"We were young and we were dumb but we had heart..."

This site is permanently closed, but will always be here for those who care..

Thank you for giving me the chance to share my memories with you all...

We have grown.. and we are now ready to take on the world.. just like true grown ups do... haha...

i still miss you all...

..until the next time...

..peace out family...



Ladies and and Gentlemen, Thugs and Bitches, you've stumbled upon one of the maddest sites in this world... now that you're here, yall might as well stay a couple of minutes...
Im Justin, and Ill be yo' tour guide fo tha day. If yall are looking for famous people this aint tha place fo you..
This site iz all about muh friends muh enemies and our livez together.

Check out pics of us, read stories about us and check out songs and lyrics made by us! including the explosive raps written by Souljah aka Archie Sit and your one and only SixDigitz aka me.
Play some hot games, read stupid jokes... and look at some otha shit that dont make the slightest sense in this world!
Wanna be the top emcee? every 15th of the month i will be announcing the freestyler of the month, in the freestyle forum! Its crunch time so lets hear ya rip!
Dont forget to write a lil' message in the guest book area befo' you leave!

"damn yo, memba to sign my guestbook and shit, and if yall have the balls...battle me in the freestyle forum"

'tha story'
rapz and songz
poetry corner
Freestyle Tournamentz
quotes(msn namez)
so random!
PLAY! gamez
yo mama!

friendz sitez

Text,images,fonts,ideas quotes games are property of 'first sight inc' and/or Angelfire.com Any reproduction without proper consent of the owner will be noted and offenders will be shot down or possibly beaten to death. Special thanks to Jess Fong angelfire.com bandbuilders.com hiphop.com eminemworld.com joecartoon.com bravenet.com all who have contributed to hiphop2/fckincrazy.com if you have any complaints do not feel free to email me at playadawg@hotmail.com so fuck off. thank you. god bless.