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Well, you decided to enter HUH

Well..........i'm working on this, so please be pateint with me........cause man am i having enough trouble as it is trying to work all this out.

Please be patient while my pages load, have your speakers turned on, cause there is some really nice music to listen to.

Hopefully by the time I'm finished it will be one of the better Homepages that you have visited.

Little bit about me, no doubt you can see that my nickname is Azorba, if you cant, then well let me know and I'll send you some reading glasses. My name is Dimitrios Reynish (but please call me Jimi), I'm 25 and getting older as the days go by, well like most of us really.

I live in Wellington New Zealand...yeap, to my Aussie mates (Kangaroo Hopers, or Dingo Breeders) Land of the scared sheep, but i dont, and never will go down that road.

I'm a Profeesional other words I'm a truck driver, (yeap.....the big things on the road that come right up ya rear end when your going to slow, well so they tell me anyway) but hey I get paid to see the country. But by trade I'm a qualified Computer work out why I drive trucks. Well why be stuck in a office all day long doing the same thing over and over and over again. TRUE?

I'm also on ICQ so if you like drop me a line on 24048835, and if you have Gooey, well look me up there to. You'll always find me in Hypernix.

So sit back, get out the Bourbon...and it better be Jimmy Beam, otherwise please leave my room now....LMAO....and enjoy your visit.

Some Cool Homepages to Look at:

Click on the image to enter their homepage

My Cuz, The RapidSlappers Homepage........Check it out!
A Very Special Friend.....Poppie, she is one of a kind
Deevaa The Deviant....She is really cool???
Angel, by name, but not by nature........she is a dag

The GOOEY users Homepage.....See what we all look like

Make sure you go into this link..............OKAY.........or there will be trouble

Dont Forget to Sign My Guestbook

Well here is the rest of the stuff you can look at (still under construction)

Some Jokes and Funny Pics
Some Other Pics
My Company Vehicle
Something Different
My Real Home Country
My Best Aussie Mate
CJ, The Love Of My Life
Meet The Family
The People Who Have Helped Me........ALOT

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