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D Brand Records is a division of D Enterprises. © D Brand Records 2005

Website created by Boot IT Web Services

13 March 2006

Back again for another update... :)

For any news regarding The Infamous will now be at his website

Some of the typos and that have been sorted and there will be a guestbook coming soon...

The merchandise is still being arranged but we will keep you posted...

2 February 2006

D Brand Records is still alive and well, regardless of what has been said. There were some issues with the old site but now it should all now be sorted.

We have a new artist joining our ranks to fill the void Doc Drayton left.

His name is The Infamous... his identity he prefers to remain anonymous. Interesting to see what he has in store for us. See more info on the artists page.

We have the newsbar back up again and will be constantly updated now as The Infamous should be more active than Doc Drayton ever was. On top of that, The Infamous' works are a lot more thought through than Doc Drayton's was.

For downloads, head to our site at

Our shop should be up soon so you can buy D Brand Records and/or The Infamous' merchandise.