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Paris, the capital of France, is located in northern France on both banks of the Seine River, 145 km (90 mi) from the river's mouth on the English Channel. A total of 2,135,300 (2002) inhabitants live in Paris proper, and almost 11 million persons (1999) live in greater Paris (the Ile-de-France region), which is one of Europe's largest metropolitan areas. A city of world importance and the business, historic, intellectual, diplomatic, religious, educational, artistic, and tourist center of France, Paris owes its prosperity in large part to its favorable position on the Seine, which has been a major commercial artery since the Roman period.


With its museums, monuments... the city of Paris offers a rich cultural and touristic life covering all the majors artistic disciplines.

The many museums of Paris are fascinating gateways to knowledge, creation and human adventure.
There are the"greats" which give the visitor the opportunity to see some of the greatest works of art ever created by human genius. There are the "classics", the former artists'

Paris is one of the European capitals which has the greatest number of parks, woods and gardens.
Here are the main woods and gardens of Paris, and also the cemeteries like Père Lachaise, which is the biggest park in town

Built along the axis created by the Seine, the thirty-five bridges are the soul of Paris and, along with the monuments, they have contributed to its extraordinary wealth. They are real monuments representing great historical events and meeting places

The city is blessed with a wide range of squares : Place de la Concorde, Place de la Bastille, Place des Vosges... and offer visitors endless sightseeing opportunities.




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