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Ana and Me

ED's on the TV
***Also dont forgot that the real world las vegas has ED stuff!!! its on Every Tuesday at 9 central time!!!***

Entertainment Tonight
The New Battle of the Bulge
60 min.
An in-depth discussion about obesity in Hollywood includes commentary from Michael R. Genadry (“Ed”) on his stomach-stapling operation and how it's being worked into future episodes of the series. Also: a visit to an anorexia clinic that helps celebrities deal with their eating disorders. Anchors: Jann Carl, Mark Steines, Julie Moran.
Show times

Monday, 17     2:45 AM           ABC

Dying to Be Thin
60 min.
Thin is in, and a steadily increasing number of people, mainly teenage girls and young women, suffer---and sometimes die---from the psychiatric eating disorders anorexia nervosa and bulimia because of it. This hour examines why.It also explains what these diseases are, and how and why they strike. And it profiles victims---a Texas teen, dancers from the American Ballet Theatre and the New York City Ballet, as well as a woman obsessed with exercise. They're all in various stages of recovery, as is former supermodel Kate Dillon, who's still a model---a plus-size model. That, she says, “is another way of being beautiful.” Susan Sarandon narrates

show times
8:00 PM    PBS    Monday, 24   

Perfect Illusions: Eating Disorders and the Family

60 min.
The toll that anorexia nervosa and bulimia can take on young women is examined in this emotional case-study documentary.One woman, Marya Hornbacher, has recovered and written a book, Wasted, about her ordeal. Another, Anna Westin, is seen and heard in home videos and diary readings (she died in 2000 at age 21). Two others are still recovering, and the hour traces this difficult and often frustrating process. Eating disorders have varying psychological causes and, notes narrator Lauren Hutton, “Recovery requires more than willpower.” The good news is that treatments can work, but consistent family support is crucial. As Hornbacher's mother, Judy, puts it: “Never bail.”
    Show times
9:00 PM    PBS    Monday, 24    

Pic is from "For The Love of Nancy"