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Slytherin Students

~This is the Slytherin common room~ You can earn points for your common room by answering the questions you will be given on the polls that each common room will have. If your house has more votes for the right answer each week you will earn different amounts of points. Also we need a head boy and girl and also 2 prefects so please if u would like the jobs please send an short paragraph stating why you would like the position to SWEETI125@AOL.COM. I will have your paragraphs posted and the other Slytherin will send me there votes for who they want the person to be.

Kdfields10 writes: My name is Kevin Fields and i think i should be headboy beacues i am smart lotal and trust worthy and i think i would be the right person because i always get my homework done i am nice and kind and i would be perfect for the job this is the end.
