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IRC - Internet Relay Chat

I started using IRC on Boxing Day (December 26) 1997 when my best mate Atila gave me the program and I have been hooked since. I have had bad experiences and good experiences on IRC in my 2 1/2 years on there. I am use the Austnet IRC servers: (ports 6667, 6668) (ports 6667, 6668) (ports 6667, 6668) (ports 6667, 6668) (ports 6667, 6668) (ports 6667, 6668)

The nick I use on IRC is : ChOpPa

You can find me in such channels as:

#NBA (I own it), #WWFdownunder (I also own this), #chatzone, & #stillremains

I even met my fiancee on IRC, so wonderful things can happen on there. We met in November 1998 on #chatzone and it just grew from there. By the way, a lot of my friends have met their partners on IRC too, Theres Atila and his girlfriend Kirsten, Theres Kylie and Mick & The little cutie over in Perth Sheila and her boyfriend Mike.

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