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Ace.............{The Hot Shot}
:: Disclaimer :: his Roleplay Is Made By Me: PainIsMyLove8888, Email: Email Here. Please Do Not Use Me In Your Roleplay With Out Permission. Please Do Not Steal, Take, Or Anything From This Layout/Roleplay. Or You Will Be Charged *lol* I Am No Way Shape Or Form Affiliated With The Fallowing: Text Here, Nor Do I Know The Person: Text Here. The Layout I Am Using Is Made By: AIM: PepsiChick079, Email: Kristy Welter. I Give All Credit To Her, For Making This Layout. And I Thank Her For Letting Me Use It. If Youd Like To Contact Her You May. Here's The Link To More Of Her Layouts: Roleplay Layouts. :: End Disclaimer ::

The scene opens to Taylor Mathers in the back getting her make up done by the make up artist.Ace is seen walking up from behind as he puts an arm around her.Taylor giggle and kisses Ace.Ace smirks and kisses her back passionately.

~! Ace and Taylor !~


Hey baby..whats going on?


Just great. I've been waiting for you.


You have? I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long.


Yeah. It is ok.I was talking to Janice about some of the couples here in EVW.


Do they even matter?


Nope. All worthless pieces of trash.

::::Ace:::: its not like they are even worth mentioning then, you know?


That is right. Janice was also telling me about the intergender champs doing their sexcapade out there and how cheap they are so they are our targets.


Is that right? Well, if thats what you want, then thats cool with me. Cuz thats how I roll!


Yes, that is what I want cause I want gold.


I like the sound of that.


Lets go out there and show these fans what real champs look like.


Alright then, lets go.

Taylor and Ace heads out to the curtain when his theme hits as the both of them makes their way down the ramp.Taylor smirks looking out at the fans and bites her bottom lip.

~! Ace and Taylor !~


Welcome everyone to the Hot Shot! This is my show for my woman Taylor and myself. EVW's new and greatest couple. And soon enough..we will have some very shining gold around our waists..because thats how we roll!

~! Taylor and Ace !~


see We heard about Fusion and Carly, the R-rated couple... Ha they wish they were. Those sexcapades they have only show how dull their love life is and what a cheap slut she is.~Licks her Lips~ See I was told they are tag champs. Well me and Ace will take those titles from who ever hold them because we are the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

~! Ace and Taylor !~


Exactly...It doesn't matter who you are or where you think you are headed in this business. Nobody..and I mean nobody beats the hottest couple in EVW..and you people are looking at them right now!


That is right. We don't care what anyone thinks because we will dominate the tag team couple ranks because that is how we roll and if you don't like it, you can kiss my ass!


Whoa baby..hang on a second...I thought I was the only one that can kiss your ass..~grins~

Taylor smirks as he pulls her near, pulling her hair having a sloppy passonate kiss.

~! Ace and Taylor !~
He really get into the kiss as he has his arms around her.The kiss ends and she wipes her mouth and smiles as the fans cheer and they pose in the ring when Fusion's theme hits.Fusion is seen walking out with Carly as he makes a face.

~! Fusion and Carly !~


Who the f*** are you two morons?! Its bad enough that we have two old seniors running around..but now we have two buffoons as well? Come on..give me a break..


Who the f*ck do you think you are? You wanna talk about buffoons? Ha, I am looking at a sl*t and a jackass.


Hey bi*** close your mouth...I didn't ask for the b**** to talk..did I?!


Watch what you say punk or else I'll stick that mic down your throat! And this won't be a man's ****!!


Well. you must know what a man's d*ck is like with your she-male over there.


Wow..the whore knows how to talk! Thats great..what other tricks did your man whore taught you?

~! Carly and Fusion !~


You know what? Shut the fuck up fag! You know, you guys call yourselves the hottest couple in EVW, well you have to beat the hottest couple to become the hottest couple!


Whoa..where are the hottest couple? Now..I said the hottest couple...not the hoest couple, otherwise you two win that for sure.

Carly gasps and looks at Fusion and the two run down the ramps and Carly and Taylor have a cat fight.Fusion and Ace fights as well even when the referees are trying to break them apart.The refs try to split the girls up but Taylor keeps diving in and wailing on Carly and punches her.Fusion and Ace fights into the crowd.Taylor drags Carly over the baracade and they fight within the fans and Carly rips Taylor's top as they fight. They head into the back and they are continuing to brawl.Ace and Fusion knocks each other through the trainer door as they continues to fight as well. Taylor and Carly continues to fight into the bathroom and Taylor grabs Carly's head and gives ger a swirly and she leaves Carly in the bathroom and she goes looking for Fusion and Ace and she hops on Fusion's back, putting the sleeper hold on him.As Fusion gets her off him, Ace gives him a low blow and then nails his "Ace of Spade".Taylor motions for Ace to pick Fusion up and she hits "The Mathers Kick". As Carly comes in, Taylor hits Carly with "The Mathers Kick" as well and Ace and Taylor kiss.


Now that is how we ROLL!!!

Ace and Taylor kisses again as they walk out of the bathroom as Fusion and Carly are still down. They head to their limo and drives off.

~Scene fades~ ::