

heres the answer the that infamouz question-- who`s that girl?

after spending many days pondering who alice nam really is.. i've concluded that me.. alice nam.. is just a girl trying to get by with whatever life hands me.. im only 14.. born on jan. 8 of 1987 im quite young and i get beat up verbally because of this.. and i think that wisdom doesnt grow by age.. i could have gone through so much more then a 30 year old person could have. but i dont know this to be true.. im not going to say im right and thats the way it is.. im saying im not going to judge a person by what i see.. its unfair to them and it makes you less of a person.. i just want to be alice nam the girl that smiles alot... but if you dont want me to be pleased with myself just because you guys arent, just keep doing what you are.. cuz its working.....

its for da realz alicenam
bka-- raphs sister, raging nam
school- northpenn
age-- 14~ wahoo
job- golfer person
status- eF this!
hates- no one
funniest- raph!
``you my ni`gga ni`gga!