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Facts About Usher

What is Usher's full name? Usher Terry Raymond IV

Where is Usher from? Usher is originally from Chattanooga,TN, but now resides in Atlanta,GA.

What is Usher's birthday? October 14, 1978, he is also a Libra

Does Usher have any siblings? Yes, his brother's name is James

Is Usher's mother his manager? Yes, Jonetta Patton is her name J-Pat is her management company.

What is Usher's favorite food? Soul and seafood

What is Usher's favorite color? Yellow

What is Usher's shoe size? 13, Usher confirmed this on the Keenan Ivory Wayans Show when he was on for the second time.

How many albums does Usher have out? 3, the self titled first album, his sophomore album, My Way, and the newly released 8701.
