Fouette Turns

I know a lot of people that have trouble with fouette turns, and if you are one of them, don't worry! Help is on the way, even professionals lose their turns sometimes.
You start out in the same position as you would if you are doing a regular turn. And then you just do a turn, but instead of landing it, you bring your leg out 90 degrees and go into a plie, then you bring it into a pique position and go back up on relevee at the same time ( You bend it to your knee ) then turn to the front, bring your foot out, and you repeat that over and over!
A really important part is that you don't drop your arms, because they give you force. Keep your spot and turn out and pointe ur toes!
Here are some important pointers you should consider, whether you are improving your turns, or just learning.

1) Keep your leg straight.
2) Don't forget to spot.
3) Always hit your points, don't make it all flow. By hitting i mean, be very sharp and hit your positions to the front and back.
4) Don't try to bring your leg up higher than you can lift it without lifting your hips. Keep it at your level, that way you won't lose your balance.
5) Really use your arms to whip you around, because they give you force.
