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Quote of the Week

Date: May 5th, 2006

Category: Quotes

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.


How happy can you be?

Date: May 4th, 2006

Category: Life

Interesting article about happiness in the "Grand Rapids Magazine" this month. The article is centered around a quote in Jonathan Haidt’s Book "The Happiness Hypothesis" “In the long run, it doesn’t much matter what happens to you” in regards to your level of happiness. This is based on the discovery that average level of happiness is inheritable. Basically, no matter how many material things you posses, no matter how much you see, do and love, it doesn’t matter. This concept explains why lottery winners do not suddenly become happy, and why when we achieve long term goals we are often disappointed.

Personally I don’t by this theory, my theory is you can make your own happiness, you just have to know what you are looking for. If you are looking for happiness in things you want (cars), a time in your life (when the kids are out of the house), taking a trip, or any finality, you will be sadly disappointed. “Happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey” to quote my hero "Zig Ziglar" . It’s not what you get, it’s what you become getting there. It's not a who, what, when or where. If you are not happy now, you won’t be happy when you take that trip, or get the car, or get that raise. You have to learn to be happy with the here and now.

Another great theory on happiness I read was from Stephen R. Covey in his book " The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People " when he said that you have to live by a principle based life. If you base your life on work, what happens when you loose your job. If you base your life on your spouse, what happens if you get a divorce. If you live a life based on principles, no matter what happens to you, you will always have those principles and you can use them to make decisions in your life that will allow you to have balance between the various areas of you life (work, marriage, etc…). Living a principle based life will also allow you to know what decision to make in every situation because if a decision doesn’t line up with your principles, you will know that is not what you should be doing, makes decisions easy.

Those are my thoughts on the topic of happiness, if you have any comments, or options, please feel free to shoot me an email, I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Bone Glue, getting you back on your feet quicker

Date: May 2nd, 2006

Category: Health

Brian Genge, a biochemist at the University of South Carolina, has devised a novel treatment for fractures: a toothpaste-like cement that’s injected into the cavity created by the break. In 15 minutes, the bone is strong enough to bear weight. Bone cements aren’t new, but those in use today can inflame surrounding tissue. Genge’s concoction works like mortar for a brick wall: Just add water. Its key ingredient is a nanoparticle resembling calcium phosphate, the mineral that gives bones their hardness. The tiny size of the particle increases the surface area, allowing more room for water, which speeds up the chemical reaction that hardens the paste. The result is an epoxy that is twice as strong as current bone cements. And because it’s moldable, the glue could also replace surgical hardware such as screws and plates.

Smart Microwave tells you how long to cook your dinner

Date: May 2nd, 2006

Category: Home

"The Beyond Microwave" is a smart microwave that tells you how long to cook your dinner. Simply scan the UPC barcode on the package you are about to nuke, and the microwave will cook the food at the right setting for the right amount of time. The microwave currently comes with over 4000 pre-programmed UPC barcodes and can be upgraded to update itself with additional ones as they become available. This microwave can also connect to other appliances wirelessly allowing your appliances to communicate with each other.

Quote of the Week

Date: April 29th, 2006

Category: Quotes

"The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don't know what to do."

- Anonymous

Google Zeitgeist, what do people search for on the internet

Date: April 25th, 2006

Category: Web, Life

"Google Zeitgeist" is Googles list of search patterns and trends of everyone who uses Google to get information. Statistics are automatically generated based on the millions of searches conducted on Google over a given period of time - weekly, monthly, and annually.

It is a cumulative snapshot of interesting queries people are asking, some over time, some within country domains, and some on that perhaps reveal a bit of the human condition. It is interesting to see what your internet peers are intersted in.

The Pill that gets rid of really Bad Memories

Date: April 23nd, 2006

Category: Health, Life, Science

Clinical psychologists have started testing with the hypertension drug called propranolol and it's effects on lessening the trauma of bad memories (see article "The Spotless Mind" ). Propranolol, blocks the effects of strees hormones which can permanently scorch traumatic sights, sounds and smells into the brain.

The drug is given to patients when they recall the trauma and the stress hormones are being released again giving them the "flashback" feelings. The drug blocks the hormones making the recollection less dramatic and begins to edit the feeling brought about by the memories making them less tramatic.

Think of it, wiping out bad memories like accidents, embarissing moments, bad dates, bad hair days, that day you had toilet paper stuck to your shoe all day.......the possibilities are endless.

World Community Grid Helping Humanity (Donate your PC time)

Date: April 17th, 2006

Category: Health, Life, Computer

"World Community Grid's" mission is to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Their work is built on the belief that technological innovation combined with visionary scientific research and large-scale volunteerism can change our world for the better. Our success depends on individuals - like you - collectively contributing their unused computer time to this not-for-profit endeavor.

How can you help? Simply donate the time your computer is turned on, but would normally lie idle, for projects that benefit humanity. Like a screensaver, grid technology is easy to use, safe and free. When you are ready to use your computer, the grid software will shut itself off until the next time your computer is idle. To learn more, click on Become a Member at this link World Community Grid to start volunteering your PC time now.

Currently my machine is working on finding out how well one of many potential drug molecules fits into the pockets for Human Immunodificiency Virus Protease. The best molcule found will be lab tested, and could lead to a new drug in the fight against AIDS.

Get Refunds from Online Retailers

Date: April 13th, 2006

Category: Shopping, Web

There are a number of online retailers that offer to credit buyers back cash on past purchases. For instance, if the product you purchased at "" . within the last 30 days has dropped in price they will credit you back the difference.

That's great news!

The only problem is that you have to check the latest prices and then notify them in order to get the credit.

The guys "" After you make a purchase, visit this web site and enter the purchase information into their database along with your email address. They do the rest. they'll check the prices everyday and send you a message if the price has dropped. In the message will be a link right to the place where you claim your credit.

You can track any kind of item: cameras, clothes, consumer electronics, computers, software, DVDs, well, anything! Just enter the information into the database and they will track it for you!

Currently, they only track prices at, but they have identified a number of other online retailers that we will be adding to their system in the days and weeks ahead.

Could save you a dime or two.

Google Labs and Extras

Date: April 13th, 2006

Category: Web

Google has developed number of software adders that you can install for free in their "Google Options" . This options page also includes the "Google Labs" area that has beta versions of software Google is currently developing. You can view, read about and try out this software at no cost. Some of the more interesting items you can choose from are: Google Earth which allows you to type in an address and zoom into a satalite image of the address close enough to identify a car, Google page creator where Google lets you start your own wbsite for free, Google home page personalizer which allows you too, you guessed it, personalize your home page.

Google has also developed "Google Calendar" which will allow you to schedule and share appointments with any one on the internet.....Quite interesting. Check these areas out at the links I have included.

Quote of the Week

Date: April 21st, 2006

Category: Quotes

"Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh."

- WH Auden

The Brilliance Web Site (Pretty Cool Stuff)

Date: April 9th, 2006

Category: Web

"The Brilliance" web site is a cool web site by my friend Ben and his friend Chuck. These guys do a lot of internet research, and let you know what they find and what their thoughts are on these topics. Topics range from arts, entertainment, fashion, gomet, homelife, tech, transporation and travel. They find some very useful information, and their feedback on what they are finding is very insightful and helpful. Check em out.

The Search

(Book about Google from it's creation till now, and how it is effecting the world)

Date: April 9th, 2006

Category: Books

"The Search, (How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture )" , is a great book about how Google and it's competitors were created, and how they have changed the world.

The Lonely Jones going National

Date: April 9th, 2006

Category: Music

Richard Brauer, the guy who directed "Escanaba in the Moonlight" , has just informed Jane & her band The Lonely Jones that he will be using their "Out with the Band" track for his next movie, "Frozen Stupid" .

Check it out on The Lonely Jones

Pretty Amazing, here comes the big time...