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Gryffindor Students

~This is the Gryffindor common room~ You can earn points for your common room by answering the questions you will be given on the polls that each common room will have. If your house has more votes for the right answer each week you will earn different amounts of points. Also we have a new head boy and also we still need 2 prefects so please if u would like the jobs please send an short paragraph stating why you would like the position to SWEETI125@AOL.COM. I will have your paragraphs posted and the other Gryffindors will send me there votes for who they want the person to be. If yout have any problams or questions please send them to me or the head boy his sn is goldwolfpup.

Prefect Paragraphs:

Unknown Pil0t- I Would like to be a Prefect because ive wanted Harry to be a prefect since i found out about them and since hes not i can take he's place.So if im a prefect i will be as glad like ive never been before. So please vote for me as a prefect.

DrummerBoy61987- I think I should a prefect because I have read every book at least three times!!!! I was at the bookstore at 3:00 in the morning to get the 4th book. I know everything about these books and could earn major points for the group. Please pick me!!!!!!
