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Gav's Cool Stuff

Hi, I'm Gavin and this is my site. I'm not very good at websites yet, so you'll have to bare with me. Right now I only have some pics of me with friends, but hopefully I will find more and post them up here. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my site...
Click here to see pictures of my Prom and Ball Date, Denelle

That's me in front of my house.

This is me driving down to LA. We're somehwere on Interstate 5.

My cousin Lacy and I being slightly wierd. She's my crazy fourth cousin from Hawai'i. In this picture, I'm wearing her blue feathery thing and her sunglasses, and she has on her beany. This pic was taken right around my 15th birthday.

My girlfriend at the time,Kari, and I at Nick's house. This was Nick's 16th Birthday Party, and we're at his huge Victorian house in Danville.

This is my girl Kimmy a.k.a. Shorty!!! Te quiero chiquita!.

This is my Buddy 'ol Pal, Angela. Luv ya babes!!

Here is another, more conservative, shot of my cousin Lacy and I.

A Favorite Poem: (cuz it's written about me!!)

Reminiscing a Day
Holding, breathing, sweating
Nothing but the vibrations of our bodies hitting one another
Heat flows up and down my body
I look deep into your eyes; beautiful, mystical eyes
No sounds but the hard breathing of our bodies
Words are passed to one another "I love mine forever..."
I take one last deep breath, and one last look into your eyes
We hold each other close,
Thinking about what a beautiful thing we both experienced with each other.
Jokes are made
Then silence
Look out the window
A car, your father's car
The passion stops
We hold each other one last time, and then you depart
My love has walked into my life, and is now apart of me...forever.
I sit down on my couch
Listening to a song we have shared for many months now
Reminiscing the day I spent with the love of my life
I fell asleep in hope to dream about my soul mate
He is meant for me, we belong together
Nothing can come between us, not even death itself
I love him, I shared a special part of my life with him
Oh how I miss him
His kiss
Kisses like no other, so sweet, and warm
The way he holds me so close I can feel his heart beat
I know he loves me
I can feel it in his touch
In his touch
I love him
To Gavin
Love Holly

Favorite Quotes:
"I do what I like and I like what I do." ~Unknown,

"It doesn't matter who farted, it's still snowing." ~Skip Machado,

"Party Hardy,
Rock and Roll,
Drink Bacardi,
Smoke a Bowl,
Sex is Great,
Beer is Free,
WE ARE THE CLASS OF 2003!!!" ~Kari Mannee

"You're funny...funny lookin'!!!" ~Jessica Manzano

"Silly Billy Gum Drops." ~Kim Dabner

Updated August 25th, 2003

