Monday May 3, 2004
What up all, I'm back, and now it's 11:40pm and I'm officially done studying for the night.  I'm at the point where so much info is attempting it insert itself into my brain that I can't hold any more down tonight.  I wish that I could have a final that would incorporate verbal recounting of hip hop lyrics.  Holy cow I would tear that up, and I wouldn't even have to study!! That's right.  I bet I know over 225 hip hop songs, maybe not down to the T but enough that I would get an A on that test.  Anyways, yesterday I basically attempted studying C++ most of the day, with waking up at noon and lazying around for about two hours.  But I did get some solid study time in, that's for sure.  The highlight of the evening though was before I took a shower, my boy Dave and I went upstairs to play a little ping pong.  Well, two of our favorite RA's, Justin and Rob were playing, and they were playing drinking games.  That's right, two RA's, on a Sunday night, playing drinking games on the ping pong table.  I got some pictures as proof:

    That's right folks you saw it first.  Two RA's playing drinking games, Carmel Style, biatch!  Yes, that is Dr. Pepper, and yes, they are playing ping pong around the cans.  If you hit the opponents can they have to take a sip from that sucker.  After witnessing one of the funniest things I've ever seen, and even mentioning to Rob, "Man Rob, you're gonna pass out pretty soon..."  Dave and I then hopped in and played some doubles, Justin and I vs. Dave and Rob.  Obviously Justin and I wrecked shop on those two suckas (naw I'm just playin Rob and Dave are ballas) but it was probably the most hilarious game of ping pong I've ever been a part of, whether it be watched or participating.  Rob was going crazy, at one point hitting the ball without it bouncing exclaiming, "Oh, I guess I can't do that huh?" and proceeding to laugh like crazy.  Also, Dave and Rob were calling each other Jim and Ned or something that was hilarious too.  After hitting one into the net, I go a "You're supposed to hit it over the net you douche." from Rob.  What a caring dude. HAHA.  After two games of whoopin butt, we ended up on the floor on opposite sides of the room hitting the ball back and forth.  Rob made the most amazing shot I've ever seen.  After hittin the ball at him so it landed on his pants (he was sitting Indian....errr Native American Style) he picked himself up so the ball rolled off in between his legs, and reached his paddle around behind him and hit it out.  It was sick.  Just sick.  I love it.  We played a little midget ping pong too which was good fun and then we called it a night.  Rob and Justin passed on the secret handshake to Dave and I since we are their successors.  It's money, but it's secret, so I can't tell you what it is.  It might be the best thing since canned pickles though, yo.  Today I did nothing but study and pretend to study.  Period.  Gonna miss everyone here, especially the ones who aren't coming back next year (like Rob and Justin).....

Saturday May 1, 2004
As I'm writing it's Sunday at about 8:39pm, but I'm not writing about today, which thus far been nothing but studying or reading or something else involving schoolwork.  I'm writing about yesterday, Saturday, one of the sweetest days at B-W in a while.  Right now Maroon 5 is coming out of the speakers on my desk, thanks to me seeing them playing live tonight (tonight is going to actually be yesterday, Saturday, from now on).  During the day...well I woke up at around 11, and took a shower because I just felt like I needed one.  So then I went over to the Union and grabbed something to eat with Kristin, we ended up getting pretzels, which I would also have for dinner as well.  Then we took a walk down to see some of the April Reign events, which were over by the time we got there so we just stopped and looked at nice, small man made waterfalls by a bridge.  They were pretty cool.  I worked on a little homework during the day, making up journal entries for my honors class, which as you all know, is horrible.  Anyways, time flew like it always does, and all the sudden it was six o'clock, and time to eat dinner, which as I said before consisted of a pretzel (way to go Union).  Then Kristin, Dave, and I headed over to the gym at around 7 o'clock.  There was no line to get in, and we just walked around the floor a while before the show started.  We talked with Josh, Andrew, Chrissy, Jill, and a few others before the show started.  Kristin's friends from High School were there, and needless to say a majority of them were drunk, but that was ok I suppose, they were in a good mood anyways.  The poor girls behind us looked kind of worried, but we told them just to enjoy the show and the kids were ok.  The opening act was just bad, but the second opening act wasn't too bad.  The lead was a girl that was playing the keyboard, and she could sing pretty good so they were bearable.  After they went off stage there was about a ten minute break before Maroon 5 hit the stage.  I would have to say that this was my first concert, or at least rock concert, and the band put on a great show.  They were high intensity and they busted it out man.  During their two main tracks, Harder to Breathe and This Love, some idiot was crowd surfing, and actually ended up hittin Kristin in the head, but he eventually got escorted out by security so that was good.  The show rocked though, and when they ended, the crowd cheered long and loud enough to demand a little encore, and the encore was possibly the best part of the show.  The lead singer and the drummer switched places (showing their talent in different areas) and after a soft slow start, the band busted out Highway To Hell.  It was money to say the least.  So many people were rockin it out on the floor and jumpin and what not.  It was the definition of sweetness.  Oh, random comment, David is here looking at my old calc quizzes which consist of some of the following grades (I have no shame people): 5/10, 2/10, 5/10, 2/10, 8/10, 10/10.  I must say that I'm a straight mathematician.  Anyways.  After the show it felt good to get outside and walk back to the dorm (It was hotter than hell and we just stood for 3 hours).  Kristin wanted to go visit her friend Zihad at the section where he was partying, so Dave and I went with her.  Needless to say I now know why I never go over there.  A bunch of trashed kids, skanky girls, and people that really have no self-respect it seems like.  Why ruin nights when life is short to begin with?  I don't get it I guess.  I guess it's sad really that kids can't find anything better to do, other than drink themselves stupid and kill off brain cells.  They might not think it's affecting them, but long run suckas it is.  Keep it up, when you can't carry a thought at the ripe old age of 27 I'll be takin your job stupid!  Oh well.  I can see pushin a couple drinks while you're at a party, but just sitting around being useless seems wrong.  We came back after like ten minutes and Kristin and I watched Usher tear it up on SNL and then we watched Gladiator until 1:30.  The movie is money thus far.  What a sweet night, one that I won't forget and one I'm glad I will remember tomorrow (today).  Peace until the next post, only 4 days left, I will miss so many great people here :(  


Thursday April 29, 2004
    Man, I swear to God that about 50% of the people on this campus have sticks up their butts or something!  Man, everyone is so stressed or something and therefore everyone is in a bad mood, or maybe just.....a weird mood.  I dunno.  Right now it's 4:25pm and I have basically nothing to do right now, or nothing I want to do, so I'm updating the good ol website.  I had to wake up this morning and go over to the gym to take my intermediate co-ed basketball final!  I'll tell you, it was one of the hardest tests that I've ever taken......oh wait, wrong class, the test was mind numbingly easy for the most part.  If you've ever played organized basketball (which was a requirement) you should've known what was up on that test.  So I came back and chilled out in the room for a bit before going over to grab some food with the C-Unit crew, so that was a good time.  I'm now basically over the bad mood that I was in still is kind of lingering, but it's only brought about by a few things that are confusing me right now......and I'm basically confusing myself writing this, so don't even attempt to figure out what I've got a problem with.  So, Dave and Evan went to go hit the links at about 3pm.  I would've gone, but I have to attend the last class of the worst class ever at 6pm.  I  refuse to say it's name anymore, nor the name of it's teacher.  I can just say that he's retarded, and doesn't know what he's doing.  TA-DA!  Welp, I'm gonna get back to updating this son of a bee a little bit, addin stuff here and there to spice the bad boy up.  Oh, check this.  After I send my friend the song with his vocals mixed in, he sends me a message that says: "That song is beautiful, I don't sound too gay and mixing nelly in was ingenious!"  HAHA, the kid cracks me up!  Alright, I'm out for now.

Wednesday April 28, 2004
    Well today was rather uneventful to say the least, but I might have had a few moments that'll provide some entertainment for you people out there that take your time to read about my life!  Sweet deal I say...anyways I woke up a little early this morning so I could work on the in-text citations of my Honors paper.  So I did a little bit of that before I brushed my teeth and went over the MACS for the C++ class.  So we're working on a Tic-Tac Toe program, and I have to read in a file that has the x's and o's and what not.  It keeps reading in friggin 120, and 32 or something stupid and I'm gettin ticked.  Dr. Tims comes over and shows me that I have the variable set to a number, instead of a character.  I'm retarded....and yes I sound like a big computer nerd right now, but anyone who knows me knows that I'm not really.  Anywho, I go back to the dorm, finish the Honors paper, and shoot over to the Union to grab some food.  So guess what they had today.....PIZZA.  Frick yes.  Ok, so I get pizza probably 3 days a week, but this is the difference.  It was covered with meat.  Bacon.....ham.....sausage.....oh my.  You might as well just gimme the heart attack now, but man that pizza was dang good.  Dang good.  I come back and mess around till I go to Honors class at 1:20.  This class is awful.  It's so bad I can't come up with any more metaphors for it.  I'd rather be forced to watch QVC when they're selling quilts.  I wouldn't care.  At least I'd learn that QVC sells overpriced goods made by little kids over in China.  Ok maybe I wouldn't learn that, but I guarantee that I would learn more than when I attend that honors class, which is a choice I make every Monday and Wednesday and I choice that I always question and regret after I make it.  So I had to sit through that torture for a hour and 40 minutes.  Then after that was over, Evan and Doug were going to play racquetball, and since I'm a racquetBALLA I went along as well.  I won the first game after a huge comeback.  Doug had 10, Evan had 6, I had 2.  We play to 11, and I came back and won, much to the dismay of Douglas who threw his racquet and shouted some obscenities in succession.  Play on playa.  Needless to say I didn't win anymore games, but I did get shut out once!  Embarrassing.  I came back and worked on mixing my friend's rap song, and then I ate some Goolash which is some good stuff, I will tell you.  I worked on some Mathematica later, which was fairly easy....get this though.  Shim, some chick (I guess) sat behind me when I working on that assignment.  Here is the deal. This chick (I guess) used to be a guy that got a sex change, and she (I guess) still looks like a guy, except that the guy she (I guess) looks like would wear a wig and wear a long jean skirt.  Embarrassing man.  What was she (I guess) thinking???  She (I guess) is gonna be screwed for the rest of her (I guess) life.  Weird wackos kid, weird wackos.  I then headed back to the dorm and chilled a bit before I sang some Usher while I took a shower.  I sound damn good in the shower.....but for some reason as soon as I step out of it I sound bad again.  Oh well.  Now I'm watchin the NBA game on TV and chillin with my boys Evan and Doug.  Only one whole week of school left.....kind of sad, I'm gonna miss so many people.  I'm going on a picture quest next week, taking pictures of everyone and anyone that I hang out with.  Plus, so many awesome kids are leaving BW.....I'll type later players.    

Monday April 26, 2004

    Hello....hello...hello.....hello.  I'm losing my mind man, I will be the first to let you know.  So, hears the deal yo, I had to wake up at roughly 5am this morning, and after going to bed at 2am that's not really good for business, but that's the way it goes.  So I wake up, extremely groggy, but from remembering my irritability last time I did this, I tried to remain calm when people did irritating things such as opening a box of cereal and rustling the bag inside the box.  I mean, when you're running on 3 hours, everything is magnified and also everything is irritating, but I can hold it under control.  So that worked out good, I didn't yell at my mother for asking me if I had everything about 12932189234 times too.  So off we go in my car, Dad is driving since I'd pass out at the wheel if I drove.  My neon lights looked really green and pretty since I was so out of it, so I basically looked at my feet for half the trip, and we got there about five minutes before the bus....errr van left.  I gave the dude my ticket, said good-bye to Dad and took my seat on the small, only three seat left van, right next to some old lady who looked like my grandmother with a hair transplant so her hair would be red. (At this point I realize that what I'm saying is making no sense, but that's what happens when ESS kicks in (Extreme Sleepy Syndrome for all you hatas))  So I figure, yes, I can sleep for the whole trip, add two hours to my mental meter.....wrong.  Dang it I was wrong.  Turns out there was a mother in her 30's behind us with a two year old daughter who knew the grandma look-a-like sitting next to me.  Next to me. Why couldn't she know the lady behind her?  No, obviously that would involve me being comfortable so that wouldn't be a logical scenario.  So needless to say, these TWO LADIES TALKED THE WHOLE DAMN TIME TO CLEVELAND!!! AHHHHH EACH OF THEM ONLY TALKED ABOUT THEMSELVES TOO!!! AHHH, NEEDLESS TO SAY, ME WITH 3 HOURS OF SLEEP AND SELFISH LADIES YAPPING ABOUT NOTHING WAS VERY IRRITATING.....BUT I HELD MY TEMPER THE WHOLE FRIGGIN TIME!!! YES I DID and here is a random picture of a can of grape pop, a green plastic duck, and a fat booty sumo......

    Anyways, after that much needed random picture break, I learned these ladies life stories needless to say.  I felt bad for the mother, her husband worked for the Navy and was on a submarine under water for up to 6 months straight.  She even said at one point she doesn't really like seeing him because it throws off her routine and that she spent more quality time with him over the phone.  Sad really.  I would never do that to my wife.  You leave the love of your life for 6 months at a time or more?!!? (she said 9 at one point).  This is me not getting it ---->?  Yes, the dreaded question mark face.  Anywho....I did start to fall asleep at one point, and I could feel my head starting to droop, but then the ladies daughter insisted on waking up and drop kickin me in the back of my head.  OK, she just bumped into me, but it was enough.  The girl proceeded to then wail like mad crazy.....thank her lucky stars that the airport was 3 miles away because I'm reaching my boiling point at this time.  Anyways, I got off that damned van as quick as I could when he pulled up to the curb.  So I head down to the baggage claim to get a taxi, which damn near might be the biggest ripoff in the history of history.  So I actually get a white guy American taxi driver, yes, American, and I was shocked.  Well, when I said I'm going to Bagley Road he was obviously irritated, but didn't really take it out on me.  He was just like "Geez" under his breath while he shook his head.  So I sat there in the back seat in silence, fearing for my life if I said anything.  It was the cleanest cab I've ever seen in my life though, I'll you that.  Well by the time we got to the dorm it was 9 bucks.  I gave the dude eleven to make sure he wouldn't drive off with my luggage.  I told him I was sorry I was only going to Bagley, he said, "That's the name of the game boss."  Ya damn right that's the name of the game.  You charge me 9 bucks to go 3 miles anyways....I mean honestly, unless your car gets the worst mileage per gallon in the world....your price is ludacris.  Let's say your car gets 15 miles to the gallon.  Let's say gas is an outlandish 2 bucks a gallon.  With my 10 bucks (we'll round here) you can buy 5 gallons of gas, and getting 15 miles per gallon, you're gonna be driving 75 miles you scamming retards.  So you're getting 72 free miles outta me.  And that's if we're on the eve of depression since gas would be so expensive and your fuel efficient car only got 15 mpg.  Anyways.....the rest of the day is a blur, I was really funny I think, I remember walking into Honors going "Brrrrr" and closing a window to everyone's satisfaction.  I took naps periodically throughout the day.  I worked on an Honors Paper and went to bed at night.  "Peace I'm out, be easy, I'll get at ya'll"

Thursday April 22, 2004
OK everybody, what's up once again, back to do just a little bit more rantin on raving on some things that drive me crazy here at B-W.  No doubt, I love the school for sure, I'm really glad I picked this place, I like it a lot.  Anyways, I wake up and go to basketball class which was much better today because Tommy Hilfiger girl wasn't on my team so I could deal a little better.  After that class I came back to the dorm and then decided to go grab some lunch.  Well, Maroon 5 tickets were on sale and the line was out the door to pick up tix......are you kidding me?  I had to struggle just to get to the food section of the Union.  I was just like, "I just want food, excuse me...."  People are crazy I'll tell you.  Haha, actually Bobbie Toth and Jillian were both waiting in the ridiculously long lines, and yes they did get tickets so that was good....but here's the thing....after I ate and came back to the dorm, I turned around and went back, only to walk right up to the ticket table, grab my tickets and leave.  No wait.  Beautiful, that's the way I like it.  So I come back and start looking up articles for my upcoming English paper on P2P file sharing.  Now, listen to this.  You'd think I'd be able to find one solid article against file sharing.....nope.  Yes, the story of my life.  I ended up spending 45 minutes looking for an article to no avail.  I found a few smaller ones which will do, but honestly.  So then I started working on a little Calculus which only left my frustrated and angry, so I could ask questions at class tonight about it.  Jill visited on her way to community service, and then a little later Kristin and I just sat around until dinner.  Pizza.....hmmmmm good.  Yes, I could've emptied roughly 3 liters of grease off of each slice, but hey, you only live once right?  Then I headed off to Calculus, aka the black hole that only sucks up brain cells.  Once again, none of my questions were answered, and God knows what the guy is doing up there.  Writing numerous formulas all over the board, skipping around from subject to subject, getting chalk all over the place, I mean really.  It's embarrassing.  Here is something that drives me nuts.  There is a section of the book that involves F'(x)=f(x).  Now, you know the people that wrote the book know that Berhane can't distinguish between the two, so they put them in there to torture me, and make my life miserable.  So in turn, I'm constantly debating whether the second f from the left is a F or a f....and he's writing f a lot so f me.  One day I just would hope there's a function WT and he would use f as the variable so he'd write up WT(f).  Annnnnnddd I'm retarded.  Anyways, I'm tired, but my quest for knowledge must press on (what a joke) and I have to study as well as start a paper or five.  But I'm taking a break around 10pm to shoot some hoops and clear the mind.  Have a great night everyone.

Wednesday April 21, 2004
Well, today I'm only going to talk about one thing, likely because I forgot of what I did today for the most part.  I will say that this evening I did finally watch a LOTR movie with Jill over at Bagley, and I must say I enjoyed it.  My expectations were rather high, and the expectations were met so that was good.  Oh yes, I also had a record 37 minute phone call home.  Earlier this week I set a record low of 13 minutes!  Huge!  Anyways, tonight was fun, but today's subject is on what I did last night, on Tuesday.  I watched Kill Bill Vol 1 with Kristin......and my rant begins.....check out My Movie Reviews page for the review of Kill Bill Vol 1.

Tuesday April 20, 2004
What up to all my homies out there huh?  Well...I'll tell ya, today has been a little bit more eventful than the last few days, but I'm sayin right now, the events are nothin big, mostly just things that irritate me or leave me confused.  So check it....I woke up today, which is always a good thing, and headed off to basketball class.  We did some typical drills then played up and down a little bit.....but see, here is the deal.  I always end up geting stuck doing drills with the kids who are terrible!  So in turn, these kids end up on my team, leaving me and possibly another kid to fend off the other team yes, 5 on 2 doesn't offer great odds my friend.  Plus we had this girl on our team.  I'm not being sexist here by any means, I'll be the first to say there are 4 girls in the class, and 3 of them are pretty good, so I'll let you take a guess which girl was on our team.  Yes...and yes it's  embarrassing.  She doesn't even dress like she's playin ball, today she was like looking at a walking Tommy Hilfiger catalog.  Honestly, take your good sense of style and your dedication to getting dressed in the morning somewhere else.  This is college, I'd like to inquire about what are you thinking.  Shoot, I can barely remember where I'm going and what time it is when I wake up in the morning, let alone coordinate my wardrobe to match the weather plus the rest of the clothes I'm wearing.  God forbid if I ever wore two articles of clothing made by the same company, it just aint gonna happen here.  So after taking in minimal hours of sleep last night, my performance was flawed, but who really cared as the other team would pass the ball to the kid being "guarded" by that girl and he/she would score at will and then laugh in our faces.  And when I say guarded, I'm talking like standing within a 4 foot vicinity of the person, maybe looking at them, maybe.  

    So I come back and work on some Digital Topics homework, which had me lost and confused.  Then  I go to class and want to kick myself in the butt because the answer is so flippin easy.  Ack.  We didn't get laptops in there, so I was forced to focus on Molmen, the ballerina wonder himself.  There were only 7 people in the class, and the one girl slept the whole time and the girl next to me had headphones on, so I figure that essentially only 5 people were IN the class.  Once again testing my theory of going to class at all......unbelievable.  So then I have to go to the computer lab to work on Mathematica.....this is when I ability to contain my anger gets first off, I walk in and the room is pretty hot, I looked at the temperature and it was around 1425462.6 degrees that was stupid first off, especially when coming in from your room, in which the A/C is blasting, while it's only 70 outside and you have no control over it, other than to tape a plastic bag over the vent.  Anyways, the assignment was gonna take a while, so I took over Confessions to listen to so I wouldn't go crazy.....well imagine that.  The headphone jack on the computer was going bad, and I got the sound coming out half-ass, coming out in one ear, breaking up, then I would get no sound at all.  All this occurred simultaneously as my face was melting off, b/c by now I could see moisture in the air from the heat.  So here's a quick tip, HEY, BW, FIX THE DAMN HEADPHONE JACK ON THE COMPUTER IN THE BACK ROW, FAR RIGHT, YOU JACKASSES.....anyways, I went over and grabbed some food to eat with Kristin and we ate it and chilled in my room and listened to some music.  Then I headed off to Calc, yes Calc, the worst class in the history of the world.  I would rather sit and watch paint dry while getting hit in the head by plastic building blocks.  At least I would be learning that the plastic blocks hitting me do hurt, because as of yet I don't believe I've learned anything in that class.  After pulling a 47 on the makeup test, I'm convinced.  I got outta there, came here, and wrote this, all for you people to read, so I hope you read, and I hope you enjoy some of it, maybe a piece will make you smile, which is why I write.  So, to everyone, have a great day tomorrow, and you suck, because your day will sure as hell be better than mine! Bye!

Here's a link to the fourth page of journal entries, the originals in other words

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