Dim poi As String Dim grad As String Dim info As String Private Sub cmdcancel_Click() For x = 0 To 9 txtresults.Text = "" txtother.Text = "" text1(x).Text = "" Next x Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False Option4.Value = False Option5.Value = False Option8.Value = False Option9.Value = False Option10.Value = False Option11.Value = False Option12.Value = False Option13.Value = False poi = "" grad = "" info = "" End Sub Private Sub cmdend_Click() End End Sub Private Sub cmdok_Click() For x = 0 To 9 If text1(x).Text = Empty Then MsgBox ("Please Fill In All Blanks") text1(x).SetFocus x = 10 Else If x = 9 Then If Option8.Value = True Then poi = txtother.Text ElseIf poi = "" Then MsgBox ("Please Select A Point of Interest") ElseIf grad = "" Then MsgBox ("Please Select Graduate or Ungraduate") ElseIf info = "" Then MsgBox ("Please Select Info") Else: txtresults.Text = "My Name Is " & text1(0).Text & "," & vbNewLine & "I Live At " & text1(1).Text _ & ", " & text1(2).Text & " " & text1(3).Text & " " & text1(4).Text & "," & vbNewLine _ & "My Phone Number Is " & text1(5).Text & "," & vbNewLine & "At Night I Can Be Reached At " & text1(6).Text & "," & vbNewLine _ & "My Email Address Is " & text1(7).Text & "," & vbNewLine & "My Date of Birth Is " & text1(8).Text _ & "," & vbNewLine & "My Security Number Is " & text1(9).Text & "." & vbNewLine & "My Program of Interest Is " & poi & vbNewLine _ & "I Want To Be A " & grad & vbNewLine & info & vbNewLine & "Thank You." End If End If End If Next x End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() For x = 0 To 9 txtresults.Text = "" txtother.Text = "" text1(x).Text = "" Next x Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False Option4.Value = False Option5.Value = False Option8.Value = False Option9.Value = False Option10.Value = False Option11.Value = False Option12.Value = False Option13.Value = False poi = "" grad = "" info = "" End Sub Private Sub Option1_Click() If Option1.Value = True Then Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False Option4.Value = False Option5.Value = False Option8.Value = False txtother.Text = "" poi = "Education" End If End Sub Private Sub Option10_Click() If Option10.Value = True Then info = "I Would Like Someone To Call Me About Other Programs at Roosevelt University" End If End Sub Private Sub Option11_Click() If Option11.Value = True Then info = "I would Like Someone To Send Me Information About Roosevelt University" End If End Sub Private Sub Option12_Click() If Option12.Value = True Then grad = "UnderGraduate" End If End Sub Private Sub Option13_Click() If Option13.Value = True Then grad = "Graduate" End If End Sub Private Sub Option2_Click() If Option2.Value = True Then Option1.Value = False Option3.Value = False Option4.Value = False Option5.Value = False Option8.Value = False txtother.Text = "" poi = "Psychology" End If End Sub Private Sub Option3_Click() If Option3.Value = True Then Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option4.Value = False Option5.Value = False Option8.Value = False txtother.Text = "" poi = "Training & Development" End If End Sub Private Sub Option4_Click() If Option4.Value = True Then Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False Option5.Value = False Option8.Value = False txtother.Text = "" poi = "E-Learning" End If End Sub Private Sub Option5_Click() If Option5.Value = True Then Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False Option4.Value = False Option8.Value = False txtother.Text = "" poi = "Organizational Leadership" End If End Sub Private Sub Option8_Click() If Option8.Value = True Then Option1.Value = False Option2.Value = False Option3.Value = False Option4.Value = False Option5.Value = False End If End Sub Private Sub Option9_Click() If Option9.Value = True Then info = "I Would Like For Someone To Call Me About RU Online." End If End Sub
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