::From the depths of Bombay, India is a man who surpasses them all with his violent ways here in the states. This man is known throughout the USA as one of the craziest, most sadistic wrestlers on the face of this earth. He has put his body through so much in his lifetime. From the historic BarbWire Match with Terry Funk to the Death Matches in Japan, this man has been given three titles that would make any man shiver. Suicidal. Homocidal. Genocidal. This man has done it all here in ECW. ECW World Heavyweight championship. ECW World Television Championship. ECW World Tag Team Championship (with Taz). ECW World Tag Team Championship. (with Rob Van Dam). Unrecognized FTW World Heavyweight Championship. If that is not impressive, I don't know what is. This man is SABU!::

(credit: ECWwrestling.com) ::Often described as the Homicidal Whirlwind of Destruction, Sabu is a ferocious competitor who will gladly take to the air with a graceful moonsault as quickly as he is apt to send his hapless opponent painfully crashing through a table.::

::Envied for his skill in competing despite injuries, Sabu is the nephew of the legendary Sheik.::

::Sabu has been a mainstay in Extreme Championship Wrestling, attaining an International icon-like status through his legendary feuds with Terry Funk, Taz, and his former partner, Rob Van Dam.::

::An internationally renowned combatant, Sabu puts his body on the line like no other competitor, as evidenced by the scars Sabu has incurred in barbed wire matches.::

::In one such match against the legendary Terry Funk, Sabu suffered a deep gash to his bicep from the barbed wire. He taped the wound up, continued and won the match, and refused to miss a single match while recuperating the injury. His threshold for pain is beyond compare.:: (credit: ECWwrestling.com)

::The World of ECW hasn't seen Sabu in quite a long time. After losing a "controversial" match with Rob Van Dam, Sabu claimed that he was walking out of ECW. Sabu, at that point, had no respect for anybody. He aligned himself with Mike Awesome to take out RVD and former manager, Bill Alfonso. Sabu left ECW and started to search the INDY's. Sabu found a home in XPW in California.::

::Now, Sabu has resurfaced here in ECW. Again alligned with manager, Bill Alfonso, Sabu is out to destroy former Tag Partner, Rob Van Dam. What we all saw on TNN was just a taste of what is to come. Sabu is determined to once again become ECW World Heavyweight Champion and he will do anything it takes to achieve that goal. Without any further or do, The Man...The Myth...The Legend....SABU!::

::After the best ECW on TNN of all time, Paul Heyman sends his loyal camera crew out to get interviews with "Da Boys" as usual. Heyman "Smells Those Ratings" and knows that there is one special man that has just resurfaced in ECW, Sabu! Sabu and Bill Alfonso sit back in the dressing room, packing up as there is a couple of knocks on the door. Fonnzie walks over to the door and opens it up cautiously. Of course, its only an ECW Camera man.::

Fonnzie: What is it daddy??

Cameraman: Paul Heyman has requested an interview with you and Mr Sabu over there.

Fonnzie: OK, daddy. Bring it on in here. We got some stuff to talk about anyway.

::Fonnzie goes over to Sabu and tells him whats going on. Bill Alfonso sits right next to Sabu on the bench. The camera guys take a little bit to set up, but they finally do. Fonnzie looks down at the ground, and starts to talk.::

Fonzie: Mr Monday Night, Rob Van Dam. The best ECW TV Champion in history. Robbie, let me tell you one thing right now. You just tossed all of that out of the window! Robbie, you and me go way back. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have been the longest running champion in wrestling history. I gave you all that and you stab me in the back. Robbie, I don't know where your head is, but you haven't been the same lately. We came in here together on your first run, and you really weren't that sharp, daddy. We went in there and lost two straight matches to X-Pac. You got your ass drilled with a sledgehammer back in the first TNN show by Triple H, daddy! Robbie, since then, you really haven't been the same. Now, you join that Canadian Son of A Bitch, Cyrus, and stab me right in the back! Daddy, you will pay for that! And if what happened to you on TNN, and the hands of Sabu doesn't straighten you out, you will be straightened out over and over again, daddy! Because, you are not the "Whole Fucking Show". All you are, Robbie, is the "Whole Fucking Ass Kisser!" This man, sitting next to me, took as much of you as possible without exploding. You pushed Sabu to the level, Robbie! To the level where he didn't care about anything going on. He stabbed me and you in the back, Robbie. This man is the most Homocidal, Suicidal, and Genocidal son of a bitch in Pro Wrestling History! Robbie, Sabu is back on my side, baby! ::Fonnzie starts to get excited as he jumps up out of his seat.:: Robbie, the day will come where you have the ultimate pay off, daddy! And that day will be October 1st in St. Paul, Minnesota. Anarchy Rulz, daddy! The challenge is on the table right now. Sabu vs Rob Van Dam! A dream match, baby! We'll see if you're man enough, Robbie. We'll finally find out if you really are the "Whole Fucking Show!" Daddy, Sabu will be ready. Sabu is ready right now. Look into the eyes of this man, Robbie. Look at what you have done to him.

This isn't the same Sabu that we all grew to know and love. This is a new man, daddy! And Robbie, you did this to him. You never gave this man any credit. You took all the credit for yourself, daddy! Robbie, the day will come when you get exactly what you deserve. I'll tell ya what, bring yourself to Minnesota on October 1st. Bring Cyrus to Minnesota on October 1st. Daddy, lets do it he "Old Fashion Way". Lets give the fans what they want, Robbie. At Anarchy Rulz, lets see if you have what it takes for an EXTREME BARB WIRE ROPE DEATH MATCH with SABU!! Robbie, you have made us mad, daddy! You turned on us. You joined Cyrus! October 1st will be our final pay back on you. Lets cut the ropes down and throw some barbwire up there! This man went through hell and back with Terry Funk a couple of years ago in a barb wire match. Sabu has been through hell and back with Mick Foley, time and time again! You've never gone through anything like this, Robbie! And at Anarchy Rulz, you will never....EVER! Want to again!!

::Fonzie starts to take a breather as the cameras cut off for a second. Of course, this interview will be edited before shown on tv, so since Fonzie is an old man, they have to take it a little easy. The camera man starts to fix something up and all of a sudden there is a knock on the door. Fonzie walks up to the door, sucpisious about who it could be and it is none other than ECW Owner, Paul Heyman!::

Heyman: Hey Bill. How is it going in here guys?

Fonzie: Its going good, Paul. Whats up daddy?

Heyman: Well, I just wanted to drop off the line-up for ECW on TNN. Sabu will go one on one with Simon Diamond. Ya know Sabu, a little warm up match before you get back in the swing of things.

Fonzie: Thats all good and fine, Pauley. Sabu is always ready for a new challenge, you know that.

Heyman: Oh yeah, Fonzie. I know. Well, I'll let you guys finish up here. I'll talk to you all later.

Fonzie: Talk to you later, daddy!

::Fonzie takes the line-up for TNN and walks over to Sabu. He starts to whisper something in his ear. Sabu is all cool with it. Fonzie asks the camera man is everything is ready, and it is. Fonzie looks up at the camera and begins to speak again.::

Fonzie: We have a little more time, so I'm going to get off the subject of RVD for just a sec and turn my attention to Sabu's first opponent on next weeks TNN. Simon Diamond. Baby, I seriously hope you don't have a problem with us. Simon, you are stepping into that ring with an ECW Legend, daddy! Simon, this is Sabu's first match back, daddy, and you are first in line to be destroyed! Simon, bring your candy ass friend down to ringside. Bring Swinger. Bring your problems. Bring it all in the ring on Friday, because Sabu is gonna be ready, daddy! (Fonzie blows his whistle rapidly!) Simon, he is homicidal! He is genocidal! He is suicidal! And daddy, he is the real "Whole Fucking Show!". He is Sabu, Simon. And you just have to live with that! (Fonzie starts to blow his whistle rapidly, and point in the air as Sabu stares straight into the camera.)