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Girls Night Out + Daniel

This is the story of my night out with my friends- Magye, Chanel (Chenille), Anna, and Tiffany. It was so much fun and it we want to make a movie out of it. In one day we maneged to piss off a lot of people and make everyone elese happy! (true story!)




7:20 am~ Mom picks us up and takes us to school. I tried lying to mom and saying that "Kelly" was going to take us to sing Kareokie that night because Tiffany isn't allowed to take us anywhere. She didn't believe me. So when Magye went to go get Anna out of her house mom said "I can see Magye now telling Anna 'Shhh agree with everything Daniel says' and Anna's saying 'Kelly? Who's Kelly?'"

11:40 am~ Butt danced in third period to Counrty Music

3:10 pm~ Made fun of Chanel's band geek freinds and the football player's pants

3:12 pm~ Jumped in the car with Tiffany

3:15 pm~ Got slushies from the corner store and then Tiffany left us and went to drop Magye off at the softball feild so me and Chanel had to work the corner to get a ride

3:30 pm~ Me, Chanel, and Anna put our footprints on Tiffany's roof cause the lining came off and it got the fuzzy stuff

3:45 pm~ Told Chanel and Tiffany's brother about masterbation

5:10 pm~ Stole a free sesion at the tanning bed and the girls took my clothes

5:40 pm~ Went to go get Magye from softball practice. I put on a bycicle helmet, opened the sliding van door, and screamed down one of Sevier County's main tourist-attracted highways. And if you live in the south you know that it one of the biggest.

6:00 pm~ Picked up Magye an hour late and embarrassed her in front of her softball friends

6:30 pm~ Went to the Kareokie Kafe` and found out it was closed

7:30 pm~ Headed back and ate dinner at Mr Gatties. I ate all of the peperonies so Chanel put chocolet pudding on them and ate them any ways. Then my freind James who gave out the prizes was wearing two different shoes

9:10 pm~ Went across the road to the super Wal-Mart and juggled pantyhose. Then the big fat woman said no I couldn't cause I would break the eggs

9:30 pm~ Me and Magye put on all of these ugly clothse and beads and other various things - grabbed umbrellas and made up a littel dance (Chanel dirrected)

Magye Shiney gold long sleeved half shirt-pink bunny ears-tiara-magic wand-purple puffy umbrella

Daniel Under the sea life vest-purple and pink love beads-purple ear muffs-bridal veil-blue poke`mon umbrella with a peekachoo handle

10:00 pm~ Left Wal-Mart and headed off to the Nunery

10:15 pm~ We drove up the nunery driveway and when we reached the top nobody was there except for the black cat sitting on the porch just waiting to fly twards us and go down our throat's

10:16 pm~ The sign outside the driveway says "Have fear in God"

10:20 pm~ Anna doesn't understand why we should fear God

10:30 pm~ As we were discussing the subject of fearing God, Tiffany swerved one tire off the road and then jerked the stearing wheel to the other side making us skid out, break through a fence, and land my door into a cow crap feild

10:35 pm~ We go to the neighbors house and call Tiffany and Chanel's parents.

10:40 pm~ The parents and cops arrive

10:45 pm~ It's the same cop that was at my house when I ran away but thank God he didn't recognize me

10:50 pm~ Magye want's to be the Constible

11:00 pm~ As we're thinking we realize that we were cursed for going to the nunery and Anna was talking about God when we recked and it was one month to the date that I got grounded for going to Chanel's house and not coming back

Minight~ We all go back to Magye's house and decide to make a book out of day. It would be like Roots, only it would be Boots.

1:40 am~ I type this page!

2:00 am~ We go and try to sleep in the Spooky Room

2:15 am~ Anna's snores sound like a howling wolf and me and Magye can't sleep cause it's the Spooky Room

Well that was about it basicly. The book thing didn't work out so I just ended up making this page.