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Whasup!!! This Is Emcee Hetal and I'd Like To First Off Thank You For Clicking In To My Web Site. If You Wanna Listen To Some Of My Audios, Check The Navigation Bar At The Bottom Of This Page. Be Sure To Keep Looking In On This Page For Updates and Sign The Guestbook So I Can Notify You Of The Updates The Second They Go Down. In The Meantime, Gimmie Some Feedback At , Arright? Cya!


12/23/2001 *UPDATE* Whooooaaaaaaa Nelllyyyyy..... It's about goddamned time that this site gets some new sh!t on it!..

Alright, most importantly, I got you all a spankin' and bangin' new track, "Buss Boys" (feat. Shotty FullClip), up in the Audio section...

Let's see.... Then I decided to put up a new Monthly Poll (Even though it's been, like, 4 months since the last one!) and a krazy new FLASH® Game called "Executive Basketball" for all of you to kill your free time with..

Damn, that was quik. Oh well, that's it for now.. Hopefully, the next time will come around so0ner so, until then, have yourself a Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, Kwazee Kwanzaa, Easy Eid, etc. etc. etc. ... I'll see ya next year...


09/13/2001 9-11 of this year will be forever marked into United States history as a day which will live in infamy...

The day before yesterday, groups of hijackers on 4 separate commercial airliners took control of the planes with the intent to crash them into locations along the East Coast in a despicable act of terrorism. Most sadly, 2 planes hit the the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Later in the hour, both skyscrapers and staples on the New York skyline ended up collapsing as a result of the collisions and the fires which erupted afterward. Thousands are presumed dead in this attack which is now the worse and most destructive act of terrorism the world has ever seen.

Not too long later, another jetliner was crashed into a section of The Pentagon in Washington D.C. Authorities are saying that 100-800 people could be dead in that attack.

The fourth hijacked plane, which was presumed to also be heading toward D.C., ended up crashing just outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Apparently, passengers aboard the plane made an attempt to overpower the hijackers and possibly regain some order to the situation. Tragically enough, it still went down but the lives that were saved from its intended attack are immeasurable. In my mind, the passengers that sacrificed their lives for this country truely deserve a posthumous Medal of Honor in the highest degree.

More than 260 people died from the plane crashes, alone...

Rescue efforts are well underway in New York and at the Pentagon for survivors of the attacks. In New York, the crumbling of the Twin Towers has also shaken the foundation of many other buildings which are also in danger of collapsing. The casualty count will number in the many 1000's, for sure. I just hope they can get as many people as humanly possible pulled alive from the tremendous piles of debris and start rebuilding, both physically and emotionally. This is definitely the darkest day for the U.S. in the new millennium.

U.S. Intelligence and Law-enforcement authorities are throwing every ounce of their strength and effort into finding the people involved in the plot and execution of these acts of terrorists. More than 50 people who could be related to all of this have been taken into custody or are being closely monitored.

The world has now been pushed into an all-out war against terrorism. As President Bush put it best: "We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them." At this time, we need to hunt down every single individual who took part in the planning and operation of these acts of war and punish them to the full extent that our justice system will sway to allow. If we do not put an end to these terrorist groups and the countries that might be supporting and housing them, there is no telling what could happen as they (the terrorists) keep escalating their attacks.

Buildings may fall and cities might be damaged but the American spirit will NEVER die! With all of our help, our nation will bounce back with resilience and show the world why we truly are one superpower of the world!

09/07/2001 *UPDATE* Peep the new track, "Gotta Stay Strong" (Aaliyah Remembrance), that's been added to the Audio section. You can think of it as Hetal's message on behalf of ALL of you Aaliyah fans, to the memory of her life as an artist and as a person...

That's it, for now!... Did anyone catch the MTV Video Music Awards? The whole thing, for the most part, sucked ass but I was really taken back when I saw the one and only Michael Jackson do a surprise dance number at the end of the *NSYNC performance! I sure hope that Jacko doesn't fall on his face with his upcoming album that he's getting ready to drop. We'll just hafta see.....

I HATE SCHOOL!!!... Ya still gotta do it, though.

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