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April 10, 2004:

Every section is complete now except for Weapons Section. The reason I decided not to do this section right now because I might split that section up. Well, if you must really see the stats for those items, go to Arreat Summit, this is where I get all my information plus the pictures I have for the items.

April 7, 2004:

Since we decided to leave everything UNID, the items will look more like the glove section of this website. I have also added the Sets Section for anybody wanting to buy Complete Sets.

April 6, 2004:

Since I was confused about how I will setup the description of the items, we decided that the items will be left UNID (unidentified). This will help out because now I only have to put their stats. Of course the items we already have will be sold ID (identified), but after all those are gone, we will only have UNID until we find a more sufficient way. We will ID all the items that have the potential to be two different items. For example, Unique Sacred Armor on ladder. We do not think our customers have to guess what item it will be, that is just unfair. As of now, I will just put the stats of the items and leave it as that. Once I complete that, I will update the list of items we have so you may be able to purchase more items. We have been discussing, and I might list the US West Non-Ladder items if the website do well.

March 31, 2004:

I am trying out a new item setup. To check it out, go to the Boots section of my website and please e-mail me and give me some feedback, both negative and positive. It did take me a while to get every item different stats up, so it might not work exactly like how I did the boots but as of right now, that is how I am trying to format it. There are some more changes I am going to do to the website, but I think the item info is the most important right now.

March 27, 2004:

I decided to hold back the publication of this site for a little while longer. I had to fix a couple of bugs the website have and I really did not want people to come and see all the bugs. Keep in mind: In order for me to accept reasonable prices and not charge outrages prices like the other websites is because this is being run by me, the_real_deal, and a couple of my friends. So I am doing everything by myself, including the website. Since I do not have any bills to pay toward the website, then I can take those reasonable offers. If you spot any type of errors on the website, please e-mail me them ASAP so I can get them fixed right away.

March 12, 2004:

This is the, shall I say, Grand opening of my Diablo Store. As of right now, it is still under construction but it is open to the public. I know it looks rough right now, but as time comes, I will update everything as quickly as possible. I thank you for coming and experiencing the revolutionary website that puts you in control. As of right now, its only a Diablo Store, but as time progress, I will try to add things to expand its usage and bring more people into our world. Please e-mail me with any suggestions to improve my store.











Future Plans:

More to come...