My Pics, pg. 1


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Sorry if some of the pics look weird, I had to resize some. Pages 2 and 3 have better pics too :) As the page numbers get bigger, the more recent they are.

Me, Angela, Ryan, Heather, Ashley. Here's some of the people I hang out with (excluding the bitch next to me). And yes, I am a *SUPER STAR*! Haha. Taken in Feb. '01

Heather, Me, Angela with a bunch of people behind us. V-Day Dance again, taken in Feb. '01

Angela, Kassandra, Me. Haha, here we're at the Valentines Dance, obviously taken in Feb. '01

Me on the bus. Taken in late '00

My 7th grade pic. Taken in Sept. '00

I erased my mom. Taken in summer '00 (vacation, that's why I look like shit!)

I erased my grandma. Taken in summer '00 (vacation)

I'm on the left. Taken in summer '00 (vacation)

Just wanted to show off my EMINEM shirt! Taken in summer '00 (vacation)

Me, Jordan, my date to the Dance *shiver* (I saved the WORST pic for last!!). Here's me and Jordan, haha laugh it up.


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