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*-:-*LV 2 Reno The Movement*-:-*

LV2RENO: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RAPPING? LADY SYNFUL:I first picked up a pen and paper at the age of 13 when Da Brat's Funkdafied Album came out but never really did anythin with it until 2000. LV2RENO: WHAT SIDE OF LV DID YOU GROW UP ON? LADY SYNFUL:All over the Eastside and Henderson but been stayin on the Westside for a good lil minute now. LV2RENO: HOW DID YOU START? LADY SYNFUL:I saw the Funkdafied video and saw how a female can come out G and not have to be the normal sex symbol to get a deal. Strated writing but keep it quiet until I met somone in 2000 and hit the studio. LV2RENO: WHY DO THEY CALL YOU LADY SYNFUL?... LADY SYNFUL:One of my homeboys was checkin out my lyrics and told me that its sounded so sinful the way I write and the way I tell my stories thru my music and it kinda stuck. Sounds a lil corny but hey that's how it went down. There was a male rapper most of you know with that name so goin against what my current label said at that time I chose to add the lady and add a Y so Lady Synful is what you get! Shout out to Speedy for the name lol LV2RENO: IF YOU WERENT RAPPING WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? LADY SYNFUL: Shit!!! Same thing I do now lol Salsa clubs and $1 dollar margaritas. LV2RENO: HAS RAPPIN CHANGED YOU AS A PERSON? LADY SYNFUL:Mos def, this business is very ugly! You see peoples true colors more easily and you have to be able to do what you gotta do to make it feel me! LV2RENO: GOT ANY PROJECTS COMING UP? LADY SYNFUL:I'm workin on a mixtape with a homegirl, doin a Lady Synful Presents album and I'm checkin out new beats for my second solo. So ya girl stays busy lol! LV2RENO: DOES YOUR LIFE AFFECT HOW YOU DO YOUR MUSIC? LADY SYNFUL: Oh hell yea! What goes on in my life influences my music. Anyone who has picked up my album knows I write from the heart and I use music as a way to let all my emotions out. Some people see a shrink, I use a pen and paper! LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO TAKE TO GET VEGAS ON THE MAP? LADY SYNFUL:UNITY! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!! TRUE HONEST UNITY!!! There's to many chiefs and not enough indians. Everyone wants to be "the one to blow Vegas up" but all the hating, the backstabbing, lies, and rumors are dividing the Local music scene out here. People talk about uniting but its all talk. When we as a music scene seriously come together and help each other then its a rap! But too many people are trying to blow themselves up and not Vegas. I think the music scene as a whole out here still have alot to learn. LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIP HOP NOWADAYS…IS IT REALLY DEAD? LADY SYNFUL:It all depends on how you see hip hop. Me personally I think its regroupin cuz what's on the radio nowadays is Hip Pop. I wouldn't say its dead tho. Hip hop will never die. I think its good that the south is blowin up everyone gotta have their turn right. I do feel what nas is sayin tho! LV2RENO: NOW DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR RAPPERS TRYING TO COME UP? LADY SYNFUL:If your gonna come in this game do it right. Get your shit done right. We have enough bullshit in the game already! Take the time to put quality into your music. Be prepared for let down and upsets. Your not going to blow up over night. Pay your dues and respect the struggle. DO NOT listen to the haters, let them talk its all promotion lol!!! You gotta crawl before you can walk remember that shit for real! LV2RENO: IF THEY HAVENT GOTTEN THERE HANDS ON AN ABLUM HOW CAN THEY? LADY SYNFUL:FYE, Sam Goody, Wherehouse, Whatever dot com there is,,,, the list goes on and on. Lady Synful - All or Nothing in stores now!!! Double disc album. 18 Tracks and a video. Features: Mr. Shadow, Doll-e Girl, JV, Wreck of Wicked Minds (Sup homie!) Cuete, PMC and ya know my boy se7en 3irty mos def blessed the album! Crime Family !!!! LV2RENO:IF YOU COULD COLLAB WITH ANY ARTIST’s WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO COLLAB WITH? LADY SYNFUL:Man let me see!! Da Brat and MC Lyte of course! Ivy Queen, Angie Martinez, Zigg Zagg she goes hard! The list goes on and on but there's a few right there. LV2RENO:WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN 5 YEARS? LADY SYNFUL:I take it day by day. I don't plan ahead like that although I should but the way life and this music game is you are not promised tomorrow so I take it day by day. LV2RENO:DO YOU THINK POLITICS PLAY A MAJOR ROLE IN THE RAP INDUSTRY? LADY SYNFUL:Politics are everywhere! But at the end of the day money talks so it doesnt have that much of an influence. LV2RENO:WHAT IS YOUR HERITAGE? LADY SYNFUL:I'm chicana and damn proud of it!!! LV2RENO:WHAT STREETS ARE YOU FROM? LADY SYNFUL:the BEST!!! If you know the street life you know what I'm sayin but I moved all over. LV2RENO:WHAT WERE YOUR INFLUENCES? LADY SYNFUL:When I started it was and still is Da Brat, MC Lyte, JV, Ivy Queen, Selena, Etta James, and Queen Latifah but now what influences me is my struggle, my hustle, my Tia Terry (RIP) and my lil homie Josh (RIP) and knowing that any minute can be your last!! LV2RENO: WHAT MADE YOU GET IN TO THE RAPPING GAME? LADY SYNFUL:Someone told me to go after my dreams!!!! Shout out to my family!!! CRIME FAMILY, MY FAMILY FAMILY FIRST!!!!! LV2RENO: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RAPPING? YOUNG HAVOK:for over ten years now I think. I wasn't writing that long but I been ryhming for about that long. LV2RENO: WHAT SIDE OF LV DID YOU GROW UP ON? YOUNG HAVOK:All over yo. I moved back and forth between here and Chicago but out here I lived on the west side, downtown, north side, I'm out in henderson right now. LV2RENO: HOW DID YOU START? YOUNG HAVOK:Music is in my family. I got relatives out in Indiana doing they thing, relatives back Chi Town doing theirs. Some fam in LA trying to make it. One of my older brothers sings and the other is one of the hottest rappers you will ever here. It was sorta written in my genes to do this ya know? Before I started writing my own original shit I used to remix other peoples songs and shit. I guess that was my beginning. LV2RENO: IF YOU WERENT RAPPING WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? YOUNG HAVOK:Man I hear so many muthafuckas saying in they interviews that they'd be dead or in jail and I just laugh at that shit. If you aint big, like making thousands off of shows, and selling major units, chances are you aint living off of rap. Very few niggas if any are eating off of this music shit out here. Most of us got a 9 to 5 that sustains us. Honestly, if I wasn't rapping, I'd still be exactly where I am now, only not rapping. LV2RENO: HAS RAPPIN CHANGED YOU AS A PERSON? YOUNG HAVOK:Not really. I mean it may have made me a little more witty and a little more creative but it hasn't really made me a better or worse person. LV2RENO: GOT ANY PROJECTS COMING UP? YOUNG HAVOK:I'm always working on something. I got my God's Gift that I'm slanging right now out the trunk. I'm gonna re-relase my first joint Intro To Da Game with some new tracks. Then I'm a try to put out an album before the end of the year. But who knows what may happen. I just play it one day at a time. LV2RENO: DOES YOUR LIFE AFFECT HOW YOU DO YOUR MUSIC? YOUNG HAVOK:Sometimes but not that often. I mean, I put a bit of me into almost every song but the listeners really have no clue who I am yet. All they know is I can flow. All they know is I'm hot as fuck. But that doesn't mean that I dont rap about real shit ya know? I mean look at tracks like Be Strong and I'm Hustlin', those are real ass songs. There's peices of me in there but not too much. In I'm Hustlin it sounded like I was speaking from the perspective of a drug dealer but I aint ever sold drugs in my life. I've known plenty but I aint ever sold nothing. In Be Strong I was telling the story of a girl who was raped and didn't receive justice but I aint a girl and I aint ever been raped... physically lol. Financially is another story. But for the most part my life has very little to do with my music. I'm just a great story teller, great lyricist, and I got a mean flow. Its that simple really. Plus I'm observent. I think that's how you spell that. LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO TAKE TO GET VEGAS ON THE MAP? YOUNG HAVOK:I know I'm about to get alot of hate for this one but fuck it. WAKE UP MUTHAFUCKAS VEGAS AINT GONNA EVER BE ON THE MAP THE WAY YALL WANT IT TO BE!! Yeah some niggas might blow up but vegas won't ever be recognized like a Houston or LA or New York. Why? Because unlike those places we don't really have a style of our own. What do most Vegas rappers talk about? Blunts, Lowriders, Gangbangin, fucking bitches and killin' fools. That sounds alot like LA to me. Vegas is a place that's so diverse that I think that there's more people from different parts of the country out here then there are people from here. It's a mixing pot, and because of that the styles are too mixed. There's no one real dominating style that is unique to vegas which makes us alot less interesting. We dont have anything new to bring to the table. Las Vegas will be to the west what New Jersey is to East. It's a place with some hot rappers, but they just get dropped in with the rest of that region. How many people know that Redman and Naughty By Nature are from New Jersey? LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIP HOP NOWADAYS…IS IT REALLY DEAD? YOUNG HAVOK:Not dead, just stale. Too many people saying the same shit in the same way. Why the fuck do we have to have like thirty something club bangers on the radio? I don't even listen to Las Vegas radio anymore. Unless its the Rock station or something. I do like that new joint by Gwen Stefani and Akon though, Sweet Escape. That's my shit. But I mostly just listen to the Doctor's Advocate now and my Red Hot Chilli Pepper cd. That and my own shit. LV2RENO: NOW DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR RAPPERS TRYING TO COME UP? YOUNG HAVOK:You gotta have two things to make it in this game. Hustle and Flow. If you have one but not the other you won't make it as far as you want to. If you got hustle but no flow, you'll make a couple dollars or whatever but you'll fizzle out quick as fuck. If you got flow but no hustle, you'll be another John Doe Rapper sitting on the shelves at the swap meet. If you wanna really make it you gotta have both. That goes to alot of local cats too who's been doing this shit for a while yet they still in the same place. I aint gon' say any names but I see alot of yall dudes. LV2RENO: IF THEY HAVENT GOTTEN THERE HANDS ON AN ABLUM HOW CAN THEY? YOUNG HAVOK:Catch me on the streets for right now. Once I move my first shipment of cd's I'm a put em in stores then you can find em there. I'll hit up the locations of the stores when the time comes. LV2RENO:IF YOU COULD COLLAB WITH ANY ARTIST’s WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO COLLAB WITH? YOUNG HAVOK:My favorite rapper Game, 2nd favorite DMX, 3rd favorite Obie Trice. I wouldn't mind doing a joint with Ashlee Simposon though. You should see me when LA LA comes on. Ask Ese Loco i get crunk as fuck LV2RENO:WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN 5 YEARS?… YOUNG HAVOK:I'll tell you 4/15/12. I'll give you a real ass answer on that day LV2RENO:DO YOU THINK POLITICS PLAY A MARJOR ROLE IN THE RAP INDROSTY? YOUNG HAVOK:Hell fuckin yeah, but not in the way most people think. Don Imus made a racial comment recently, it got blown way out of proportion imo but the part that trips me out, how the fuck can anyone throw hip hop in there. They are actually trying to make a connection between what that nigga said and hip hop? What kind of shit is that? And there's another fairly recent incident involving Tony Yayo smacking up Jimmy Henchmen's son (Big time manager for alot of cats. Owner of Czar Entertainmen) and they tried to boycot 50's music. They try to blame hip hop for a nigga smacking up some dudes kid! Hip hop aint make Yayo smack a 14yr old kid. Fucking Yayo made Yayo smake a 14yr old kid! Hip hop is present in all of the negative facets of polotics. LV2RENO:WHAT IS YOUR HERITAGE? YOUNG HAVOK:I don't know. I'll say black, but my sexy caramel color skin would suggest there's something else there too. lol LV2RENO:WHAT STREETS ARE YOU FROM? YOUNG HAVOK:East 69th, southside Lakepark both Chi Town. Then there's the West side of Vegas. Any place between Lake Mead and simmons on up to Lake Mead and Buffalo. A nigga lived all over to be honest. LV2RENO:WHAT WERE YOUR INFLUENCES? YOUNG HAVOK:Lil Wayne, B.G, Lil Bow Wow, all the young niggas making money. They the ones who pretty much told me I could make something out of my gift with words. LV2RENO: WHAT MADE YOU GET IN TO THE RAPPING GAME? YOUNG HAVOK:I don't know. I always liked rap, maybe that has something to do with it. I'm thinking about fuckiing wit some rock though, maybe as a writer. Time will tell right? LV2RENO: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RAPPING? JONNIE LV:About 10 yrs or so. You know the first few years was just freestylin' to a song or flowin' at a party, feel me. LV2RENO: WHAT SIDE OF LV DID YOU GROW UP ON? JONNIE LV:I'm a Westsider mayne! Got love for all of Vegas fa real though. I got family & peoples all over Northtown & da Eastside, shit even got peepz in Green Valley & Summerlin, feel me! LV2RENO: HOW DID YOU START? JONNIE LV:I was kickin' back smokin' a blunt one day listening to Nas' second album....I think it's " I am " .....but I was listening to it & for the first time heard the poetry in hip hop along with the flow & wordplay, feel me. Then I started writing to 2 of his songs & built on that. LV2RENO: IF YOU WERENT RAPPING WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? JONNIE LV:On da real? I'd be doin' exactly like I am now, grindin' day & night, till da wheels fall off, feel me! I mean I got 3 lil kids that depend on me....ain't nothing on this earth stoppin' me from providin' for them! Plus I like livin' good, you know so I gotta keep my weight up with them dead presidents. LV2RENO: HAS RAPPIN CHANGED YOU AS A PERSON? JONNIE LV:Most definitely! I think anyone that's been around the game & caliber of people in the game, as I have will tell you that it's gonna change you, regardless. I think it's made me a much better business person, gotten me business minded, feel me. I'm a better judge of corporate people also. This game IS gonna change you, no matter what, but it's your choice if it'll change you for the better, or worse. LV2RENO: GOT ANY PROJECTS COMING UP? JONNIE LV:Yessir!!!! I've got my solo album/mixtape being brought out with DJ Skee, he's The Game's dj. We gonna call that one "Hustle City" you know, since Vegas is the only true 24 hr city in the US, we hustle on another level. So it's like a tribute to my city, where grindin' is mandantory. LV2RENO: DOES YOUR LIFE AFFECT HOW YOU DO YOUR MUSIC? JONNIE LV:Mos def! I only flow what I know, feel me! If it's in my flows I've either done it or am doin' it! It also affects me on that emotional level too. I mean if your life is shit at the time, your lyrics will reflect it. It's gonna be "dat fuck da world" kinda shit, feel me. But if it's all good, you got some money in ya pocket, some females lined up, & a whip dat's on 24' gonna spit some ballin', partyin' shit. lol. LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO TAKE TO GET VEGAS ON THE MAP? JONNIE LV:Spittaz. Straight up spittaz, not these studio mc's. Not no manufactured thugz or party music. Spittaz with flows, lyrics, & da swagger, feel me.It's gonna take microphone warriors not people selling cuz he/she looks good, he's a gangsta, or whatever. Us LV spittaz gotta get some unity also, cuz everyone's always trying to be the first to blow, to put Vegas on da map. Fuck dat! I could give a fuck who kicks in da door, just know that I'm da mufucka that throws it off da hinges on my way in, feel me! We got all these mufuckas turnin' cutthroat, hatin' on one another just to be first! So once we get true unity, then we can compete with the LA's, the NY's, the South, the Bay..... LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIP HOP NOWADAYS…IS IT REALLY DEAD? JONNIE LV:If you talkin' about da radio, MTV or BET, then yeah hip hop is dead, done, finito! But if you're talkin' about the voice of the streets, the poets of the ghettos, the struggle to survive, then no hip hop is not dead. Hip hop started as the voice for oppressed people, to tell the world what we dealt with, why we were how we were, feel me! Now it's been lost in all the bullshit that's being passed off as hip hop. So to the real hip hop heads, we overstand that true hip hop is dying so I'm here to revive it! LV2RENO: NOW DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR RAPPERS TRYING TO COME UP? JONNIE LV:Understand your business first! Read all the books you can get your hands on about the music biz! Get an entertainment attorney ASAP. And also realize that everybody is out for themselves. If you're makin' them money they love you, but once the cashflow stops, so does the love! I've also learned that most artist "homies" are just snakes so watcha! LV2RENO: IF THEY HAVENT GOTTEN THERE HANDS ON AN ABLUM HOW CAN THEY? JONNIE LV:Hit me directly at here on myspace or at 9030 W. Sahara #440 Las Vegas, NV that's just a corporate box so ya'll ladies don't be trying to stalk aight, lol!!! LV2RENO:IF YOU COULD COLLAB WITH ANY ARTIST’s WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO COLLAB WITH? JONNIE LV:Nas. Definitely Nas. I've met him a few times & he's a really good person. Always showed he's the best MC ever in my opinion & the reason I started flowin'. LV2RENO:WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN 5 YEARS?… JONNIE LV:Platinum status.....then having more of a background presence....pushin' & promotin' PMC's artists Mena$e, Rugid, & Rev. Killjoy, feel me. I'll keep droppin' my albums from time to time but I'll mostly be lookin' to move to that CEO status feel me....I see you Mr. Carter! lol! LV2RENO:DO YOU THINK POLITICS PLAY A MAJOR ROLE IN THE RAP INDUSTRY? JONNIE LV:Mos Def!I mean like I was sayin' earlier, hip hop started as a voice of struggle. The voice of the hood. Informing the ignorant & uneducated about the conditions we minorities have faced since the beginning of these so called "United" States. At first the white people didn't want to hear it. They ignored it. Then when it grew too big to ingore, so they screamed "BAN IT"! Then they realized it was too big to just get rid of, plus it only helped prove our point. But when they realized they could make money off of it & control it at the same time, they jumped on the wagon! So they snatched up all the labels, started droppin' any artist they could that had a message, then start the cookie cutter manufacturing. They find a safe, appealing "rapper", teach him they're way of thinking, how to snap his fingaz or do some stupid ass dance with a two line hook & force feed him down our throats. They spend millions on marketing, payola, & videos, while cutting budgets for artists like Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Little Brother, or Immortal Technic. So when our choices are limited people will pick their poison. We just need to remember why/how hip hop started, it had a message & that message wasn't to be the hardest, ballingest, craziest nigga on the block! So everytime you buy into dat garbage you're feeding those crusty old white men that helped get that faggot George Bush in office! LV2RENO:WHAT IS YOUR HERITAGE? JONNIE LV:I'm Mexirican! Puerto Rican & Mexican. LV2RENO:WHAT STREETS ARE YOU FROM? JONNIE LV:On da real I can't say any streets in particular. I've grown up all over the US & other spots. I'm a straight up product of da streets, for better or worse, lol! Plus I don't bang so I won't claim any colors or sets, cuz that shit always ends up owning you, feel me. Like Bash said " I can't gangbang, I'm all about my money mayne! " LV2RENO:WHAT WERE YOUR INFLUENCES? JONNIE LV:Nas, Frost, Fat Joe, Big Pun, Biggie, Proper Dos, Bash, N2Deep, Ice Cube, Don Cisco, Dayton Family, many, feel me! LV2RENO: WHAT MADE YOU GET IN TO THE RAPPING GAME? JONNIE LV:Me & my homie Perucho Mike from Peru, used to just kick it & flow. People would always say I said the craziest shit....or told a story. Eventually he told me I should start writing my rhymes down. After a while I realized I could do dis shit! So I started hittin' up every record label I could. I'd look for the addresses on the back of da cd & send them letters, get they numbers & call! I actually got some replies & invited to various studios. After learning about the independent game I decided to try that route. LV2RENO:WE KNOW FROM YOUR BROS POINT OF VIEW OF PMC ENT...TELL US FROM YOUR POINT HOW DID IT GET STARTED?... JONNIE LV:My boy Perucho Mike & I just decided to do start up our own shit & start recording. I went home & told Mena$e about it. I basically told him to start writing so he could get down with us on da mic. Next thing you know we just hit da studio & put together our first album PMC "The Lost Years". After that we were courted by lots of labels, from Def Jam to 805 to Jamie Foxx. Along the way Perucho Mike stopped flowin' but is still involved with the company. Now it's just Jonnie Las Vegas, Mena$e, Rugid, & Rev. Killjoy on PMC Entertainment but dat's all we need for now, we gonna kill alot of fake mc's in dis game!!!! I wanna say thank you to you Lady Heat for pushin' us LV rappers fa real! What you do is much appreciated! Thanx for supportin' me, all of PMC Ent, & all of LV even some of you wack mufuckaz!!!! Keep it mackin' & slappin' Jonnie Las Vegas aka Cold Steele aka Desert Eagle aka Deathblow.......yessirrrrrrr!!!!! THANKz AGAIN FOR TAKIN TIME TO DO THIS… LV2RENO: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RAPPING? DEE1:Ive been puttin it down for 8yrs now.. LV2RENO: WHAT SIDE OF LV DID YOU GROW UP ON? DEE1:I ran the streets alot so i lived on everyside but I rep the East!! LV2RENO: HOW DID YOU START? DEE1:Writing when i was locked up as a juvinile to pass the time.. LV2RENO: IF YOU WERENT RAPPING WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? DEE1:probably still running the streets jacking G Rides! LV2RENO: HAS RAPPIN CHANGED YOU AS A PERSON? DEE1:mos has made me grown as a person and helped me become more creative.. LV2RENO: GOT ANY PROJECTS COMING UP? DEE1:DEE 1 presents FLUSH the Vegas compilation feat. X1, Clika 1, johnny boy, K9, booskee, Handsfree, The chapter,samson and many more droppin june LV2RENO: DOES YOUR LIFE AFFECT HOW YOU DO YOUR MUSIC? DEE1:yes most of my music is based off how i feel and the expierances I go thru... LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO TAKE TO GET VEGAS ON THE MAP? DEE1:Everyone to get together and smash on the movement LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIP HOP NOWADAYS…IS IT REALLY DEAD? DEE1:In some ways..alot of music is the same old, there's no depth to it or originality alot of fools these days tryna get in it for a quick buck LV2RENO: NOW DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR RAPPERS TRYING TO COME UP? DEE1:Be you, create your own style stop tryna be Jay Z or lil weezy... and always keep it real LV2RENO: IF THEY HAVENT GOTTEN THERE HANDS ON AN ABLUM HOW CAN THEY? DEE1:you can cop it at Hiphopsite, Sight n Sound, Zia records and soon LV2RENO:IF YOU COULD COLLAB WITH ANY ARTIST’s WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO COLLAB WITH? DEE1:I would want to bring Pac back alive... LV2RENO:WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN 5 YEARS?… DEE1:in the mainstream game puttin out quality platinum hits LV2RENO:DO YOU THINK POLITICS PLAY A MARJOR ROLE IN THE RAP INDROSTY? DEE1:Yes sir..nowadays its alot about who you know, who u affiliated with and the hook ups they got.. LV2RENO:WHAT IS YOUR HERITAGE? DEE1:Im black and Koream LV2RENO:WHAT STREETS ARE YOU FROM? DEE`:I rep all Vegas!! but grew up on Missouri and 28st LV2RENO:WHAT WERE YOUR INFLUENCES? DEE1:2pac, kurupt, jayZ , Eminem and Talib kwahli LV2RENO: WHAT MADE YOU GET IN TO THE RAPPING GAME? DEE1: I started when I was locked up then saw my homeboy ovadose freestyle when I got out and fell in love wit it..its been poppin ever since.. Thanks!! Keep it flush!! holla atcha boy DEE 1 aka da casino kid!! THANKz KNINE FOR TAKIN THE TIME TO DO THIS…STAY UP AND WE ALL LOOK FORWARD FOR YOUR PROJECTz… LV2RENO: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RAPPING? K NINE: BOUT 12 YEARS LV2RENO: HOW DID YOU START? K NINE: STARTED WRITING POETRY WHEN I WAS 13, AROUND THAT TIME STARTED FREESTYLIN WITH ONE OF MY DOGGZ THAT'S DOING A BID RIGHT NOW IN ELY, RAY (DUKELIFE) . LV2RENO: IF YOU WERENT RAPPING WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? K NINE: PROBABLY TRYIN TO FOCUS ON ANOTHER CAREER, AS OPPOSED TO PURSUING MY MUSIC CAREER. MAYBE BUSINESS. LV2RENO: WHAT SIDE OF LV DID YOU GROW UP ON? K NINE: FEW PLACES. FROM NORTHTOWN (LAS VEGAS BLVD N PECOS, CIVIC CENTER N OWENS, THAT'S WHERE MY HEART'S AT) LIVED IN THA PROJECTS ON 28TH STREET WHEN I WAS YOUNG, MOVED AROUND TO THA NORTHWEST AFTER A WHILE. LV2RENO: HAS RAPPIN CHANGED YOU AS A PERSON? K NINE: NOT NECESSARILY. I MEAN, IT HAS GIVEN ME A CERTAIN RESPONSIBILITY, I'VE GOT TO PUT MORE THOUGHT INTO WHAT I WRITE AND TALK ABOUT, I'VE GOT YOUNGSTERS THAT BUMP MY MUSIC, AND I DON'T WANT TO MISLEAD THEM, OR PUSH 'EM IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. LV2RENO: GOT ANY PROJECTS COMING UP? K NINE: HALFWAY FINISHED WITH MY SOLO ALBUM, "FOREVER TWIZTED." HAD TO PUT IT ON PAUSE RIGHT NOW, BUT I'VE GOT MY "DEMO" I'M PUSHIN FOR $10 BUCKS IN THA STREETS, GOT ABOUT 12-13 TRACKS ON THERE. OTHER THAN THAT, I'M ON JOHNNY BOY'S NEW ALBUM, BOOSKIES THUGTIES 2, DEE 1'S NEW ALBUM (NOT OUT YET) DICE LOK'S ALBUM (NOT OUT YET), WORKING ON TRACKS WITH SYNSTER SQUAD, MY HOMEGIRL TRAVIESA, LADY LUST, DUBL-A, MASTAKATIL (FROM TURKEY) AND MY BOY YOUNG GNO (WE'RE WORKING ON A MIXTAPE) AND OF COURSE THE COMPILATION, "THA REVOLUTION 702." SO YEAH, I'M TRYIN TO STAY BUSY!!!! LV2RENO:DO YOU HAVE YOUR OWN LABEL? K NINE: NOT A FULL BLOWN LABEL, I DO EVERYTHING MYSELF THOUGH, MOST OF THA BEATS (RUSH, K NINE, PRAYIN FOR ANOTHER DAY ETC.) ALL MY OWN WRITING, TAKE PART IN THA GRAPHICS, THE INVESTING, THE PROMOTION, THA WHOLE BIT. I AM LOOKING FOR INVESTORS, PRODUCERS, PROMOTERS, A STREET TEAM, IF YOU PLAY ANY OF THESE ROLES, GET AT ME!!! LV2RENO: DOES YOUR LIFE AFFECT HOW YOU DO YOUR MUSIC? K NINE: MOST DEF. IT IS MY INFLUENCE, I TALK OF WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH, AND BEEN THROUGH WHAT I TALK. LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO TAKE TO GET VEGAS ON THE MAP? K NINE: FOR FOO'S TO STOP HATIN!!! IF YOU WOULD CONCENTRATE ON YOUR HUSTLE, INSTEAD OF TRYING TO HOLD OTHERS BACK, YOU'D BE A FEW STEPS FURTHER THAN WHERE YOU'RE AT NOW. WE ALL NEED TO END THA BEEF, AND KILL THA IGNORANCE, COME TOGETHER AND FIND UNIFICATION, SO WE ALL GET THA CHANCE TO BLOW UP!!! IT AINT ABOUT WHO BLOWS UP FIRST, AND WHO'S "RUNNING" VEGAS, IF ANYBODY'S "RUNNING" VEGAS, IT'S THA MOB HOMEY (THIS WASN'T DIRECTED TO MY HOMEBOY ESE LOCO, JUST RAPPERS IN GENERAL THAT ACT LIKE THEY'RE THA ONLY ONES IN VEGAS PUTTIN IT DOWN) . AS LONG AS ONE OF US OPENS THE DOORS, THEN WE ALL CAN WALK THROUGH. LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIP HOP NOWADAYS…IS IT REALLY DEAD? K NINE: IT'LL NEVER DIE, I DON'T THINK IT IS WHAT IT WAS, THE PIONEERS OF RAP/HIPHOP MUSIC, HAD A DIFFERENT MIND STATE, THAN A LOT OF THE ARTISTS OUT NOW. I RESPECT ANY AND EVERYBODY'S HUSTLE, BUT HOW MANY TIMES ARE YOU GONNA SPEAK THA SAME WORDS AS SOMEONE BEFORE YOU. 16 OUTTA 16 TRACKS ALL TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE, HOW HARD YOU ARE, HOW MANY FEMALES WANT YOU, COME ON MAN. RESPECT TO THA ONES WHO SPEAK THOSE WORDS WITH HONESTY, BUT STILL HOMEY, YOU'RE AN "ARTIST" CREATE SOMETHING NEW AND SPEAK OF A DIFFERENT SIDE OF YOUR LIFESTYLE. LV2RENO: NOW DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR RAPPERS TRYING TO COME UP? K NINE: YEAH, DON'T HATE, DO YOUR HOMEWORK ON THE "BUSINESS SIDE" OF THE MUSIC BUSINESS, AND BE YOU. LV2RENO: IF THEY HAVENT GOTTEN THERE HANDS ON AN ABLUM HOW CAN THEY? K NINE: I'M WORKIN ON THAT RIGHT NOW, JUST GET IN CONTACT WITH ME THROUGH MYSPACE FOR NOW (MYSPACE.COM/KNINEMUZIC), I'M WORKING ON BEING ABLE TO SELL 'EM THROUGH THA INTERNET, AND AT A LOCAL SPOT HERE IN VEGAS. LV2RENO:IF YOU COULD COLLAB WITH ANY ARTIST’s WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO COLLAB WITH? K NINE: HONESTLY, MY LOCAL ARTISTS OUT HERE AND DEFINATELY UP IN RENO. MY PEOPLE IN CALI ALL THA WAY TO THA PHILLIPINES, I'M NOT TRIPPIN AS LONG AS IT'S GOOD MUSIC AND I CAN FEEL IT, AINT NO HATING ON MY SIDE HOMEY. ON A BIGGER LEVEL, GOTTA BE TECHN9NE, YUKMOUTH, JIN, TRAE. LV2RENO:WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN 5 YEARS? K NINE: HARD TO SAY, IF I'M STILL ALIVE, AND NOT LOCKED UP, THEN POSSIBLY IN THA INDUSTRY, STABLE AND MAKING MOVES, DOIN WHAT I LOVE FOR A LIVING. LV2RENO:DO YOU THINK POLITICS PLAY A MAJOR ROLE IN THE RAP INDUSTRY? K NINE: NAH, NOT REALLY. IF THEY DID, THEN MY YOUNGER GENERATION WOULD BE MORE AWARE OF THE POLITICAL SITUATIONS THAT SURROUNDS OUR GENERATION. THEY KNOW HOW TO FLOSS, BUT DO THEY KNOW HOW TO VOTE???!!! LV2RENO:WHAT IS YOUR HERITAGE? K NINE: HAHAHAHAA.....I'M A MUTT HOMEY!!! (INHALES, EXHALES DEEP BREATH) HISPANIC, FILIPINO, ENGLISH, NATIVE AMERICAN, CHINESE, IRISH. VERY PROUD OF MY HERITAGE, BUT WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT, I'M AN AMERICAN!!! BORN AND RAISED IN THE LV!!!!!!! LV2RENO:WHAT STREETS ARE YOU FROM? K NINE: LIKE I SAID, NORTHTOWN BORN, EAST SIDE RUNNIN, NORTHWEST LIVIN. LV2RENO:WHAT WERE YOUR INFLUENCES? K NINE: GOD. PAIN. CREATIVITY. THE STRUGGLE. WATCHING OTHERS DIE, DON'T LIKE TO SEE MY PEOPLE SUFFER, GOTTA GIVE 'EM SOMETHING THEY CAN RELATE TO AND MAYBE USE AS THERAPY, OR EVEN AS AN EDUCATIONAL LESSON THROUGH MY MUSIC. TEACH FROM WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED, AND LEARN FROM WHAT YOU'VE TAUGHT. LV2RENO: WHAT MADE YOU GET IN TO THE RAPPING GAME? K NINE: BASICALLY THE FACT THAT I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY AND I WANT PEOPLE TO HEAR IT. MUSIC IS THE UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE, WHY NOT HAVE EVERYONE SPEAKING IT. K NINE: SHOTZ OUT TO ALL MY PEOPLE I'VE WORKED WITH, AND ALL MY PEOPLE WHO HAVE SUPPORTED AND SHOWED LOVE. ALL MY FOLKS FROM THA BAY TO LA, THA TWIN CITIES, PI, FLORIDA, NY, CHICAGO, IDAHO, TEXAS, TURKEY, FRANCE. LV2RENO, THA HOMEGIRL LADY HEAT.....MAAAAN, JUST GET AT ME, LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN. 7 0 2 - N OR T H T O W N - 0 3 0 . OK THE 2nd INTERVEIW WE HAVE MENA$E THANKz ALOT FOR TAKING TIME TO DO THIS... LV2RENO: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RAPPING? Mena$e: About 8 years, from the kareoke machine at first lol...started getting serious when i met badboy when he was still wit Clika1 he put us on to local record label an things changed after that. LV2RENO: WHAT SIDE OF LV DID YOU GROW UP ON? Mena$e: I Moved out to Lv when i was sixteen mainly was in Northtown. LV2RENO: HOW DID YOU START? Mena$e:Jus listening to old school cats like Frost, to Proper Dos, i seen Mexicans in the game so i was like yo i can do this shit, an put some flavor up in it. LV2RENO: IF YOU WERENT RAPPING WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? Mena$e:Thats never crossed my mind, prolly in jail real talk. LV2RENO: HAS RAPPIN CHANGED YOU AS A PERSON? Mena$e:Off course in some ways, when i was younger i was trippen off sets an all that drama, after being around cats from different clix who was rappin, i was like damn they hella cool, an they got some bomb weed lol LV2RENO: GOT ANY PROJECTS COMING UP? Mena$e:Man this whole summer is stacked wit shit, im expanding outta LasVegas i been fuckin wit my homie Rugid from Utah got a mixtape droppin "Mena$e gets Rugid" got the solo album droppin, an definetly another Pmc album we been cookin up some heat for that shit, fuckin wit Lil Uno Mr Shadow JayTee(n2deep) Romero My boy Infared an i got a lil mixtape in the works im tellin u 2007 u gonna love us or hate us.. LV2RENO: DOES YOUR LIFE AFFECT HOW YOU DO YOUR MUSIC? Mena$e:Has too, if it aint on ur life u aint feelin it u aint feelin it that shit aint real it aint real the streets gonna know. LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO TAKE TO GET VEGAS ON THE MAP? Mena$e:Persitance, alot of rappers from vegas are here one year gone the next theres a few core cats who been there since i can remember like Clika 1,BadBoy,Doomsday,Dee1, Desert Mobb but theres a lot of rappers reppin Vegas who are str8 up WACK an they still promotin themselves hard, so i think its gonna take persitance of the tightest rappers feel me. LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIP HOP NOWADAYS…IS IT REALLY DEAD? Mena$e:Never to many mafuckas who can relate... LV2RENO:DO YOU THINK POLITICS PLAY A MAJOR ROLE IN THE RAP INDUSTRY? Mena$e:In certain aspects yes, because thats the main source that fuels our rage, the way the government treats minorities, and act like they treat us i think it plays a part in Hip hop, a good roll no i if i said it was good then it would make as much sence as sayin American Justice system, jus doesnt go together feel me. LV2RENO: NOW DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR RAPPERS TRYING TO COME UP? Mena$e:Before u put out a cd really really work at it. dont trust anyone except family. LV2RENO: IF THEY HAVENT GOTTEN THERE HANDS ON AN ABLUM HOW CAN THEY? Mena$e:take the hands on approach lol...the easiest way is to hit up any of our concerts or wow music in an pop stores if they aint got it request are shit. or hit me up i reply to anyone who wants one. LV2RENO:IF YOU COULD COLLAB WITH ANY ARTIST's WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO COLLAB WITH? Mena$e:Nas LV2RENO:WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN 5 YEARS?… Mena$e:i see Pmc Entertainment on a nationall level we fuckin wit a lot of shows in alot of different states, trien to do our part on puttin Vegas on the map,every city state im in im Reppin Lv to the fullest, i at least see us droppin hella albums makin mafuckas hear us.... keep ur eyes on us cus we definetly aint rookies we be in New York to Idaho to LA jus grinden.... LV2RENO: CAN YOU TELL US A LIL MORE ABOUT PMC ENT? Mena$e: The group started wit me an my brother jus flowin an actin a fool lol but it evolved into somethin serious the label is 50/50 between Jonnie Las Vegas and Me, we got two rappers in the label who been down wit the cause for a minute now, we had to weed out the real from the fake over the years but Rugid from utah and Killjoy from Idaho are the two who stood ground wit us...Rugid got that hip hop metallity an knows how to make any song sound good wit a verse, Killjoy got that "dont give a fuck" outlook he gonna say whatever hes thinkin an definetly keep it real, jonnie Las Vegas man my brother he a hustler always grinden 24/7..Im the one whos usually outta state puttin shows together always trien to put together unique shows like weve put Chingo Bling an Too$hort on the same venue...anyways basically Pmc ent. is livin hip hop till death do us part yaddadamean.... Watch for the Invasion from Jonnie Las Vegas Mena$e Rugid An Killjoy no features if u really wanna know what we about that album should tell all... IF YALL HAVENT HEARD OF MENA$E OR ANY ONE FROM THE PMC ENT YALL COULD GO TO... MENA$E´S MYSPACE PAGE... PMC ENT´S MYSPACE... KILLJOY OF PMC ENT´S MYSPACE JONNIE LAS VEGAS OF PMC ENT´S MYSPACE... RUGID OF PMC ENT´S MYSPACE... FIRST INTERVIEW ***ESE LOCO*** HERE FOR THE FIRST INTERVIEW ON LV 2 RENO THE MOVEMENT IS ESE LOCO… THANKz FOR TAKING TIME TO DO THIS… LV2RENO: HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN RAPPING? ESE LOCO: At age 16 LV2RENO: WHAT SIDE OF LV DID YOU GROW UP ON? ESE LOCO: On the west side LV2RENO: HOW DID YOU START? ESE LOCO: From a tape player In my room.Me and the homie young havok would fuck around and record but we were spitin hot shit so we wonted to see how we sound in a real studio my ferst song wus wit the homie young havok G.A.N.G.S.T.A I wus 17 at the time from there I got more into it.. LV2RENO: IF YOU WERENT RAPPING WHAT WOULD YOU BE DOING? ESE LOCO: sellin Drugs or working a 9to5 LV2RENO: HAS RAPPIN CHANGED YOU AS A PERSON? ESE LOCO: A Lil. LV2RENO: GOT ANY PROJECTS COMING UP? ESE LOCO: My mix tap just came out yesterday...And i got a comp coming out this summer LV2RENO: DOES YOUR LIFE AFFECT HOW YOU DO YOUR MUSIC? ESE LOCO: Sometimes LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK ITS GOING TO TAKE TO GET VEGAS ON THE MAP? ESE LOCO: ME.And more suport from the city LV2RENO: WHAT DO YOU THINK OF HIP HOP NOWADAYS…IS IT REALLY DEAD? ESE LOCO: that shits wack! it all sounds the same LV2RENO: NOW DO YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE FOR RAPPERS TRYING TO COME UP? ESE LOCO: Just do you and stay on the grind. LV2RENO: MY TURN TO SHINE IS NOW OUT…TELL SOME OF YOUR FANS HOW IT WAS MAKIN IT? ESE LOCO:It wus easy but hard at the same time i made sure all my track were hot and bumbin..I made it sound like music that you here on the radio but dont trip i still got some street shit... LV2RENO: IF THEY HAVENT GOTTEN A COPY OF IT HOW CAN THEY GET THERE HANDS ON IT? ESE LOCO:They could hit up rancho swapmeet or hit me up on my myspace at call (702)208-8344 LV2RENO:IF YOU COULD COLLAB WITH ANY ARTIST's WHO WOULD YOU WANT TO COLLAB WITH? ESE LOCO:The Game LV2RENO:WHERE DO YOU SEE YOUR SELF IN 5 YEARS?… ESE LOCO:Runin the game.. THANKz AGAIN ESE LOCO FOR TAKIN TIME TU SABES…

Add a myspace jukebox to your profile. add it!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! TELL EVERYONE!!! LETS PUT LAS VEGAS UP ON THE MAP!!! TU SABES!!!