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Black Moon

The lord, the psalmist`s shepherd.

the lord is my shephred, I shall not want.

He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.

He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteouness forhisname`s sake.

Even though I walk through the vally of the shadow of death. I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table befor me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head withoil; My cup overflows.

Surely goodness and lov- ingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Age: 19! Sex: Male but did I have to say that? Location: Toronto Ontario(Canada) Birth place: Jamaica School: Sir John A. Macdonald(one more year left but I am going to miss ppl) contact: msn 161113589 icq ~*I DON`T CARE NO MORE!*~ Yo I have been do some mad thinkin tryin to plot my next move and figering y there people do the things that theydo. Dont they see the type of terror that they be puttin in peoples mind all this bad energy tryin to make a brother die. It really makes me think do I cry and shead tears from the wounds they leavin or just plot my path and move on like another season????? I have not hate for the world or any one person I love u and u know who u r.

Peace and one love to all. Dont follow what other peopl do, only do you because at the end of the day the only person that has to live with itis you and the question is are you ready? No are you realy ready?
( `.`)THE COMMISSION(`.` ) Jermaine-aka>-Black Moon-< Jude-aka>-Romeo-< Eddie-aka>-korea-<
---->>ShOuT OuTs!!!<<---- Everone graduating! Aunity C- For doing up my hair everone loved it. (pic comming soon.) DJ B Sliver-aka Christy-> thanks for comming to my prom. (pic comming soon) Dennis both kim and wong Sheena (prince) Lannie freddy Linda .:More comming soon:.

.:[ thoughs ]:. going up north has made me feel a little better and more forgiven about things because for how nice they have all been. Maybe it was becaue they did not care or because they are just nice and do things like that all the time. It has kind of made me think that what I was doing was not one persond being nice to the world but one man leadind by example.

.:FEELINGS:. What is up with these champion! BITCHES! Running there Big mouthes when they need to shut the bloodup. That’s rightS, I am talking to you H, Someone needs to slap you in your head A, And if you keep talking its going to be me S, Plus I don’t care if you a girl H, Its just easyer for me I, And that is because you is pussy! k, And you was never hard A.