time. So it is all here for you to help yourselves. We learned all this from webpages.

Keep in mind that we will not do the work for you. Also keep in mind that we are still learning. Aiight, let`s get started...

One thing that you should always remember is to close your tags. A tag is an individual HTML code. If someone ask you to close your tags, you will have to insert / into the HTML that you are using. It would look like this:

<b>Everything inside of this tag will be bold.</b>

Do you see where we used </b>? That will close the tag for bold. If you do not close the tag, everything that follows <b> will be bold.

We will tell you about the following tags, but this is what they all represent if you do not know.

Common HTML Tags

  • Bold: <b></b>

  • Italic: <i></i>

  • Underline: <u></u>

  • Delete: <del></del>

  • Font: <font></font>

  • Center: <center></center>

  • Marquee (scrolling text): <marquee></marquee>

  • Body: <body></body>

  • Table: <table></table>

  • Table Row: <tr></tr>

  • Table Data: <td></td>

  • Paragraph: <p></p>

      Note: There are two ways of using this tag. You can use it as a double break in a line or you can use it to align your text.

      If you are using it as a double space in a line, there is no need to close the tag. It is not necessary. If you are using it to align your text (left, center, or right), you will need to end this tag.

  • Style: <style></style>

      You will use this code when you are using css (cascading stylesheets). It is not as hard as it sounds.

      Note: I used css with this page.

  • Embed: <embed></embed>

      This tag is used with songs and videos.

  • Link: <a></a>

      Note: ALWAYS remember to close a tag for a link.
It is not necessary to close the following tags.

  • Break: <br>

      Note: This will act as a break in the line. I`ll give you an example of it.

      This is what the<br>break will do.

      This is what the
      break will do.

  • Horizontal Rule: <hr>

      Note: Look throughout this page. Do you see the horizontal lines? That is the horizontal rule. It gives you a horizontal line with a break before and after it.

  • Image: <img>

      There is no need to close a tag for an image.

  • Space: &nbsp;

      Note: This will act as a space in a line. I will give you an example:


      This will add a space in the line.

I used css for this page, so some of these did not come out the way it would appear if I did not use css.


In order to post an image to either your page or to a guestbook, you must upload the image. When you upload an image, you are saving it online. In doing that, you will be able to access that image by it`s url (internet address). When you are ready to post that image, you will need to know the url of the image. It should look similar to:

Here are a few sites I would suggest for uploading files:
Attbi :: College Club :: Webshots ::

  • To post an image, use:
    <img src="">

    When the image has been posted, you will see what is below...

  • To post animation, use:
    <img src="">

    When the image has been posted, you will see what is below...


Links are not that hard to do. There are a few things to remember when you are doing links...

  1. Always remember to close the tag.

  2. Try not to use too many words for the link.

  3. Check the URLs that you use and make sure that they are active (that they work).

Below are different ways of using links.

  • If you want to link a page using text that will open in the current browser window, use:

    <a href=" ">HOOK UP YA PAGE</a>

    This is the result:


  • If you want to link a page using text that will open in a new browser window, use:

    <a target="_blank" href=" ">HOOK UP YA PAGE</a>

    This is the result:


  • If you want to link a page using an image that will open in the current browser window, use:

    <a href=" "><img src=""></a>

    This is the result:

  • If you want to link a page using an image that will open in a new browser window, use:

    <a target="_blank" href=" "><img src=""></a>

    This is the result:

  • If you want to take the borders off the image, use the folowing:

    For current window:
    <a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Check out our page..."></a>

    For new window:
    <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Check out our page..."></a>

      Note: in the last two examples, I added an alternative message. When someone places their mouse over the image, a message will appear that says "Check out my page...". In the event that the image does not load, the message will appear in it`s place. Look below for an example of that...

      Check out my page...

scrollin text [marquee]

speed of marquee



how to make a link


convert .rm files to .wav files

encode music



Special Announcement
Blackplanet no longer supports the embed tag. That is the tag that is used for music and videos. This section will remain on this page because you can post it in your G-book or there are other sites where you could use this tag. If you should happen to use this tag on your page, don`t be surprised if it deletes every HTML code from your page.

When dealing with music, there are a few things that you should know. Like images, the music file has to be uploaded (saved online). When that is done, you will need to know the url in order to use it on a webpage.

  • Waves:
    If you want to put a song that is in wave format on your page, use:

    <EMBED SRC="" AUTOSTART=true LOOP=infinite CONTROLS=smallconsole HIDDEN=true></EMBED>


    <BGSOUND SRC="" LOOP="-1" AUTOSTART="true">

    In order to get any type of music on your page, you will need to to use the example that is above. There are no sites that we know of where you can download wave formatted songs.

    There is a was to convert a real media [.rm or a completely downloaded .ram] song into a wave formatted song. In order to do that, you will need to download Media Box. Once you have downloaded the program, double click on it`s icon. Once it is open, click on the word load. Select the song that you would like to convert. Once you have done that, click on the word convert.

    The file will be too large to upload, so we would suggest that you cut the song up. You can do that by using the sound recorder. It should have came with Microsoft Windows if that`s what you have. You can locate it by going to Start >> Programs >> Accessories >> Entertainment >> Sound Recorder.

    Open the song in the sound recorder. Play the song until it gets to the place where you want it to stop. [The less time it is, the less disk space it will take up.] Once you have stopped it, go to edit and select delete after current position. Once you have done that, you will then be ready to upload it to geocities. That is the site I would suggest for music storage.

    If you want to use a midi, you can use the same code for wave and midi files.

  • RealAudio:
    Before you start with RealAudio, you will have to have downloaded RealPlayer. If you so not have RealPlayer, click here to download RealPlayer 8 Basic.

    Once you have installed it, you will hear the music that you have been missing all along. To post some music on your page, use the following:


    You can change the size to whatever pleases your taste. You can also choose to hide it on your page. To do that, change HIDDEN=FALSE to HIDDEN=TRUE.You can choose to program the song to play when someone enters your page or you can program it to play if the guest selects to do so. There are a few other controls you could go with such as: controlpanel, playbutton, stopbutton, infovolumepanel, infopanel, imagewindow (imagewindow can go along with controlpanel...just use a comma to seperate the two). You will need to change the size based on each control you decide to use. Below are some sites we found where you will be able to find and download music. we did that for ya. br>


    In order to use a video on your page, you will need to use the tag for embed. You will NOT be able to use this tag on

    we are adding this section because it can be used on other sites such as,, and to name a few.

    • If you are using a real media video clip, use:


    • If you want to use a video clip for windows media, use:


    How to encode music:

    We are going to explain this step by step. (we will explain each step very clearly) p>

    • Buy or at least borrow the album that you would like to use.

    • Open RealJukebox.

      If you do not have RealJukebox, click here to download it. Once you have downloaded it, open the program so that it can install into your computer. You may need to restart your computer.

    • Once you have RealJukebox open, look at the top and select tools.

    • Once you have selected tools, select preferences.

    • You will need to make changes to your preferences. We will just tell you the changes that we have made. You can either follow what we have done or do what you want to do.

    • Click the tab for general and make the following changes.

      • Uncheck the box for CD AutoPlay.
      • Uncheck the box for AutoRecord.
      • Uncheck the box for Enable StartCenter.
      • Check the box for Enable AutoPlay While Recording.
      • Uncheck the box for Switch to New Skin after Download.
      • Uncheck the box for Switch to New Skin if present in Track.
      • Check the box for Switch to New Track Info Style on Download.

    • Click the tab for Music Files and make the following changes.

      • Click the button for Change Sub-Folders.
      • Select Two Sub-Folders:"Artist\Album" - RECOMMENDED and click on ok.
      • Click on the button for Change Filenames.
      • On the first drop-down menu, select Track Name. Select None for the rest of them and clock on ok.
      • Click on the button for File Locations.
      • Select or create a folder for each. Make sure that it is something that you will remember. Click ok.
      • Click the button for CD Title.
      • Select Untitled in the first drop-down menu.
      • Select New CD in the second drop-down menu and click on ok.
      • Click on the button for Database.
      • Select Back up database on exit if we have made changes. Note: That will save the info in your jukebox. You know if you add tracks to play lists.
      • Click ok.

    • Click the tab for Recording and make the following changes.

      • In the section for Recording Method, select Digital.
      • In the section for Recording Alerts, check the box next to Display error message when suppressing playback during recording. Uncheck the two boxes that follow.

    • Click the tab for Audio Quality and make the following changes.

      • Select Wave Audio. By doing that, the music will record as a wave.

    • Click the tab for Internet and make the following changes.

      • In the section for Connection Options, select Automatically detect my online status.

    • Click the tab for Display and make the following changes.

      • For Buttons:
        • check Home
        • check CD
        • uncheck Music Guide
        • check All Tracks
        • check Artist
        • check Album
        • uncheck Genre
        • check Artist/Album
        • uncheck Genre/Artist
        • uncheck Genre/Album
        • uncheck Genre/Artist/Album
        • check Recent
        • check Search
        • check Playlists
        • check AutoPlaylists
        • uncheck Radio
        • uncheck Devices

      • For Information Fields:
        • check Track Name
        • check Artist
        • check Album
        • uncheck Genre
        • check CD Track #
        • check Length
        • check Format
        • uncheck Quality
        • uncheck File Size
        • uncheck File Name
        • uncheck Protection

      • In the section for Theme, select whichever one you like. [The theme for ghosts is really nice.]

      • In the section for Recent Tracks, click the button for change. Then put in 50 and click ok.

    • Click ok.

    • Insert your CD in your E Drive.

    • Click on the button for CD in the RealJukebox.

    • If the track information is not there [song names], look up top, click on file, and select Get CD Info.

    • Place a check next to the song that you want to record.

    • Click on the Record button. It`s the first button on the left on the play button.

    • When the song is done recording, stop the song from playing.

    • Open Real Producer.

      If you do not have RealProducer, click here to download it. Once you have downloaded it, open the program so that it can install into your computer. You may need to restart your computer.

    • Once you open RealProducer, the Choose Recording Wizard will pop up. If it doesn`t, click on file and select New Session.

    • Select Record From File.

    • Do you remember the folder that you had to select for RealJukebox? Click on browse and go to that folder.

    • Select the songand click on next.

    • Insert the title and author of song. You can also add a copyright to the song. It will let someone know who encoded the song [if you insert your name]. Just remember to keep it short. Click on next.

    • Select Multi-rate SureStream for RealServer G2. Click on next.

    • Select 28K Modem. Uncheck everything else. By selectin only 28K, will ensure that you music will be available for use on all modems. Click on next.

    • Select Music and click on next.

    • Select the folder that you want to save the song in. You can also rename the song. [make sure you don`t use any spaces or any characters besides - and _
      Click on next

    • Click on finish.

    • Look at the bottom and click on start.

    • Log onto ATTBI [that is the site we would suggest] and upload the song.

      Note: It will take a very long time to upload if you have a slow modem.

      If you do not have a Yahoo account, we would suggest that you sign up for one.

    • Now that you have uploaded it, you will be able to use it on a webpage. Go to the section for music to see how it is done.

    We explained all of this so that you will be able to encode your own music from a CD.


Getting a background for your page is not that hard. You may choose to have a solid color or a picture as your background. there are two different ways (that we know about) for getting a background on your page.

  • This is the simple way for getting a solid color as a background:

    <body bgcolor="#E9967A">Insert text, images, and whatever else you want on your page here...</body>

    This will NOT work best on sites like MiGente, BlackPlanet, and AsianAvenue.

  • This is the simple way for getting an image as a background:

    <body background=" ">Insert text, images, and whatever else you want on your page here...</body>

    This will NOT work best on sites like MiGente, BlackPlanet, and AsianAvenue.

  • This is a common way of getting a solid color as a background:

    <style type="text/css"><!-- body{background:#E9967A} //--></style>

  • This is a common way of getting an image as a background:

    <style type="text/css"><!-- body{background:url( fixed} //--></style>

  • If you use an image as a background, sometimes the image will not load. If the image was renamed or deleted, your page won`t have a background unless you change the url. Sometimes you may not notice that your background will not load. You can insert a default color just in case your background does not come up. we would suggest that you use a color that is similiar to your background.

    To give your background a default color just in case your background does not load, use the following:

    <style type="text/css"><!-- body{background: #8080FF url( fixed} //--></style>

For a few backgrounds, go to the official site and click the link for the backgrounds that I made....


Tables can be a little tricky if you don`t have a clue about what you are doing. Below are the codes that we have created for tables. All you have to do is copy the code and make the changes you want.


If you want to change the appearance of your textarea (place where someone would send you a note), there are two ways of doing it.

Drop Down Menu:

You may want to add a little something extra to your page. I have noticed that a few people list their likes and dislikes. That is where a drop down menu will come in handy.

    If you want to use a drop down menu on your page, use one of the following...

  • The simple way:
    <select><option selected>My list...<option>this will be item one<option>this will be item two<option>this will be item three</option></select>

    This will be the result:

  • The difficult way:
    <select style="background:#999999;color:#FFFFFF;font-family:comic sans ms;font-size:12px"><option selected>My list...<option>this will be item one<option>this will be item two<option>this will be item three</option></select>

    This will be the result:


profile information


textarea for notes

drop down menu





change the appearance of your username


rain effect


If you are wondering what CSS stands for, it is cascading stylesheets. You can do all types of nice lil goodies with CSS. You can program your page to do certain things wheneva someone views your page. You can preset fonts, bold text, italic text, underlined text, paragraphs, headings, links, images, the body of your page, as well as a lot of other things.

If you don`t already know a lil bit of sumthin about CSS, I would suggest that you leave it alone. It`s hard if you don`t know anything about it. It may even fry up your brain.

I will give you examples of how to use CSS to change the things I listed above.

Pay attention to where I used colons and semi-colons. If you mess those up, your page will NOT come out properly.


Borders are used for decorations. You have to be careful with borders. If you make your borders too thick, they will look tacky. You can add borders to the body of your page, tables, paragraphs, images, as well as a few other things.

Note: Borders are at best when viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Below are some examples of border sizes.

This is 1px

This is 2px

This is 3px

This is 4px

This is 5px

This is 6px

This is 7px

This is 8px

This is 9px

This is 10px

This is 15px

This is 20px

This is 25px

This is 30px

This is 35px

Below are examples or border styles.

This is solid.

This is double.

This is outset.

This is inset.

This is ridge.

This is groove.

This is dotted.

This is dashed.

The last two can not be viewed with IE 5.0 or less.

Below are examples of how to use borders.

  • If you would like to add a border to your page, follow this example.

    <style type=text/css><!-- body{border:#FF80FF 10px outset} //--></style>

    You can have more than one color for your border.

    <style type=text/css><!-- body{border-right:#00BFFF 10px outset;border-left:#00BFFF 10px outset;border-top:#FF80FF 10px outset;border-bottom:#8080FF 10px outset} //--></style>

    For an example, look at the border of this page.

  • If you would like to add a border to your table, you will need to add style="border:#FF80FF 7px outset" to the tag for table. It should look like what you see below.

    <table style="border:#FF80FF 7px outset"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    It should look similar to what you see below.

    Add text and images here...

  • If you would like to add a border to your paragraph, you will need to add style="border:#FF80FF 7px outset" to the tag for paragraph. It should look like what you see below.

    <p style="border:#FF80FF 7px outset">Add your text and images here.</p>

    It should look similar to what you see below.

    Add your text and images here

  • If you would like to add a border to your image, you will need to add style="border:#FF80FF 7px outset" to the tag for image. It should look like what you see below.

    <img style="border:#FF80FF 7px outset" src="">

    It should look similar to what you see below.


In order to see the scrollbars, you will need IE 5.1 or higher. There are different ways to make your scrollbars appear. You will need to be creative with the colors. I would suggest that you use two colors [three at the most]. Keep it clean. I would suggest that you use colors that follow the color scheme for your page.

To change your scrollbars, follow the one of the examples below.

  • For multiple colors, follow this example.

      <style type="text/css"><!-- body{scrollbar-track-color:#999999;scrollbar-highlight-color:#8080FF;scrollbar-3dlight-color:#000000;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#999999;scrollbar-shadow-color:#000000;scrollbar-arrow-color:#999999;scrollbar-face-color:#000000} //--></style>

    scrollbar-track-color ~ This is the area that you see in white that the scrollbar is on top of.

    scrollbar-highlight-color ~ This is the second "light" that is on the left. On this page, it is purple.

    scrollbar-3dlight-color ~ This is the first "light" that is on the left.

    scrollbar-darkshadow-color ~ This is the second "light" that is on the right. If it is in black, it will give your scrollbar a 3D effect.

    scrollbar-shadow-color ~ This is the second "light" that is on the right. If it is in black, it will give your scrollbar a 3D effect.

    scrollbar-arrow-color ~ This is the color of the arrow [triangle].

  • If you wanna use one color, follow the example below.

      <style type="text/css"><!-- body{scrollbar-base-color:#FF80FF} //--></style>


You can change the appearance of the cursor on your page. This is mostly done for decoration. Unlike borders, you can add a cursor on anything. You can change the appearance of a cursor for the body of your page, when you move across links, tables, paragraphs, images, as well as some others.

    Listed below are a few styles for the cursors.
    Hold your mouse over the word to see the cursor.

  • default
  • crosshair
  • help
  • move
  • text
  • wait
  • n-resize
  • ne-resize
  • nw-resize
  • s-resize
  • se-resize
  • sw-resize
  • e-resize
  • w-resize

If you would like to change the cursor for the body of your page, follow the example below.

  • <style type=text/css><!-- body{cursor:crosshair} //--></style>

If you would like to change the cursor for links, follow the example below.

  • <style type=text/css><!-- a:hover{cursor:e-resize} //--></style>

If you would like to add a cursor to anything else, just add style="cursor:n-resize" to it. Follow the examples listed below.

  • <table style="cursor:n-resize"><tr><td>Add text here...</td></tr></table>

  • <img style="cursor:n-resize" src="">

  • <marquee style="cursor:n-resize">Add text here...</marquee>

  • <p style="cursor:n-resize">Add text here...</p>


To change the appearance of your username, use the following:

    <style type="text/css"><!-- .username{font-family:lucida sans;font-size:50px;color:#FF0000}//--></style>

    Do NOT change .username to your own username. Leave it as it is.

To use a banner to cover your username, use the following:

    <table style="background:white;position:absolute;top:100;left:140" border="0"><tr><td valign=top><img src=""></td></tr></table>

Note: I used my banner as an example. You will need to change the url to the url of your banner. Also, you may want to change the background color the the current background color or background image that you are currently using.

To use a shortcut with the banner, use the following:

    <img style="position:absolute;top:100;left:140" src="">


Filters are used as decoration. There are 11 filters that I have knowledge of. Those filters would be glow, shadow, wave, blur, and alpha.

As an example, I am going to use this image.

  • Glow:

    <table style="filter:glow(color:#FF80FF)"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

    Add text and images here...

  • Shadow:

    <table style="filter:shadow(color:#FF80FF)"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

    Add text and images here...

  • Wave:

    <table style="filter:wave(add=0, phase=1, freq=2, strength=10);color:#FF80FF"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

    Add text and images here...

    This filter only looks good with marquee...

    <marquee direction=up style="filter:wave(add=0, phase=1, freq=2, strength=10);color:#FF80FF">Add text and images here...</marquee>

    Add text and images here...

  • Blur:

    <table style="filter:blur"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

    Add text and images here...

  • Drop Shadow:

    <table style="filter:dropshadow(color=#FF80FF)"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

    Add text and images here...

    This is how it appears with an image.

  • Flip H:

    <table style="filter:fliph"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

    Add text and images here...

    This is how it appears with an image.

  • Flip V:

    <table style="filter:flipv"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

    Add text and images here...

    This is how it appears with/$ AS an image.

  • Alpha:

    <table style="filter:alpha(opacity=60)"><tr><td><font>Add text and images here...</font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

    Add text and images here...

    This only looks good with images...

  • Gray:

    <table style="filter:gray"><tr><td><font><img src=""></font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

  • Invert:

    <table style="filter:invert"><tr><td><font><img src="$_thumb.jpg"></font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

  • X-Ray:

    <table style="filter:xray"><tr><td><font><img src="$_thumb.jpg"></font></td></tr></table>

    This is how it will appear...

Falling Objects

This is another version of the falling marquee on the previous page. We like these marquees. So do a lot of other people so here is a little something more to spice up ya spot.

p>Note: You will need to insert your own images. I used those images as an example.

Put this tag inside almost any other code. Absolute positioning is good for putting things EXACTLY where you want them on your page. The TOP attribute is how far from the top the object will be. 0 puts it against the top of the screen, the higher the number the farther from the top. The LEFT attribute is how far from the left the object will be. 0 puts it against the left side of the screen, the higher the number the farther from the left. ...

Do NOT use this if you have a picture gallery full of large images or any images wider then the note textarea.

To give it scrollbars, use the followin:

If your browser does not support the span tag, get at me with a note. You can tell if you do not see this sentence in pink.

Link this page:

To link this page, use one of the following:

<a target=blank style="background:#000000" href=""><img src="" style="border:#999999 5px outset" alt="HOOK UP YA PAGE"></a>

This is how the link will appear:

<a target=blank style="background:#999999" href=""><img src="" style="border:#C0C0C0 5px outset" alt="HOOK UP YA PAGE"></a>

This is how the link will appear:

Send Us A Message
When you get a chance....MUAH

position notes & links


free graphics

link this page

Shouts to the click
NicoleJvon.:.Amarirashawn.:. COLA98311


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